
Monday, February 17, 2025

Civil War


 A movie review. Civil War is a 2024 American film by Alex Garland. I have wanted to watch it for quite some time, and we finally did last weekend. The story goes like this: the main character is a middle aged woman called Lee who is a photographer for the New York Times (I think). She and her two male colleagues Joel and Sammy who are both journalists decide to travel from New York to Washington D.C. through war-torn country to interview the president. A young girl called Jessie worms her way into the group because Joel likely fancies her. Jessie is very ambitious and sees Lee as her role model while Lee initially is pretty much irritated by the fact that she joins them.

The movie is called Civil War but there is little explanation about what's happening. The characters don't talk much between themselves and the half of their dialogues consists of f-words, literally. Still, we learn that the president decided to stay for the third term which evidently caused a rebellion, that he used airstrikes against American citizens and that his dwindling army is currently engaged in a 2 front fighting against the joint Texas-California forces and Florida alliance. 

Though the president is presumably a bastard, the rebels aren't shown in a very positive light, either. In fact, Sammy who is older and wiser, predicts that once they take D.C. they'll turn upon each other. He and his colleagues have to travel a long distance to the front lines and the biggest part of their journey presumably goes through the territories controlled by the rebels and yet everywhere they go they encounter totally anarchy, chaos, wanton destruction and bloodshed, with a couple of exceptions.

After we finished watching it, we wondered what was the meaning of this movie and even went to read the Wiki article. I guess, it's the type of movie where different people will have different ideas what it was all about. The way I see it, the main theme is that the types who work for the press are all cynical and jaded, largely devoid of morals and resemble vultures in the way they operate as they are only interested in sensationalism and will literally step on corpses to achieve their goals.

The film shows the transformation of Jessie into exactly such a person. In the beginning she is just stupid and manipulative, but by the last frames the transformation is complete. Of course, that's just my opinion and some (wanna-be) career gal may very well feel inspired by her character which I frankly found quite irritating, especially when you consider that she was directly and indirectly responsible for several deaths. 

The movie is an action thriller, quite fast-paced and short enough so that you won't get bored. It has graphic violence and profanity, but no s8xual content of any kind. Strangely enough, there are virtually no female warriors until the very last minutes when the group of rebel soldiers who storm the White House features a black female sergeant (so I guess a double quota was filled). For a modern film, it is quite decent. 

I would recommend it if you are into dystopian genre and don't mind gratuitous violence. My husband thought that the film had strong Mad Max vibes. 

Is it America's near future? I'd like to think, no, it isn't, but we do live in uncertain times. It may be the future of us all, who knows?


Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 Well, what do you think?

OFFTOPIC: I'd like to remind everyone that any comment on an older post automatically goes into moderation. I just looked into it and published a couple of comments on December posts today. Also, Google sometimes spams comments. It did spam mine 2 times recently:)

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

So You Want To Be A Housewife

 What now? 

Here is some free advice which too many young girls don't get from their parents any more.

Don't marry a loser. Who is a loser? Simple, a guy who can't or won't hold down a job. The most important quality of your future husband is his ability to provide an income. Now it doesn't mean you should be a gold-digger. Be realistic in your demands. Upper class men can chase girls below them in status to have a bit of fun but few will marry them. As we say in our country like attracts like.

So you future husband doesn't have to be wealthy but he should have a steady income enough to support a family. That means no starving artists/rock-stars, no eternal students, no chronically unemployed guys and no mama's boys who get a burnout from working full time. Full time is 39/40 hours by the way, not 32 and not 36. 

In general, look closely at his mother and their family dynamics in general. A man should respect his parents but be independent and self-sufficient. If he is lazy and work shy and constantly has pain in his back don't think you'll be able to change him. He'll continue to suffer from back pain sitting at home playing video games/watching Netflix while you will be out there in the cold trying to earn a living.

Let it be his parents' problem, after all, they raised him this way.

If you want to have a middle class marriage, look for a breadwinner;)


Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Problem With Modern Women


Not a fan of Varg but this is good 

Found on Twitter. Yes, I eventually went back since that's an important news portal but trying to restrict my time there;)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Doctrine Which Caused The Most Damage

 Yes, I'm going there:)

In my opinion, it's undoubtedly OSAS as in "once saved always saved" with caveat. Obviously Reformed churches have traditionally taught "perseverance of the saints" which basically means that if you show the fruits of salvation in your life and persevere in following the Bible's teachings you'll go to Heaven, while many Baptists teach Lordship Salvation and claim that God will rather cause your death (hence "mortal" sin) than allow you to do something really bad and lose your salvation.

So it's not a new doctrine. What is new is undoubtedly the "carnal Christian" stuff or like someone described it, the idea that while Jesus Christ is your Saviour, Satan can still be your lord and master and you don't need to change your life at all (because it would be doing "works"). I even read some people claiming that you can drop your faith altogether and basically become an atheist and reject God totally or start practicing Wicca or whatever and still keep your salvation.

We can thank this teaching for so many people today claiming the name of Christ and never repenting/continuing to live sinful lifestyles. Another variant of this very pernicious doctrine which was popular in my country around mid 20th century is the belief that once your child is baptised he's automatically "elected" and will go to Heaven no matter what and that Hell basically doesn't exist.

One thing to consider is that Martin Luther had never taught such nonsense:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod believes and teaches that it is possible for a true believer to fall from faith, as Scripture itself soberly and repeatedly warns us (1 Cor. 10:12; 1 Peter 5:8; 2 Peter 3:17; Heb. 2:1-3, 3:12-19, 6:4-8, etc.).

Such warnings are intended for Christians who appear to be lacking a right understanding of the seriousness of their sin and of God's judgment against sin, and who, therefore, are in danger of developing a false and proud "security" based not on God's grace, but on their own works, self-righteousness, or freedom to "do as they please."...

 A person may be restored to faith in the same way he or she came to faith in the first place — by repenting of his or her sin and unbelief and trusting completely in the life, death and resurrection of Christ alone for forgiveness and salvation.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Is Donald Trump Pro-Life?

 I know people were complaining about him in this regard, and yet one of the first things he did was this:

President Trump delivered a massive win on Thursday when he announced pardons for 23 pro-life activists who were prosecuted by the Biden Administration. Trump’s executive action was a major win for the pro-life movement and relief for those incarcerated.

That's some good news for sure!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

A Serious Question To My Readers

 Does ADHD exist? Especially adult ADHD? That is, the behaviours those diagnosed exhibit, surely exist, but is the real reason behind it a disease called ADHD or something else? Like anxiety, PTSD, lack of sleep, poor parenting, childhood trauma and other things? 

Do you think it should be treated with drugs or differently? Also, how to know if an irritating person you have to deal with has ADHD or is just an a88hole? And how do you deal with them in both cases?

Feel free to write your honest opinion on the matter:)

Monday, January 20, 2025

Congratulations, President Trump!

 He stopped a war and restored Tiktok before even taking office. Impressive. Let's hope it only gets better from here:)

P.S. President Donald Trump sounds kinda nice, doesn't it?

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Role Of Women In Society

 An American man agrees with Taliban. Well, basically:)))

And then there’s the issue of authority. Females should not be in positions of authority over males. It’s just not natural. I mean, men are supposed to be the leaders, the protectors, and the providers. Females are supposed to take care of the home and raise children. That’s their role in life.

I remember when I was growin’ up, my mom was always at home cookin’ and cleanin’, takin’ care of me and my dad. She didn’t need some fancy job or career to make her happy. She was happy takin’ care of her family, and that’s what females should be doin’. Not runnin’ around tryin’ to be cops or firefighters or whatever other nonsense they think they can do.

 From the comments discussing women in the police force

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Frivolous Divorce Doesn't Always Pay

A feel good story with a happy ending:

A scammer duped a French woman into paying out hundreds of thousands of pounds after convincing her they were Brad Pitt with reels of AI-generated images.

The 53-year-old victim shelled out 830,000 euros (£697,000) to help with what she believed was cancer treatment for the film star.

 You see, she never ever doubted his story because at her age she knew she only deserved the best.  

The interior designer told French channel TF1 that the ordeal started when she received a message on social media from someone claiming to be the actor's mother after sharing photos of her lavish ski trip to Tignes on Instagram.

Attention Wh8ring on social media is a favourite occupation of many modern Western women. 

The victim, who said she was going through a difficult period with her millionaire husband...

 Who probably paid for her trip, and later, for her divorce

Soon the blossoming relationship took a turn as the fake Brad Pitt proposed to her and overwhelmed her with the promise of fancy gifts...

When the victim told her 'friend' that she was expecting a hefty divorce settlement from her husband, the scammer upped the stakes.

The Brad Pitt account appealed for help in funding urgent kidney cancer treatment, lamenting that they could not access funds due to their ongoing divorce from Angelina Jolie.

It's always nice when a golddigger, a cheater and an attention wh8re get their comeuppance

  In sum, she parted with nearly one million euros over the course of the relationship until her suspicions were roused by seeing the actor with his new girlfriend, Ines de Ramon, in the press.

A fool and his money are easily parted, they say...

 BFMTV reports that the victim is currently hospitalised in a clinic, with severe depression.

Yeah, she is certainly the victim here. Not a word of sympathy for her ex-husband.

Followers of the story shared some sympathy for the victim.

Sarah Bee wrote on X: 'Romance scams are the cruellest.'

You know what is really cruel? Marrying a man for his money then dumping him because you think you found a wealthier man with a higher status. No wonder men aren't in a hurry to marry any more. 




Sunday, January 12, 2025

Taliban And Female Employment

 Taliban keeps coming up in the news because of their weird rules about female behaviour, or, at least, they are quite weird to us here in the West. They have done quite a lot to restrict the work of women outside home.

For instance about 2 weeks ago, they threatened to close Western NGOs which employ women:

The government was once again ordering the stoppage of all female work in institutions not controlled by the Taliban, according to the letter.

“In case of lack of cooperation, all activities of that institution will be canceled and the activity license of that institution, granted by the ministry, will also be canceled.”

There is never an explanation given in any of these news sources as to why the Taliban would do it, outside of them being cavemen and barbarians generally mean people who dislike women. 

Yet, while browsing the alternative media, I recently came across this article about Afghanistan, which states, among other things, that

The economy, which previously subsisted on foreign aid and opium poppy cultivation, has contracted significantly since the Taliban takeover in 2021, with widespread unemployment, underemployment, household debt and poverty affecting around 48 percent of the population.

In other words, there are not enough jobs around for men who have to support their households. Some families have no income at all and are reduced to poverty and begging while others probably have 2 incomes (I mean which type of women are employed by the Western NGOs, could it be those who speak good English and come from affluent background?)

It's virtually the same situation which Europe faced during the Great Depression of the 1930s, and the solutions offered were pretty much the same, the restriction of female employment. In Europe men weren't expected to support their unmarried female relatives (often with the exception of widows/mothers) so single women still could work outside home.

If you look at it from this angle, then suddenly these restrictions appear quite sensible, minus potato sacks, of course, but then are we really in the position to judge? 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Why Men Don't Want To Marry

 and why women should.

It's very simple. Marriage gives women rights as in claims on men's property. Many women nowadays abuse these rights by divorcing on a whim which naturally makes men suspicious of any woman so they try to persuade them into some temporary arrangement. Modern women, on the other hand, are often frankly, quite stupid and also promiscuous so they think they score a point against "patriarchy" by just shacking up with random guys.

In the USA, a man is still obliged to pay child support for children born outside of wedlock, but it's different in many European countries. Men have to either be legally married/have a concubinage contract or to agree to fatherhood by signing papers. Which many don't. If the house is in his name, he'll kick you out of his house. If the car is in his name, he'll take it away. He'll block the bank account, too. You'll be living on welfare in a bad neighbourhood and dating losers because most normal men don't want to wife up single welfare moms. I've seen it happen. 

And yet, women keep falling for it, time and again. Get some self-respect and say, no. Oh and by the way, the concubinage contract (because that's what legal partnership amounts to) still gives you less rights than being a lawfully wedded wife. Don't fall for these tricks. It's either marriage or nothing.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Good Wives Scarcity

 It's not a new problem;)

Bicorn and Chichevache are fabulous beasts that appear in European satirical works of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Bicorn is a creature—part panther, part cow, with a human-like face[1]—that devours kind-hearted and devoted husbands and (because of their abundance) is plump and well fed. Chichevache, on the other hand, devours obedient wives and (because of their scarcity) is thin and starving. 

From Wikipedia

Saturday, January 4, 2025

My Thoughts On Immigration

 I'll keep it short. 

First, there are various reasons for immigration problems we currently experience in our society, but, imo, there is one underlying philosophical reason behind it all. There is a verse in the Scriptures, you can try and find it (hint: it's in OT) which basically says that the land will spit its inhabitants out when they are practicing certain things. 

Second, a secular feminised society which highest values are consumerism and endless entertainment won't be able to hold its own against a more masculine culture. 

And finally,  modern so-called "conservatives" aren't on the side of anti-immigration, either, despite the things they tell you on social media. Modern conservatism is all about corporations, big businesses, banks and their profits. They need mass immigration which provides cheap labour and drives housing prices up. 

That is not to say that the modern Left are your friends on this issue. Is there a third way? That is something which you'll have to figure out for yourself...

Friday, January 3, 2025

I'm Off Twitter

 Just deactivated my Twitter account. Too much drama, propaganda, clickbait tweets and general unpleasantness. Oh yes, and censorship. Gab is better, imo.