
Thursday, September 12, 2024

How important Is Marital S8x

I've been doing some research online on an unrelated topic and came across an Islamic Q&A site which explained the obligations of spouses. The husband, it said, owes his wife financial support as long as she makes herself  available to him.

Now imagine a Evangelical preacher saying something similar? 

And yet, pre-Vatican II Catholic priests used to teach married women that denying your husband s8x was a mortal sin. Conservative Orthodox churches still teach essentially the same. Denying your spouse their "marital rights" used to be grounds for divorce. 

By traditional definition, marriage only becomes valid after being consummated (i.e. having s8x). Marriage ceases to exist when one spouse persistently denies the other without valid medical reason. Modern Evangelicals will always stress how it's always the husband's fault if he commits the sins of lust, even when his wife kicked him out of marital bed 5 years ago. 

Let's be honest over here, does it sound reasonable to you? According to the Bible, one of the reasons for marriage is to avoid fornication by having legitimate relations with your spouse. If that spouse refuses to cooperate in this area, he or she is definitely responsible to some degree for the other spouse straying. 

Of course, there are seasons in marriage. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, illness, death etc. But outside of this, what is your excuse? Personally I blame Victorians. They concocted this ridiculous idea that women were all sugar and spice and everything nice and angels in the house raised above the beastly passions of their husbands. They had to "tolerate it all for the joys of motherhood", "lie back and think of England" and other ridiculous nonsense. Somehow modern churches decided that Victorianism is the way to go, apparently. 

Here is the thing: women are very much s8xual beings, just like men. Marriage is very much about s8x. Plus it's good for women's health, too. Please keep in mind that for a Christian, the only way to have legitimate s8x without sinning, is with one's spouse. If you aren't married, get married. And if you are, then what else do you need? Have fun together, you both deserve it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Laziness Is Not A Mental Health Problem

 One YouTube lady made a video about overcoming laziness as a housewife and mother. She got a lot of negative comments where people (women actually) accused her of being harsh and unloving because she suggested that they should stop being so lazy and actually get up and do some housework. In fact, she didn't try to upset anyone, but just wanted to provide motivation for cleaning the house. 

All these lazy females were telling her how they have "a mental health condition" preventing them from doing anything. Of course, some people are legit handicapped or simply too old, but usually they will be able to get some sort of help from social workers so I do suspect that those enraged commenters  just didn't want to bother.

I can sympathise a bit, because honestly, housework can be repetitive and boring. I have actually come to the conclusion that I like cooking, shopping and doing laundry, but there are some things I absolutely detest, like folding the said laundry afterwards. But you know what I like? I do like a clean house, and that motivates me to get up and clean when I'd rather chill on the couch with a smartphone.

And if I can do it, you can, too. I actually heard an interesting thing in another YouTube video. A body which is in motion, stays in motion. A body which is not in motion, will just continue doing nothing so to say:) So just get up and get going, and the house will be clean before you know it. And if you have children older than a certain age, they absolutely should help, btw.

Having a clean house is a class issue, too. Ever watched Keeping Up Appearances? Yes, it satire, but there is a grain of truth in it. If one's house looks like a pigsty all the time, those people may think they are some sort of aristocracy "too good to clean", but in the reality they belong to an underclass.

If your house is a mess, so is your life. Have some pride. Be a real woman, clean your house:)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Biological Fathers Are Important

 Here is some statistics for you:

 Perhaps one of the most relevant and more surprising findings was this: 68% of the maltreated children were maltreated by a female, whereas 48% were maltreated by a male. (Some children were maltreated by both.) Of children maltreated by biological parents, mothers maltreated the majority (75%) whereas fathers maltreated a sizable minority (43%). In contrast, male perpetrators were more common for children maltreated by nonbiological parents or parents’ partners (64%) or by other persons (75%).

This statistic is the single most illustratory piece of data proving that removing children’s biological fathers from the home is the single biggest factor in risk of abuse. This supports my assertion that fathers, the family patriarchs, have the most interest and the biggest protective effect on the lives of children. They are less likely to abuse than biological mothers and, once removed, make single mother homes an easy target for predators who are not related to the child. 

 The second point people need to understand is that mothers are the most likely to abuse or neglect children, not fathers. In 2021, about 210,746 children in the United States were abused by their mother, whereas 132,363 children were abused by their father in that year. (Source: US Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Children & Families This is consistent with findings across all NIS data...

...Only 0.7 per 1,000 children living with two married biological parents were sexually abused, compared to 12.1 per 1,000 children living with a single parent who had an unmarried partner...  

Read the whole article over here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Will Social Media Kill Feminism?

Here is an interesting post by VD where he links to a long article on that topic:

 More importantly, women aren’t bored any more. The rise of social media is itself going to be the end of feminism whether women choose to admit it or not. Whether feminists choose to admit it or not. One of the main drivers of women entering the work force was, let’s be honest, suburban boredom. It was one thing when women had to work in the home as much as men had to work out of the home to stay alive. It was one thing when women were able to form communities and entertain themselves with petty local drama while the men were away doing survival things… With the rise of social media, both men and women are finding new outlets for their personal needs.

Finally I don't have to feel bad about my unhealthy relationship with my smartphone any more, I'm actually restoring traditional society, lol!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Fatherhood Is Biological

 Recently I encountered a book which dealt with paternity fraud. Some 10 years ago the only people interested in this stuff were obscure male rights groups, and now they are writing bestsellers about it. Amazing, isn't it?

Of course, it was a thoroughly modern book, full of "strong career women" and the men who cook them dinner, but it still had some sort of a moral in it. And having thought it over, I came to the conclusion that what the author tried to say was: "Don't do paternity fraud. Don't even try it, because it can lead to all sorts of trouble, and even crime." As it basically happened with the book characters.

And yet, it has one of "good" female characters uttering this phrase: "fatherhood is not biological anyway."

Except, of course, it is, just like motherhood. Now before I proceed any further, I'd like to add a disclaimer that I'm not speaking about adoption. In fact, adoption is a different topic altogether. There is no deception involved, as both husband and wife agree to adopt. We still talk about "adoption parents" as opposed to just "parents" though and it's often the wife who is more keen on adopting than her husband.

The reason for this is very simple. Many men aren't so eager to invest into children who aren't theirs. In most cultures a man will want to sire sons who will then carry on his bloodline. Male heirs have always been important, and still are, except in the USA, where I read, statistics say that more people prefer daughters (not that I'm surprised really). 

Saying that fatherhood isn't biological is directly attacking fatherhood. It's also very convenient for single moms and women who divorce on a whim and exchange their children's biological fathers for a string of boyfriends (who are statistically more likely to abuse them, but who cares?) 

The male equivalent would be something like the husband getting rid of his wife's baby and substituting it with the one he had with his mistresses, then telling his wife a baby is a baby and motherhood isn't biological anyway. I guess we all realise how ridiculous it sounds. 

Luckily these times of Mother's Right are drawing to an end and we as a society have understood that fathers have rights, too. The book ends quite progressively with main character getting an equal custody with his ex-wife, something many fathers can still only dream of.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Should Grandparents Babysit?

 "Boomers" are often criticised for (among other things) refusing to babysit their grandchildren. Now, obviously, it's a good thing for grandparents to be involved with their grand-kids, to be available, to offer help and advise as needed, and to babysit occasionally, when the parents have a date night together, for instance.

However, I have a feeling that's not what Boomer haters really mean (and btw, many of these so-called boomers are more like early GenXers at that moment). What they do mean is that they want their parents to raise their kids for them while they are out working full time for luxury stuff and having fun at night. 

Here is a (generic) example of 2 generations from real life. Parents: mother stays home when the kids are born and may later work very part-time when the kids are teenagers. They live in a cheap average size house in a lower middle class neighbourhood and have 1 budget vacation a year. Children: both work full time while daycare and parents raise their kid (usually one as two is too much hassle), live in a big expensive house in a posh area (which their elderly parents help clean, as they have no time for all that nonsense) and have "many luxury vacations". 

Oh, and they expect their parents to help with the yard work, too. 

Is it a wonder that many parents rather don't like it? You know what? Your parents don't have an obligation to raise your kids. They already raised you. In fact, if less parents babysat for their entitled children, more mothers would stay where they should be, in their own homes raising their own kids. You don't have to live in a villa. You don't need 2 brand new cars. You aren't entitled to staying in all inclusive 5 star hotels 3 times a year. It's a want, not a need.

When you think of it, there must be a reason that people are at their most fertile in their 20s and not their 60s. It takes a lot of energy to take care of small children, and young people are much more energetic and resilient than someone who (nearly) reached the retirement age. 

I think we should all stop hating on Grandma...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Do We Need More Men In Female Boxing?

 Conservatives were very upset when this Algerian ''person" easily won the Olympic competition for women. By the way, from what I read we are probably talking about a real hermaphrodite here, the one born looking like a woman but possessing an Y chromosome and thus having a higher testosterone level. Now imagine if women had to fight against a genuine man...

Recently I read a discussion online where women were claiming that a female can be just as good a soldier as a male and men basically told them yeah, we watched these Olympic fights, you won't fool us any longer. 

 In fact, this whole "girlboss" trope would die the well-deserved death long ago, if not for the neo-Victorian pseudo chivalry promoted by both feminists and conservatives. Like in "a woman is as strong and capable as a man but don't you dare hit a girl, you dastard". One really has to wonder what is so conservative about female boxing;)


Saturday, August 24, 2024

What Is A Chaste Woman?

 According to a classical definition, it's really very simple. A chaste woman is one who doesn't have s8x outside of marriage. If she does, the solution is to get married which then makes her chaste again, hence the expression "he made an honest woman out of her" that is he married her. If she then commits adultery and her husband divorces her, she is in unchaste category again unless some man decides to marry her.

In the times past the main reason for marriage was not procreation as some suggest. Many people had either no kids or their kids died or they were too old anyway but even older widows/widowers remarried because it was the only way to have legitimate s8x. Having children was just the natural consequence of s8x, unless you were royalty and really had to have a heir, in which case you were allowed to divorce for this reason alone. 

It didn't work exactly the same way for men though promiscuous men were branded "wh8re-mongers" and one could be killed for seducing a married woman, because it used to be an honour culture and while women's honour is chastity, men's honour is courage. Thus the requirements were different.

Nowadays we have a dishonour culture so all this doesn't matter anyway.