
Monday, October 21, 2024

Female Education And Society

 It destroys more than just the TFR:

Every society faces a fundamental choice. Either deny men what they observably and actually prefer or deny women what they think they prefer in theory. Across the West, the last 60 years have been an experiment in the latter. Women have been given the red carpet treatment in the corporations, in the universities, and even in the men’s locker rooms. Divorces and custodies have been granted on demand. Pregnancies have been prevented. Babies have been aborted. Obesity and ugliness have been celebrated. The churches have been de-doctrinated and literally neutered. Refugees have been welcomed. The insane have been liberated from their asylums.

And yet, not only are women unhappier than they were before being granted their collective societal bucket list, men are increasingly opting out of every form of participation in society.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Which European Country Will Go Extinct First?

 For some time we thought it was Spain, but there is another contender:

Poland’s ongoing demographic collapse continues, with the once conservative Catholic country featuring high birth rates, now a land increasingly of childless women and men

Only Spain is a match for Poland, according to data from Birth Gauge, a website that tracks demographic trends around the world. In fact, things have never been this bad in Poland.

The data was shared by Andrzej Kubisiak, deputy director of the Polish Economic Institute, in an X post.

“The total birth rate for Poland in 2024 may be the lowest in the whole of Europe (ex aequo with Spain) and amount to 1.12 This is the worst result in our modern history,” wrote Kubisiak.

France seems to be doing better than most. We all know why;)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Ideal Woman Doesn't Exist

 and neither does the ideal man. A good post by VD:

 One of the negative aspects of the digital world is the way in which it permits both men and women to dwell in an imaginary environment in which the opposite sex partners they rate are absolutely unattainable in real life. Just as Tinder and other social media permits women to attract attention from men who will never, ever, consider them as potential girlfriend or wife material, games and movies permit men to indulge themselves in fantasy relationships with the kind of women who would not even notice them in real life.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Is There Nothing Sacred In Britain Anymore???

 Or at least in Wales:

The Welsh ruler, who is best known for attempting to find the Holy Grail, has featured in the council's 88BTQ+ timeline as a result of his attire...

The earliest references to King Arthur date back to a time where he was depicted as a successful "dux bellorum" - or warlord.

Mentioned throughout the Welsh mythological book The Mabinogion, King Arthur's sexuality has never knowingly been mentioned in scripture.

It's since been claimed the ruler was included in the timeline because he "wore women's clothing".

 What does it make all the women wearing pants then??? Also, how do they know this King Arthur even existed let alone what he wore?

Friday, October 11, 2024

Loose Lips Sink Ships

 You may have heard about this WWII propaganda: 

 Nowadays sailors have more reasons than ever to be wary of women:

 Trolls have targeted the female New Zealand Navy captain after a $100million ship sank under her command, forcing the country's Defence Minister to blast the 'armchair admirals' and stress her gender was not to blame.

Yeah, but how do we know? Would they tell us the truth do you think?

 It is the first occasion in peacetime that the New Zealand Navy has lost a ship and a Court of Inquiry has been launched to establish what went wrong.

Many online trolls have taken aim at Commander Yvonne Gray who has been in charge of the vessel since 2022 - her first ship command.

Commander Gray, originally from Yorkshire in the UK, moved to New Zealand in 2012 with her wife Sharon after falling in love with the country during a campervan holiday.

The critics accused Commander Gray of being appointed to the role due to her gender and/or sexuality rather than her qualifications.

Situation clear enough methinks

It happened in New Zealand but should be posted under Britain, yes imo.

BTW, weren't we all taught that if something goes wrong on board the ship it's always the Captain's fault/responsibility???

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Father Of The Year?

 A bizarre story out of New Zealand:

A fugitive father and his three children have been spotted together for the first time in nearly three years, along the west coast of New Zealand’s North Island.

Just before Christmas 2021, Tom Phillips fled into the Waikato wilderness with his children Ember, now 8, Maverick, now 9, and Jayda, now 11, following a dispute with their mother.

Phillips has not been seen since last November after he allegedly stole a quad bike from a rural property and broke into a shop in Piopio. CCTV footage showed two figures on a street, believed to be him and one of the children.

You can read the rest over here:

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Female Education Or Fertility?

 Apparently, you can't have both:

 "We know rapid economic development in low-income countries has a huge impact on fertility rates," Per Espen Stoknes, director of the Centre for Sustainability at Norwegian Business School and the project lead of Earth4All, said in a statement. "Fertility rates fall as girls get access to education and women are economically empowered (i.e have a career) and have access to better healthcare (abortion and contraception)."

 Norwegian TFR is currently 1.4, btw. Westerners clearly deserve everything that comes our way...

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Who Is Really Behind "Family Planning" ?

 Here is a noteworthy article from NY Times (of course;) which decries recent Chinese attempts to improve their abysmal birth rates:

...Faced with a declining population that threatens economic growth, the Chinese government is responding with a time-tested tactic: inserting itself into this most intimate of choices for women, whether or not to have a child...

At the very least, the in-your-face approach makes it harder for women to tune out calls by China’s leader, Xi Jinping, to get married and have babies. To some, it is outright invasive; on social media, women have complained about being approached by neighborhood officials, including some who they said called to ask the date of their last menstrual cycle.

Mr. Xi, who has overseen a crackdown on feminist activism, has said that promoting childbirth as a national priority is one step toward ensuring that women “always walk with the party.” (The country’s total fertility rate, a measure of the number of children a woman is expected to have over her lifetime, is among the world’s lowest. The rate is estimated at around 1.0, compared to 1.62 in the United States last year.) 

 South Korea has an even lower TFR with few attempts to improve it, btw.

The fertility campaign is also a reminder that the Chinese Communist Party has a long history of imposing its will on people’s reproductive decisions. For decades starting in the 1970s, it enforced a one-child policy, sometimes brutally. Officials fined couples who had unauthorized pregnancies and even forced some women to undergo abortions.

Here is something interesting. Some day somewhere on an American discussion forum I read that this policy had a Western origin. I did a short Google search and that it what I found:

In our latest Freakonomics Radio podcast... we describe an academic paper by a Dutch mathematics professor that might have been one of the inspirations of the controversial One Child Policy in China...

He meets Song Jian, a visitor from China with a Ph.D. in engineering from Moscow University. According to Olsder, they went out for beers and talked about population planning. Olsder thought nothing of it.

Song was a ballistics missiles specialist, but by the end of the 1980s he had established a theory of population control in Chinese political and science circles. Susan Greenhalgh, an expert on the One Child Policy who served 10 years at the Population Council, notes in her book that Song formed his theory largely based on ideas from the Club of Rome publication The Limits of Growth — a 1972 Malthusian work that hinted at catastrophe if resources and population were not balanced.

 A conspiracy theory? May be. However, I bet that China was not the only one country influenced. What is this "Club Of Rome" you will ask? Per Wikipedia, 

The Club of Rome is a nonprofit, informal organization of intellectuals and business leaders whose goal is a critical discussion of pressing global issues. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy. It consists[clarification needed] of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe.

The Limits To Growth was their 1st report, btw. But back to the article. In case you didn't know, the Chinese are now officially allowed to have 3 children:

As China’s economy developed, the party stepped back somewhat, though it never relinquished authority altogether, ruling in 2021 that couples could have three children.

But they don't want to. 

“We’re not like people born in the 1970s or ’80s. Everyone knows that people born after the ’90s generally don’t want kids,” Ms. Yang said. 

Because, you see, women have other concerns now:

For many women, the government’s nagging seemed out of step with their concerns... It failed to address the high cost of raising children and how they would juggle motherhood alongside their careers and other ambitions. (emphasis mine).

Just like in the West, Chinese women find reproducing too much trouble:

Zhang Rongxing, 38, who was walking with her preschool-age son near the artwork on a recent morning, said that local officials had asked both over the phone and in person if she was planning on having another child.

She was not. The two she already had were enough. “It’s too much work,” she said. “Mentally, financially, in terms of time.”

The Chinese government is trying to restrict abortions, too, which genuinely worries the NY Times journalist, by some reason:

Some scholars, activists and ordinary women have worried that the government could move more forcefully to limit women’s choices. The central government has pledged in several recent health plans to reduce “medically unnecessary abortions”...

It's funny that Western MSM are decrying Chinese government's interference into "personal choices" while pushing the fertility reduction measures such as female tertiary education and hormonal birth control combined with feminism everywhere in the world, based on a paper written in 1972 by some unelected "intellectuals.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Women Who Destroy Their Marriages

 Interesting post and discussion:

 It’s pretty clear that the wives are mostly ending the marriages over relatively petty dissatisfactions with life rather than abuse, infidelity, or anything particularly serious. One woman described her regrets five years after ending her marriage; she even says that she’d abandon her current boyfriend and go back to her husband in an instant if he would have her.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Real Reason For The Female Education

 Let's close in on some countries with a high TFR. Enter Nigeria: TFR of 5.

Age of consent (official): 18. Alphabet stuff: illegal.  

Average age of 1st marriage for females: 19.2

What about their education system?

...there are still many challenges preventing gender equality in the Nigerian education system. There is a significant bias against female involvement in specific academic disciplines, with studies showing the existence of gender-based stereotyping of students by teachers in secondary schools.[73] The most dominant barriers are currently teen pregnancy, teen marriage, religious beliefs, poverty, and poor school facilities.

Though they probably do marry earlier than the official age in rural areas, please keep in mind that 18 and 19 year olds are still in their teens. BTW, the age of consent in my country is currently 16. Somehow it's OK for girls at this age to "experiment with their s8xuality" as some retarded mother wrote online, but Heaven forbid they marry and get pregnant. No, off to school she goes till the age of 30. 

Wikipedia gives  2 mutually exclusive reasons for this weird Nigerian tradition of marrying and multiplying. It's a) colonialism which imposed 'ideology of domesticity' whatever the heck it is. b) African national customs :

According to work done by Denga, one prominent cultural view is that it is better for the woman to stay home and learn to tend to her family instead of pursuing Western education.

Well, I guess you can't have both a high TFR and female emancipation, and since we are a very enlightened culture, we choose extinction with open eyes.


Friday, October 4, 2024

Does The Formerly Christian West Have A Future?


Just in case you thought I was joking. Total Fertility Rate Map by country, courtesy of Wikipedia. One could also call it, The Road To Extinction. Afghanistan is doing fine, though. I wonder why???

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Birth Control Is Pest Control

 Why do you think they are offering it to your daughters?

New York City’s fight against rats has entered the furry beasts’ bedrooms, with the City Council approving a measure to lace rat traps with rodent birth control...

If all goes well with the plan, rats will ingest the contraceptive and become sterilized — thus preventing them from filling city streets with successive generations of scamperers...

 Back in 1967, then-Gov. Nelson Rockefeller rolled out a program that dosed rats with estrogen-laced food — but their numbers evidently persevered.

They did succeed with women though, especially with White European ones. 

The plan was also a hit with PETA, which expressed hope in a statement that the city was a “whisker away” from resolving its rat issue in a humane way.

“Hats off to the council for taking this big step to save lots of precious little lives. PETA pushed the city and its self-described ‘bloodthirsty’ rat czar to prioritize effective control methods like trash mitigation and birth control over cruel, lethal methods such as poison and suffocation,” the animal-rights group said.

Draw your own conclusions out of this story. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Problem Of Weak Men, Part2

 Recently I watched a movie called Speak No Evil. (You can watch the trailer over here). It's a Danish horror film from 2022, though I'd rather describe it as a psychological thriller. (Hollywood made a remake this year, which is now apparently in the theaters. I'm not planning to watch this one. I think the Danish director did a great job, and wouldn't like to see it butchered (though I could be mistaken). 

The plot is simple. A Danish middle class couple with a young daughter goes on vacation to Italy where they meet a Dutch couple with the boy of about the same age who doesn't talk. They become friendly with each other. A couple of months later, the Dutch couple invite the Danish to come and visit them in the Netherlands. They live in a remote place, their house is in the forest and there are no neighbours nearby. Well, you can guess how it goes further. Suffice it to say, someone is not making it out of there alive...

It looks to me like the director spent some time in the Netherlands himself and didn't particularly like it over here, because the Dutch husband and wife repeatedly demonstrate the worst kind of behaviour typical for a certain class of my countrymen (unfortunately). Each of them is like a walking stereotype of a Dutch assh8le, very realistically portrayed at that, so much that you recognise the situations.

This movie is deeply disturbing at many levels, and the guy who recommended it admitted that he couldn't sleep well after watching it. However, I don't believe that the intention of its makers was just to shock the audience. It's not just your average run-of-the-mill horror film. Wikipedia calls it "social satire" and that's exactly what it is. The main character, Bjorn, is a stereotypical modern liberal man. He is in touch with his feelings. He is a sensitive husband. He is what they call nowadays "a good father", i.e. he basically spends more time with their daughter than his wife does.

And yet, when it comes to that, he can't fulfill the fundamental masculine role of protecting his family. He can't stand up to bullying and abuse. He won't fight even to save his life. He ignores his deepest survival instincts to follow social conventions of always being pleasant and polite. In fact, he is so weak he can't even say, "no", to his daughter, which leads to the disaster for all of them. He is a perfect victim, and so is his wife. The evil triumphs in the end because a weak man surrenders to it, instead of fighting. The whole movie is the scathing criticism of what a modern middle class man has turned into. And not only in Denmark.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone interested.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Problem Of Weak Men

 Recently I finished the book by Ellery Queen (those were actually two male co-authors, not one person) called Losers, Weepers. It came out in 1966 and it's a story about a guy called Jim Morgan who works for an engineering company and has severe financial issues. Then one day he goes to a bar, and while he is using the restroom someone exchanges his bag for the one with 100 000$ in it. Cash. And that's how all his problems begin...

You see, Jim Morgan is married to a very beautiful woman called Anita who is a shopaholic, to use a modern term. She keeps buying things on credit, and as a result, they are deeply in debt. When she learns about the money, she sees is as their only chance to get out of poverty. And Jim is too weak-willed to say, "no'' to her.

The book was written before the American (and Western society in general) radically changed. The woman's place is still in the home. People marry young. Anita is 25 and has been married for several years. She and Jim have no children, but the idea of sending her to work never crosses his mind. He is the breadwinner and has to solve this problem himself. He tries to make her stick to the budget, but unlike modern ''loud and proud'' females, instead of starting to scream about oppression, she uses her feminine charms on him and he falls for it every time.

The story unravels in a rather unpredictable way, but several people will lose their lives and Jim knows that he is partly responsible for it. After I finished reading it, I thought it over. In 1966 America, a breadwinner husband had quite a number of ways to lay down his will on his household, yet he failed multiple times, choosing the way of the least resistance. Apart from this, he also knew what his duty was very well, but failed to act because of the fear of his wife's emotions. The story could have ended quite differently, had he behaved like the man in his position was supposed to, namely told his wife to shut up, stop wasting money like an idiot and start listening to him.

That is something which Western men have failed to do ever since, with predictable results. To sum it up, it was an entertaining book, and if you ever stumble upon it, I highly recommend it. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Watching TV Will Kill You

 A long article, but interesting nevertheless:

A sedentary lifestyle has an array of adverse health effects, including elevated all-cause mortality, CVD mortality, cancer risk, risks for metabolic diseases such as DM, HTN, dyslipidemia, and musculoskeletal diseases such as knee pain and osteoporosis...

Health outcomes also vary depending on the type of sedentary behavior and watching television led to the worst outcomes. This may be attributable to the fact that television watching is a passive sedentary behavior and that people often consume snacks while watching television. Therefore, among the various types of sedentary behaviors, individuals should refrain from watching television as much as possible, and snacking should be minimized while watching television. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Your Teenager Needs You Home

 There are still women out there who would agree that mothers of young children belong home. Some would even go so far as to suggest that those kids who go to primary school should have their moms around, too. But a teenager? They can take care of themselves, can't they?

There is a small problem with this line of reasoning. Namely, the fact, that teenagers in general are prone to risk-taking behaviours, as illustrated by the previous article I linked to. Your baby isn't going to get drunk. Your toddler won't do drugs or start an orgy. Your teenager may and sometimes they will. 

When you look at the case of the teenage killer, you see a stereotypical 2 income family and a child (yes, teenagers are still children) of 14 spending long hours home alone which gave her the freedom to use drugs without her parents even suspecting anything. Because if you know something about a 2 income family (I do), then you realise that both parents are too tired in the evening to really bother. 

In my country the police recently arrested a p8do. He created fake accounts on social media pretending to be a young woman and encouraging underage boys to send him explicit material. Some of these boys were as young as 10. While the crimes against children are horrible, and should be punished severely, I keep wondering, where were the parents of these young boys? Do they take any interest in their kids' activities any more, or do they just give them a smartphone and that's it?

Mom, in the world of today your teenager needs you at home, more than ever!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Don't Waste Your Food

 An interesting article from ZeroHedge:

 As more than one trillion U.S. dollars worth of food is thrown away each year, up to 783 million people are affected by hunger.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Marihuana Is NOT An Innocent Drug

 It leads to this:

Mississippi teenage killer Carly Gregg sobbed in court Friday as she was found guilty of ruthlessly gunning down her mother and wounding her stepfather after they found out about her “secret life” with drugs earlier this year.

The 15-year-old sobbed as she was found guilty on all charges including first-degree murder, attempted murder and tampering with evidence. She will spend the rest of her life in prison without parole.

Those who supply it to teenagers in a just world would suffer severe punishments, too.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

I'm Back/Happy Hobbit Day

 And also the 1st day of autumn:) Comments moderation is back to normal.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Short Personal Notice

 I'm going away for a week (yes, I know, again:)

Comments moderation will be temporarily put on. You can still comment, I will just publish them later. Till next Sunday!

God bless

Friday, September 13, 2024

Making Money Is Not Holy

The way people talk about earning money nowadays, one could think it's akin to a religious ritual. I'll give you one example: immigration. Immigrants who profit from welfare system = double plus ungood. Immigrants who "contribute to economy" are supposedly a net positive. Yet, the end result is the same: local population gets marginalised and substituted by foreigners, mostly without any loyalty to their new country. 

Another example is working mothers. Yes, I know some really have to work, but most don't. They keep working for their wants, not their needs. You can live in an apartment instead of a semi-detached. You can live with 1 car, at least, here in Europe (we have great public transportation). The car doesn't have to be brand new. You don't need to stay in a 5 star all inclusive hotel during your vacation. There are still many families around who go camping with a tent.

You don't need a new I phone for 5000 euro. You can buy a simple smartphone for something like 200 euros. A woman definitely doesn't need the whole house full of expensive makeup, shoes and bags. The kitchen doesn't need remodeling every year. Etc etc.

So keeping it all in mind. Most people, if you asked them a question, would agree that a mother should not neglect her children or that a clean house and home cooked meals are a positive thing. They would agree that keeping in touch with your family or helping aged parents/grandparents is something praiseworthy. They would agree that social contacts and helping your neighbour are important. Most of these things have being traditionally the wife's responsibility because the husbands had to earn the income.

However, all of this goes out of the window the moment it interferes with the most important activity of a modern female: money making. It's OK to stuff your baby in a daycare with strangers, to eat processed food every day, clean your house once a month and never see your parents, and be too tired every evening for your husband in the bedroom. It's not because you are lazy or a bad mother/daughter/neighbour or whatever, it's because you devote yourself to the sacred process of earning money.

I mean how much do you really need? A shelter, food, clothes, a car, a couple of weeks vacation. This all can be bought on a budget, by being frugal and saving, the way average middle class folks used to do it before. It's still doable. I know some welfare single moms. They live in houses, their children go to school, they are normally dressed and eat quite decent food, and even go on vacation sometimes. The only thing they can't afford is driving a car, but as I said, there is such thing as public transportation.

And yet, a doctor's/dentist's wife apparently can't afford any of this and has to work. Does it even make sense to you? In fact, the statistics show that in the USA there are more working class women staying home than upper middle class ones. A truck driver can afford a SAHM, a surgeon or a lawyer can't. The love of money is the root of al evil, think of it.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

How Important Is Marital S8x

I've been doing some research online on an unrelated topic and came across an Islamic Q&A site which explained the obligations of spouses. The husband, it said, owes his wife financial support as long as she makes herself  available to him.

Now imagine a Evangelical preacher saying something similar? 

And yet, pre-Vatican II Catholic priests used to teach married women that denying your husband s8x was a mortal sin. Conservative Orthodox churches still teach essentially the same. Denying your spouse their "marital rights" used to be grounds for divorce. 

By traditional definition, marriage only becomes valid after being consummated (i.e. having s8x). Marriage ceases to exist when one spouse persistently denies the other without valid medical reason. Modern Evangelicals will always stress how it's always the husband's fault if he commits the sins of lust, even when his wife kicked him out of marital bed 5 years ago. 

Let's be honest over here, does it sound reasonable to you? According to the Bible, one of the reasons for marriage is to avoid fornication by having legitimate relations with your spouse. If that spouse refuses to cooperate in this area, he or she is definitely responsible to some degree for the other spouse straying. 

Of course, there are seasons in marriage. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, illness, death etc. But outside of this, what is your excuse? Personally I blame Victorians. They concocted this ridiculous idea that women were all sugar and spice and everything nice and angels in the house raised above the beastly passions of their husbands. They had to "tolerate it all for the joys of motherhood", "lie back and think of England" and other ridiculous nonsense. Somehow modern churches decided that Victorianism is the way to go, apparently. 

Here is the thing: women are very much s8xual beings, just like men. Marriage is very much about s8x. Plus it's good for women's health, too. Please keep in mind that for a Christian, the only way to have legitimate s8x without sinning, is with one's spouse. If you aren't married, get married. And if you are, then what else do you need? Have fun together, you both deserve it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Laziness Is Not A Mental Health Problem

 One YouTube lady made a video about overcoming laziness as a housewife and mother. She got a lot of negative comments where people (women actually) accused her of being harsh and unloving because she suggested that they should stop being so lazy and actually get up and do some housework. In fact, she didn't try to upset anyone, but just wanted to provide motivation for cleaning the house. 

All these lazy females were telling her how they have "a mental health condition" preventing them from doing anything. Of course, some people are legit handicapped or simply too old, but usually they will be able to get some sort of help from social workers so I do suspect that those enraged commenters  just didn't want to bother.

I can sympathise a bit, because honestly, housework can be repetitive and boring. I have actually come to the conclusion that I like cooking, shopping and doing laundry, but there are some things I absolutely detest, like folding the said laundry afterwards. But you know what I like? I do like a clean house, and that motivates me to get up and clean when I'd rather chill on the couch with a smartphone.

And if I can do it, you can, too. I actually heard an interesting thing in another YouTube video. A body which is in motion, stays in motion. A body which is not in motion, will just continue doing nothing so to say:) So just get up and get going, and the house will be clean before you know it. And if you have children older than a certain age, they absolutely should help, btw.

Having a clean house is a class issue, too. Ever watched Keeping Up Appearances? Yes, it satire, but there is a grain of truth in it. If one's house looks like a pigsty all the time, those people may think they are some sort of aristocracy "too good to clean", but in the reality they belong to an underclass.

If your house is a mess, so is your life. Have some pride. Be a real woman, clean your house:)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Biological Fathers Are Important

 Here is some statistics for you:

 Perhaps one of the most relevant and more surprising findings was this: 68% of the maltreated children were maltreated by a female, whereas 48% were maltreated by a male. (Some children were maltreated by both.) Of children maltreated by biological parents, mothers maltreated the majority (75%) whereas fathers maltreated a sizable minority (43%). In contrast, male perpetrators were more common for children maltreated by nonbiological parents or parents’ partners (64%) or by other persons (75%).

This statistic is the single most illustratory piece of data proving that removing children’s biological fathers from the home is the single biggest factor in risk of abuse. This supports my assertion that fathers, the family patriarchs, have the most interest and the biggest protective effect on the lives of children. They are less likely to abuse than biological mothers and, once removed, make single mother homes an easy target for predators who are not related to the child. 

 The second point people need to understand is that mothers are the most likely to abuse or neglect children, not fathers. In 2021, about 210,746 children in the United States were abused by their mother, whereas 132,363 children were abused by their father in that year. (Source: US Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Children & Families This is consistent with findings across all NIS data...

...Only 0.7 per 1,000 children living with two married biological parents were sexually abused, compared to 12.1 per 1,000 children living with a single parent who had an unmarried partner...  

Read the whole article over here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Will Social Media Kill Feminism?

Here is an interesting post by VD where he links to a long article on that topic:

 More importantly, women aren’t bored any more. The rise of social media is itself going to be the end of feminism whether women choose to admit it or not. Whether feminists choose to admit it or not. One of the main drivers of women entering the work force was, let’s be honest, suburban boredom. It was one thing when women had to work in the home as much as men had to work out of the home to stay alive. It was one thing when women were able to form communities and entertain themselves with petty local drama while the men were away doing survival things… With the rise of social media, both men and women are finding new outlets for their personal needs.

Finally I don't have to feel bad about my unhealthy relationship with my smartphone any more, I'm actually restoring traditional society, lol!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Fatherhood Is Biological

 Recently I encountered a book which dealt with paternity fraud. Some 10 years ago the only people interested in this stuff were obscure male rights groups, and now they are writing bestsellers about it. Amazing, isn't it?

Of course, it was a thoroughly modern book, full of "strong career women" and the men who cook them dinner, but it still had some sort of a moral in it. And having thought it over, I came to the conclusion that what the author tried to say was: "Don't do paternity fraud. Don't even try it, because it can lead to all sorts of trouble, and even crime." As it basically happened with the book characters.

And yet, it has one of "good" female characters uttering this phrase: "fatherhood is not biological anyway."

Except, of course, it is, just like motherhood. Now before I proceed any further, I'd like to add a disclaimer that I'm not speaking about adoption. In fact, adoption is a different topic altogether. There is no deception involved, as both husband and wife agree to adopt. We still talk about "adoption parents" as opposed to just "parents" though and it's often the wife who is more keen on adopting than her husband.

The reason for this is very simple. Many men aren't so eager to invest into children who aren't theirs. In most cultures a man will want to sire sons who will then carry on his bloodline. Male heirs have always been important, and still are, except in the USA, where I read, statistics say that more people prefer daughters (not that I'm surprised really). 

Saying that fatherhood isn't biological is directly attacking fatherhood. It's also very convenient for single moms and women who divorce on a whim and exchange their children's biological fathers for a string of boyfriends (who are statistically more likely to abuse them, but who cares?) 

The male equivalent would be something like the husband getting rid of his wife's baby and substituting it with the one he had with his mistresses, then telling his wife a baby is a baby and motherhood isn't biological anyway. I guess we all realise how ridiculous it sounds. 

Luckily these times of Mother's Right are drawing to an end and we as a society have understood that fathers have rights, too. The book ends quite progressively with main character getting an equal custody with his ex-wife, something many fathers can still only dream of.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Should Grandparents Babysit?

 "Boomers" are often criticised for (among other things) refusing to babysit their grandchildren. Now, obviously, it's a good thing for grandparents to be involved with their grand-kids, to be available, to offer help and advise as needed, and to babysit occasionally, when the parents have a date night together, for instance.

However, I have a feeling that's not what Boomer haters really mean (and btw, many of these so-called boomers are more like early GenXers at that moment). What they do mean is that they want their parents to raise their kids for them while they are out working full time for luxury stuff and having fun at night. 

Here is a (generic) example of 2 generations from real life. Parents: mother stays home when the kids are born and may later work very part-time when the kids are teenagers. They live in a cheap average size house in a lower middle class neighbourhood and have 1 budget vacation a year. Children: both work full time while daycare and parents raise their kid (usually one as two is too much hassle), live in a big expensive house in a posh area (which their elderly parents help clean, as they have no time for all that nonsense) and have "many luxury vacations". 

Oh, and they expect their parents to help with the yard work, too. 

Is it a wonder that many parents rather don't like it? You know what? Your parents don't have an obligation to raise your kids. They already raised you. In fact, if less parents babysat for their entitled children, more mothers would stay where they should be, in their own homes raising their own kids. You don't have to live in a villa. You don't need 2 brand new cars. You aren't entitled to staying in all inclusive 5 star hotels 3 times a year. It's a want, not a need.

When you think of it, there must be a reason that people are at their most fertile in their 20s and not their 60s. It takes a lot of energy to take care of small children, and young people are much more energetic and resilient than someone who (nearly) reached the retirement age. 

I think we should all stop hating on Grandma...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Do We Need More Men In Female Boxing?

 Conservatives were very upset when this Algerian ''person" easily won the Olympic competition for women. By the way, from what I read we are probably talking about a real hermaphrodite here, the one born looking like a woman but possessing an Y chromosome and thus having a higher testosterone level. Now imagine if women had to fight against a genuine man...

Recently I read a discussion online where women were claiming that a female can be just as good a soldier as a male and men basically told them yeah, we watched these Olympic fights, you won't fool us any longer. 

 In fact, this whole "girlboss" trope would die the well-deserved death long ago, if not for the neo-Victorian pseudo chivalry promoted by both feminists and conservatives. Like in "a woman is as strong and capable as a man but don't you dare hit a girl, you dastard". One really has to wonder what is so conservative about female boxing;)


Saturday, August 24, 2024

What Is A Chaste Woman?

 According to a classical definition, it's really very simple. A chaste woman is one who doesn't have s8x outside of marriage. If she does, the solution is to get married which then makes her chaste again, hence the expression "he made an honest woman out of her" that is he married her. If she then commits adultery and her husband divorces her, she is in unchaste category again unless some man decides to marry her.

In the times past the main reason for marriage was not procreation as some suggest. Many people had either no kids or their kids died or they were too old anyway but even older widows/widowers remarried because it was the only way to have legitimate s8x. Having children was just the natural consequence of s8x, unless you were royalty and really had to have a heir, in which case you were allowed to divorce for this reason alone. 

It didn't work exactly the same way for men though promiscuous men were branded "wh8re-mongers" and one could be killed for seducing a married woman, because it used to be an honour culture and while women's honour is chastity, men's honour is courage. Thus the requirements were different.

Nowadays we have a dishonour culture so all this doesn't matter anyway.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Female Doctors Have Higher Suicide Risks

 At least they are equal now

Suicide rates among female doctors are significantly higher than those of the general population, a new study finds.

Female doctors have a 76% higher suicide risk than average folks, researchers found.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

UK Government VS Spanish Inquisition

 Who was/is worse?

This is total historical nonsense. Even if we assume the very worst of it, the Spanish Inquisition was less lethal than children’s bicycles are today. The Inquisition prosecuted 421 people per year for the crime of pretending to be something they were not in order to feign loyalty to the Spanish crown; just last year, the British crown prosecuted 419,000 people in England and Wales alone, many of them for simply expressing their opinion about the migrant invasion of their country.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Why Women Work

 Why do so many married women work? You know conservatives like to publish these lists about how much money you supposedly save when the mother stays home with her kids, yet it doesn't seem to help? It's because conservatives never address the heart of the matter, i.e, the modern financial system which they wholeheartedly support.

Simply put, most people nowadays live on credit. All these nice houses and shiny new cars they buy, all these luxury vacations they take aren't paid in cash or by debit card. People go into debt to afford modern Western lifestyle and to fulfill their dream of unlimited consumerism. When both parents work, they can take more loans then when only one of them works. The only identity allowed in the current West is that of a consumer. And the two income family are living this Western dream to the fullest.

We don't need to conserve any of this. What is needed is radical change, first in hearts and minds, then in broad society. Don't be a consoomer...

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What I Eat In A Day

 Or at least what I ate last Monday;)


Oatmeal with 3.5% milk, half slice of bread with 100% natural peanut butter, goji berries with hot water instead of tea (2nd cup was hot water with a lemon slice)


Water, scrambled egg (1) with olive oil, vegan chocolate paste. Not that I'm a vegan, I just like this brand. Plus some grapes for a snack:

 And fake coffee with milk (chicory):

In the afternoon I drank cold fruit tea (rhubarb-cherry, bought in Germany, you can just use cold tap water for this one) because it was 33*C outside and not much better inside which Blogger doesn't let me upload somehow.

This was our dinner:

Turkish bread with (frozen) peas cream (olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, mint leaves, chili sauce), baked courgette and low fat mozarella (my husband had chicken instead) + some pumpkin seeds (not featured), mineral water (also from Germany)

Dessert was yogurt with plum jam and flax seeds:

 You can see what I cooked on Tuesday in the picture;)

We also drank more fruit tea + chocolate candy (my husband got it from his Polish colleagues)

So that is truthfully what I ate in a day plus I managed to upload the tea photo somehow:)

Have a nice day all of you!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Sweden, Yes?


According to preliminary official figures, immigration fell by 15% year-on-year during the early part of 2024.

Emigration rose by 60% over the same period, from January to May, while asylum applications continued to fall and reached their lowest level since 1997.

In 2023, emigration increased among people born in Iraq, Somalia and Syria. In 2023, net immigration figures for people born in these countries were negative. According to preliminary statistics from Statistics Sweden, Sweden has negative net immigration up to May this year.

 Meanwhile, in Germany:

Germany’s Christian institutions play a pivotal role in mass immigration, through the message they preach in parishes all the way to their efforts in funding the transfer of migrants to Germany.

Now, the Catholic Diocese of Trier is calling for monthly donations to fund another ship to bring illegal immigrants to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea. Catholic faithful are being called upon to fund the operation of the Sea-Eye 5 “rescue ship.”

“Sea rescue is a Christian and humanitarian duty,” said Trier’s Vicar General Ulrich Graf von Plettenberg.

European aristocrats, screwing peasants since year 801...


Saturday, August 10, 2024

See You Later

 Sorry for the lack of posts, it's summer and we are leaving for the couple of days!

See you all later:)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What The Cat Dragged Home

 Well, yesterday she dragged home a mouse. But then she somehow lost it because though she is very pretty she isn't particularly bright (which my mum says a pretty girl doesn't have to be, lol). And the mouse ran away and hid. She then went around complaining and wanted us to give the mouse back to her. 

We looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Then her daughter came downstairs and started sniffing around the corner. Then we had to move a heavy wardrobe to search behind it, but the mouse wasn't there.

Then Finn came home and started sniffing in another corner. Then he went back outside. My husband suggested that the mouse escaped through the plinth to the neighbour's house.

Then at night one of the cats started digging in the corner where our bookkeeping files were arranged, and pulled out a heavy book. So now my husband thinks she ate that mouse at night. What do you think?

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Wicked Witches

Witches exist. And here I'm not talking about those misguided souls who participate in Wicca or even worse, some black magic rituals. We all know it happens, but not as often. I mean how many of these types have you encountered in your life, unless you frequent New Age events?

Here I'm talking about "witches" in the 2nd meaning of this word. Nasty hateful females which will ruin your day. In real life they more often tend to be passive aggressive than openly aggressive since irl you can get real life consequences. But there are absolutely swarms of them online, e.g. in UTube comments section or other internet forums and they are usually attracted to certain topics. 

Witches absolutely hate certain things, like, young attractive women successfully married and choosing to be a homemaker. They will come in droves and tell her how real happiness is to be divorced and live with a pet, because "all men are bastards". Another topic they hate is chastity. If a girl will say she is trying to be chaste and modest, they will rip her to shreds telling her how it's oppression if you don't prance around near naked and how she is a slave to abusive men. 

Witches absolutely hate mothers with many children and anyone who suggests restricting abortion in any way can reckon on absolutely unbelievable amounts of hatred from them, like wishing that person (and sometimes their family) painful death. This is simply mind-blowing for anyone normal to behold, because this hatred honestly borders on pathological. Like psychopathic.

And, strange enough, witches hate a clean house. Really, cleaning videos attract a sizeable amount of female trolls who will tell you how their house is never clean and how happy they are, and what a loser you are to spend your time cleaning. A funny thing is, that apparently (some) Moslems believe if your house is dirty, your prayers won't be accepted; and, of course, Christians used to say "cleanliness is next to godliness", but that was before emancipation I guess.

You will ask why I'm writing all this. Simple, while trying to beat off something which I now suspect was a corona virus, I spent most of my time reading UTube/other discussions and the level of toxicity was astonishing. I wonder if some of it could be caused by demonic activity, especially those who wish death on innocent children?

Also, be a real woman, clean your house. Witches and presumably, evil spirits are scared off by it;)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Why I Disappeared

I'm sorry I haven't written anything and haven't answered your comments! The reason is quite simple. I've been sick and only now getting better. It started like some sort of allergy/hay fever at the camping, but then I got real fever, so now I think it was some kind of a virus. I was sneezing so much I thought my head would burst. It was really horrible. I haven't had a cold since I got corona last February (it was 2nd time, 1st was 2022). But I think I was feeling worse than then. Anyway now I'm feeling better but it's also quite hot. I'll try to post something tomorrow, I promise:)

Love you all!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Died Suddenly Part 2

Here are a couple of articles for you to ponder:

Steroid use a public health crisis:

The risks associated with taking anabolic steroids are extensive and well-documented, ranging from infertility and erectile dysfunction to addiction and baldness, according to the NHS website.

But despite these stark warnings, there are still more than one million, predominantly male, steroid users in the UK, according to the UK Anti-Doping agency (UKAD).

 Well-known side effects of steroids:

  • Gynaecomastia (man-boobs)
  • Genitourinary (shrinking of testicles)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Blood-borne virus risk (e.g. HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C) as a result of injecting
  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Aggression and violence (commonly called 'roid rage')

Well, well, well, what do we see here? Who would have thunk it???

From mayo clinic:

 Andro can damage the heart and blood vessels in anyone who takes it. This raises the risk of a serious problem that can happen when the heart doesn't get enough blood, called a heart attack. It also raises the risk of a condition that keeps the brain from getting enough oxygen, called a stroke. Heart attack and stroke can be deadly...

Side effects linked to human growth hormone may include:

  • A heart that grows bigger than usual, called cardiomegaly.
  • High blood pressure.

Doping with erythropoietin may raise the risk of serious health problems. These include stroke, heart attack and blocked arteries in the lung...

 Diuretics can lead to death if an athlete uses them for doping.

Energy drinks are popular among many athletes. They often have high doses of caffeine and other stimulants. The street drugs cocaine and methamphetamine also are stimulants...

Other side effects include:

  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack or other problems with blood flow.

Other things that many of these men use are a female fertility drug called Clomid and anti-breast cancer drug Tamoxifen. 

Side effects of Clomid: 

 In males, similar to other substances with anabolic properties that lead to increased muscle mass, clomiphene is associated with a number of potential and serious side effects, including: increased risk of negative cardiovascular events, liver damage, and gastrointestinal discomfort. It’s important to note again, however, that the health risks and potential side effects in men have yet to be determined through long-term studies. In addition, testicular tumors and gynecomastia have been reported in males using clomiphene.


 Tamoxifen can increase your risk of stroke or blood clots.

 Tamoxifen is a chemo drug, for Pete's sake. Why would any healthy man want to subject himself to all this??? Well, as I read in one of the chats, they hope it will help them "score with women". Apparently, the quality of sl8ts females they can pick up will somehow potentially improve and that is worth the risk of stroke, heart attack, blindness and permanent infertility. And they say, women are vain creatures...

To sum it up, if you want to reduce your chance of "dying suddenly" it appears like a good idea not to take (illegal) drugs, to quit smoking and stop binging on alcohol. 

P.S. We are talking young healthy people over here. Obviously, the older you are, the higher the risk of dying by any reason...

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Alcoholism Will Kill You

 Even when you are Alexander the Great (just finished reading a book about him):

The conclusion Gerasimidis has reached after decades of research is that Alexander the Great died of acute pancreatic necrosis. This condition is believed to have been caused by cholelithiasis, or gallstones, in combination with a heavy meal and a large quantity of wine.

I was kinda taught he died of typhoid fever, but now they are saying otherwise. Keep in mind that this guy survived pneumothorax caused by a spear (or maybe an arrow, I forget which) through his lung a couple of years before, without modern medicine. He also survived many other injuries, acute pneumonia, years of heavy fighting etc only to die at 32 from too much alcohol and fat in his diet.

Many of these "died suddenly" cases conspiracy theorists love to talk about are explained very simply by drugs or alcohol or the combination of the two.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Be A Real Woman!

 Ziezo, I just invented a new slogan:

"Be a real woman, clean your house!"

Following this guy Peterson who told men to clean their room. 


Friday, July 19, 2024

Where Are All Real Women?

 Recently I read a discussion on UTube where women were complaining that men don't want to protect them any more. They were discussing a case when a young woman was being robbed of her iPhone by an armed minority criminal and no man jumped to her help. Men quite sensibly pointed out what happened to Daniel Penny and also that women are strong and independent nowadays and were quite predictably accused of "not being real men".

A real man, said one of the females in the chat, is this strong courageous masculine guy who defends women and children, even at the cost of his own life, and they have all but disappeared nowadays. When somebody asked her about real women, she got very upset and said some gibberish about ''real women being true to themselves", i.e. a narcissist, as someone correctly pointed out. 

They all want men who do something for them without any reciprocation apparently.

My sympathy fully lies with men about this issue. Why should they risk death or prison for an I-phone of some stranger female with an entitlement attitude (she actually tried to shame some poor guy into helping her). May be the lack of "real men" is caused by the lack of real women? 

You know, women who look and behave feminine, can cook and clean, have a maternal instinct, are chaste and not covered with tattoos from head to toes? And stay faithful to their husbands/don't divorce on a whim? 

The reason those internet scolds can't find a real man is because all these real men are out there hanging with real women, getting married to them and having kids with them. They aren't at all attracted to someone who calls them "incels" who "can't get laid". Shaming language simply doesn't work in A.D. 2024. Chivalry is officially dead and women have only themselves to blame.

Monday, July 15, 2024

I'm Back!

 Comments moderation is back to normal. Will post more soon:)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Personal Announcement.

 We are leaving for 2 weeks. All comments will go into moderation until my return.

See you soon and have a nice time!

God Bless

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Do You Need To Go To A Doctor

 I have just been wondering. Outside of medical emergencies, complicated childbirth, pneumonia and things like cancer, stroke and heart attack, do you really need the medical establishment. Granted, there are many health conditions which need attention, sometimes urgent, such as high blood pressure. However, many of these conditions can be treated at home with diet and exercise and may be things like acupressure and such. 

There is lots of information online about these things. People nowadays complain that doctors don't give them nutrition advice, but in my experience, it's not really true. Doctors constantly urge their patients to lose weight, to exercise, to eat properly but many people have really zero self-control and will rather take pills and continue to stuff themselves with fast food and, in general, be unhealthy slobs. 

I'd like to post a disclaimer that this above is purely rhetorical. When in doubt, ask your doctor. I'm not one and give no  medical advice. However, taking charge of your own health can be truly empowering, especially when you realise that you can be more in control of your general well-being than you thought.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Should Men Still Seek Marriage

Or rather should they be afraid of divorce? VD thinks they shouldn't:

Other than its generally unpleasant nature, the waste of time and money it entails, and the inevitably deleterious effect on the children, divorce really isn’t anything for the average man to fear. So, if you’re a young man who is afraid of marriage due to the perceived dangers of divorce, be aware that you risk missing out on one of the greatest and most important experiences of your life because you’re jumping at shadows.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

One Dress 20 Outfits

 It's hot over here. Like really hot. And it's nearly vacation, so no effort posting. I thought this was interesting. What do you think?

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Archbishop Vigano

 Probably only of interest for Catholics:

 The archbishop posted the two-page decree from the Vatican’s Dicastry for the Doctrine of Faith ordering him to appear for extrajudicial trial, citing as evidence “public statements that show a denial of the necessary elements to maintain communion with the Catholic Church.”

He became famous because of Cardinal McCarrick affair.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Real Life Summer Outfits

 I'm sorry it took me so long, but the weather has mostly been rainy and cold, so that I didn't get a chance to wear a lot of summery clothes, if you know what I mean. 

I also don't have really glamorous locations to show you. It's my living room, camping and public restrooms chiefly. Sorry about that, too;)

This skirt is new, I bought it back in April at the market.  Below is a lunchroom in Germany.

And this was at the camping.

This dress is a couple of years old. I guess you can wear it without a t-shirt, but somehow I never did. 

Bought this denim skirt online last year. It's rather warm, so I've been wearing it a lot.


A more dress-up variant of the same

The one above is all season dress with half-long sleeves, bought it several years ago online. The picture was taken in the restroom of the gas station on the way to camping. Public restrooms are really ideal for taking selfies because they usually have these huge mirrors. At least those for women do, lol.

The last skirt is the one I chiefly wear at home when cleaning because it's shorter and more convenient. However, wearing longer skirts outsides mean I don't have to use sunscreen on my legs so I'm quite happy they are in fashion right now. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy Belated Father's Day!

 Sorry I didn't congratulate you yesterday but we were away the whole day:)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Is Your Mouthwash Killing You?

 I have been a victim of it myself. After I stopped using it, I started feeling better. Check fluoride toothpaste and everything containing sage/peppermint, too. Don't take my word for it, I'm not a health professional:

Cost Of Fresh Breath

Research using the San Juan Overweight Adults Longitudinal Study (SOALS) has proven that prolonged use of mouthwash more than twice a day for over a year increases the risk of developing hypertension by 85 per cent as compared to those using mouthwash less frequently. These people also have twice the risk of hypertension than those who never used mouthwash. The study also suggests that people often use over-the-counter mouthwash with fluoride and anti-bacterial agents longer than prescription mouthwash with chlorohexidine.

Study in case

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Non-Binary Empire Strikes Back

 The sad thing is that an average modern Western "consoomer" will not only watch it, but let his children watch, too:

In another recent Disney produced Star Wars animated show Tales of the Empire, one of the episodes featured a non-binary Jedi, for no good reason.

It would be really cool if more people in the West could read instead of staring into the screen all the time, don't you think so? Not that modern books are so much better, but you still can find some decent literature...

Monday, June 10, 2024

Do You Even Need A Doctor?

 I mean you could probably get more information if you just googled the symptoms:)

The first NHS AI-run physiotherapy clinic is to be rolled out this year in an effort to cut waiting times amid growing demand and staff shortages.

The new platform will provide same-day automated video appointments with a digital physiotherapist via an app that responds to information provided by a patient in real time...

An initial video assessment with an AI physiotherapist was performed to evaluate their symptoms. Once approved for treatment, patients had weekly video appointments. The digital physiotherapist prescribed exercises and pain management techniques, monitored symptoms and adjusted patients’ treatments.

More than four in five participants reported that their symptoms had improved during treatment with the platform.

I remember a British lady in Corona times telling online how she  delivered her baby at home with a phone midwife. That is, she was told on the phone what to do, she followed the instructions and had her baby. I should add that home births are quite normal in UK and it wasn't her 1st child, and I think she was visited later to check if everything was fine, but still.

Medical care is another heavily feminised branch which soon will be gutted by the onset of AI, it appears.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The New Beauty Standard???

 People in the comments were saying it's some obscure contest, but still. WT*?

An obese woman has won Miss Alabama, with the organizers of the contest insisting that the intention of the beauty pageant was to “foster a positive self-image.”

Friday, June 7, 2024

Alex Jones Loses Infowars


On Thursday Jones, 50, asked a judge to covert his bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 liquidation after a legal back-and-forth that he engaged in to try and avoid paying the billions of dollars a court has ordered him to pay the families for defamation.

Sounds a bit excessive, not?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

White Men Love Their Liberalism

 Exhibit 1:

United Methodism’s largest overseas jurisdiction has voted to quit the denomination in response to the church’s divorcing sex from marriage at its governing General Conference earlier this month.

American “progressive Christians” are pushing their Western sexual values on African churches and have alienated an entire continent of Christians.

1.2 million in a single day, gone. 10% of the church, gone. Just like that.

 Here is a real life example (details changed for privacy reason) Suppose there are 2 churches. Both quite similar in teaching and worship style. With one difference. One has a female preacher, the other  allows only men to teach. One is nearly all White, the other is half White half POC. Guess which is which? 

There is some rot in my race, which can't be explained entirely by the influence of YKW, MSM or aliens.

White men, and especially North European White men,  are perfectly fine with being dominated by women in church and government, because they are already dominated by their wives at home and they love it. Or, at least, they don't mind. White men who object mostly try to find a wife from Asia or, at least, Eastern Europe. I don't think men of any other ethnicity find it normal or desirable. Heck, even Southern European Catholic men are often more dominant. 

There is tremendous power in just saying, ''no''. If Northern Euro men and their overseas counterparts won't start doing it en masse, we soon will be bred out of existence.

Women are never happy, btw. I've been reading some online discussions. Eastern European women will say: "our men are all pigs, they should be feminist, like Western European men". While Western European women say: "our men are all pigs, they should be more feminist, just like the American men." But American women will say that all American men are pigs, too. There is apparently 1 country on Earth where women are content and don't complain, Afghanistan. Somewhere, there is a lesson in it all...

Friday, May 31, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Bird Rescue

 My husband insisted I'd write about it so here it is:)

Last time we went to the camping, he installed the tent again. It's actually a construction that rests on 4 poles which are hollow inside and it has a canvas roof we take off in the winter. In summer we put it on, which he did. Next morning, we went outside and heard strange noise and flapping, so we first thought there was a bird who accidentally got locked in our shed. However, we found out there was a bird inside one of the poles! 

The poor thing apparently decided to spend the night under the roof and somehow fell down the pole. We tried to lower a cord with a piece of wood down through the opening in the hope that he would be able to hop out using it, but it didn't work. My husband then tried to lift the pole but there was no opening on the other side! We were quite at a loss what to do, but he then figured out that the pole had a detachable foot and went to search for a screwdriver. 2 screws came off easily and the 3d wouldn't, it looked like it was broken or something. 

Then he finally managed to turn it somehow, lifted the pole just a tiny little bit and the little birdie flew away in a hurry! DH now expects applause and admiration for being such a hero and rescuing the poor fellow;)

Monday, May 27, 2024

Alcohol Won't Make You Healthier

 New research appears to support my recent claims: no amount of alcohol is actually good for you. If you know someone who consumes alcohol regularly and is healthy and fit, it's despite alcohol, not because of it:

Red wine actually isn’t good for your heart. Really.

For the past 30 years, health experts have touted red wine (in moderation) as a heart-healthy beverage. But a January 2022 policy brief from the World Heart Federation (WHF) aims to set the record straight. No type of alcohol — including wine — is a friend to your heart.

"Alcohol seems to have adverse effects on nearly every form of heart disease," says Dr. JoAnn Manson, the Michael and Lee Bell Professor of Women’s Health at Harvard Medical School. It increases the risk of

  • hypertension
  • heart failure
  • stroke
  • cardiomyopathy (a disease of the heart muscle)
  • aortic aneurysm (a dangerous bulge in the wall of the aorta)
  • atrial fibrillation (an irregular heart rhythm).

It may also play a role in coronary artery disease, says Dr. Manson. But the evidence for this is less clear.

Add to this different types of cancer, liver disease, stroke and kidney failure plus various accidents and ask yourself, whether it's worth it.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Are Tattos A Good Idea?

 An interesting discussion here.

Sorry for the lack of quality posting, but there are some things I had to sort out when I came home;) Next week better!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Short Personal Note

 I'll be away for the weekend. Posting will resume next Tuesday. 

Have a blessed Pentecost Feast you all:)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Do Women Run After Horrible Men?

 Yes, they absolutely do.

Feminists like to decry domestic abuse and even have the cheek to accuse "the church"/"Christians" for facilitating it by promoting wifely submission and one income family where the wife is a dependent. Does abuse happen in the church? It sure does. But it happens outside the church as well, just as often. 

And, you know what? We don't practice arranged marriages in the West today. Fathers aren't allowed to sell their daughters as concubines like in OT or Roman Empire. All these abused women choose their own partners. Often they aren't even married to these men, but choose to stay with them, despite their parents' protests.

I'll give you a couple of examples from what I witnessed myself. 

Case 1.  A girl (18-19) was in love with a man and was stalking him continuously (yes, women do this, too). The guy tried to get rid of her many times and finally beat her up so badly that she ended up in hospital, but expressly asked all her friends to conceal it from her parents cause they would put the man in question in prison.

Case 2. A girl from a "good family" had a relationship with a guy who was a violent alcoholic, and repeatedly beat her up, despite her parents doing everything to separate them. Terminated several pregnancies as he refused to marry. In the end, she left him after another beating and after she got older and acquired some common sense. 

Case 3. a girl married a violent cheating alcoholic and stayed with him until he finally beat up herself and her Granny who tried to help her. Refused to go to police.

Case 4. A woman was married to a violent adulterous alcoholic all her life. Refused to leave him even though she worked full time and had an income of her own. Her only son took after the father, started substance abuse and died from an overdose, but she still wouldn't divorce her husband. In the end he tired of her and divorced her himself.

None of these women were practicing Christians, btw.

It happens much more often than you think. Victorians lied to you. Women, especially young women aren't "sugar and spice and everything nice". They aren't shrinking violets. They have a s8x drive, which is often quite strong, and they crave dominant, aggressive guys. Sometimes even violent guys. As they grow older they often mellow out and drop out of the relationship. If they had the misfortune to get married (nearly always against the will of their parents) they turn into those proverbial bitter divorcees who will tell you that "all men are pigs" forgetting that she chose that pig herself in the 1st place. Many women appear to have difficulty with accepting responsibility for their actions.

A very uncomfortable truth is that humans are turned on by blood and violence. Execution videos on YouTube get hundreds of thousand of clicks. And when executions still happened in public, they say that women sometimes were the majority of those who came to watch. In ancient Rome women, even those of the upper class lusted after gladiators and sometimes even left their high status husband for them. During WWII men would try to knock up a girl before leaving to fight, so that if they died, they'd leave a child behind. 

The close proximity of violent death appears to arouse both men and women. Conservatives often admit it in the case of men, but pretend that women are different. The truth is that both s8xes are tainted by sin, including s8xual desire.The good news is that we aren't slaves to our bodies and can teach our children to not react on their lowest impulses and to flee temptations. Mind should rule over flesh and not vice versa.