
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Lent Has Begun

 Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. 

Do Protestants fast for Lent or is it only for Catholics?

Well, some do. Here is an interesting article on this topic:

This year, March brings the end of Epiphanytide, officially closing out the Christmas cycle. Immediately afterward, the church shifts its eyes to Easter, as it embarks on its 40-day trek toward the cross in the season of Lent. This begins with Ash Wednesday, when we hear the admonition, “you are dust, and to dust you shall return...”

...Christians will find many historic customs associated with this penitential season — especially the threefold disciplines of prayer, almsgiving and fasting.

In Lent, Christians should find ample opportunities to pray, including with other Christians at midweek services. Likewise, heads of households often lead more robust daily prayers with their families during this season.

Almsgiving, or giving that goes above and beyond a Christian’s regular cheerful tithing to the local congregation, is another Lenten custom that curbs the flesh from the love of earthly goods and wealth. By giving money to the needy or finding ways to bless others with their time and talents, Christians train themselves to rely on their Lord for sustenance...


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