
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What The Cat Dragged Home

 Well, yesterday she dragged home a mouse. But then she somehow lost it because though she is very pretty she isn't particularly bright (which my mum says a pretty girl doesn't have to be, lol). And the mouse ran away and hid. She then went around complaining and wanted us to give the mouse back to her. 

We looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Then her daughter came downstairs and started sniffing around the corner. Then we had to move a heavy wardrobe to search behind it, but the mouse wasn't there.

Then Finn came home and started sniffing in another corner. Then he went back outside. My husband suggested that the mouse escaped through the plinth to the neighbour's house.

Then at night one of the cats started digging in the corner where our bookkeeping files were arranged, and pulled out a heavy book. So now my husband thinks she ate that mouse at night. What do you think?


  1. It's possible she may have partially eaten it, and left the rest of it somewhere. We used have a couple cats on our small farm of sorts. Some would eat it, some would not. My grandmother's cats like to catch the mice and play with it till it died on the back porch.

  2. Well, we haven't seen any traces of it anywhere, so may be it escaped to the neighbour. He has 2 cats himself though:)

  3. A few years ago my cat brought a live mouse into the house. I grabbed her to put her and the mouse back outside. She dropped the mouse and it ran away. I looked all over the house for it.
    Then at 3 in the morning, while my cat slept at my feet, I felt a soft, warm plop onto my head. It was the mouse! It had climbed up the back of the headboard and either fell or jumped onto my head.
    The mouse ran down my body and off the bed with my cat in hot pursuit. I never saw not smelled the mouse again so I assume she it all up.
    Another time she brought a live chipmunk in the house. Same story, she dropped it as I picked her up to put her and the chipmunk outside. I have no idea what happened to it. Never saw nor smelled it so kitty either ate it or it somehow found its way outside.
    Again with a baby rabbit! Except when she dropped it, it ran down the cellar stairs. I spent hours looking for it and I kept the outside door of the cellar open so it could leave. Finally it was dark out so I had to shut the door.
    Next morning I went down to the cellar and there was a dead baby rabbit, disemboweled on a door mat. So kitty caught it and killed it but couldn't eat it all up.

  4. Luckily we don't have rabbits living close to the house. But Finn regularly catches and eats pigeons (partially). He knows if we see it we'll try to take it away (once we managed to save one) so he will sit under the car parked in front of the door and it eat. When I see feathers I assume it's him.

    I should add that animal lovers are absolutely mad about cats eating pigeons and want the government to forbid cats going outside which they still haven't succeeded in.
