I've thought I heard it all but this is really mind-blowing. Apparently there are those among us, who blame Adam for Eve's sin, and even go so far as to say that his fault was not offering himself as sacrifice for her sin instead of Jesus Christ. That is, he should have declined the apple and then gone and offered himself up to wash away her sin (sounds a bit blasphemous to me, but OK) but since he hadn't done it, "we all died in Adam".
Now let's look what the Scriptures say. Did God punish Adam for his wife's sin or for his own, and what was the sin exactly:
17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Appears quite clear to me that Adam was punished a) for listening to his wife instead of God and b) for disobeying the clear command and eating the forbidden fruit.
Here is how Matthew Henry explains it:
We have here the sentence passed upon Adam, which is prefaced with a recital of his crime: Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, v. 17. He excused the fault, by laying it on his wife: She gave it me. But God does not admit the excuse. She could but tempt him, she could not force him; though it was her fault to persuade him to eat, it was his fault to hearken to her.
If something, Adam was guilty of trying to blame his wife, the way Eve tried to blame the serpent, but she still was responsible for her own actions and punished for it accordingly. Adam wasn't punished for her actions, but for his own!
Do you need any other proof that conservatives are extreme pedestalisers? BTW, a guy who asked if Adam should have physically restrain his wife from eating the fruit was right away accused of having abusive tendencies. Here you have it, ladies and gentlemen, women are mentally on the level of toddlers and can't be held accountable for their actions but are apparently entitled to all the rights of adults and also special treatment because they are ladies (would a man trying to physically restrain another man from doing wrong be accused of abuse?)
I'm an agnostic, but my humorous take on the Adam and Eve story is that women don't listen. :LOL:
ReplyDeleteI'm for repealing women's suffrage and getting most of them back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. All societies would be better off.
ReplyDeleteConservatives are extreme pedestalizers. This is true.
ReplyDeleteI just wonder why???
ReplyDeleteAbout abusive tendensies, I recenlty heard that the husband of my second cousin is abusive. Because he wont let her work.
ReplyDeleteShe has SLE and doing rather poorly with it. But she was planning on getting a job, that would require getting to work at 4 a.m. And that job would pay very little, but apparenlty noblesse (aka feminism in this case) oblige.
So he was abusive enough to say, that he does not want her starting that job, because a) he is very much capable and willing to provide for her and b) obviously he does not want his wife ruining their sleep patterns and health for pennies they do not need.
That man used to be the golden boy of our family, but boomer women are gossiping about him, even trying to invent drinking problem.
I cannot get my mind around it: how come husband protecting her sickly wife from her own stupid decisions is abusive?
You know, while I don't subscribe to the "Boomers are the epitome of evil" theory, I do understand why many people hate them. Destructive behaviours had always existed, but that generation made a virtue out of it. And yes, many (not all) Boomer women are fanatically feminist and anti-natalist. I witnessed it myself.
ReplyDeleteI should add that there is a certain split in Boomer generation between older Boomers and the younger boomers who are often closer to the GenX. It's usually older Boomers in my opinion, who are a problem.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post
ReplyDeleteGreat Post