Really most of them don't make sense. You know what they do though? They make Right-wingers look bad.
Let's start with the most recent one. Covid-19. I had been reading stories about how it was a conspiracy since the very beginning of the pandemic. Apparently, such different countries that normally can't stand each other as the USA, Russia, China and Iran all united in one big conspiracy together with WEF, UN and probably aliens to oust President Trump or hurt the Western economy or make us all digital slaves or something something.
Listen, I agree that many of the measures taken by the Western governments (don't know about other countries so won't judge) were retarded and overblown, however, corona did exist, and it was dangerous to certain categories of people, such as, the elderly, those with serious diseases (cancer, heart disease), and the overweight. We all collectively had to suffer because those 3 categories are like 50% of the modern Western society, could be more in some countries, lol.
However, I had corona and it did feel different from flu. I was totally whacked for 2-3 weeks after it, and I was told that I recovered indecently quickly. But after you had it once good, the next time you get it, it's really nothing special.
The next one is corona vaxxx. People are dying left and right from it, right? Except they are not. I know plenty of vaccinated folks and they are all alive and kicking, with a couple of exceptions. One died from cancer, the other one from untreated diabetes type 2. I also heard of those who had side effects from the vaccine, one elderly person even developed a blood clot in his lung. This happened very quickly after his 1st injection, not 2 years later though. His sister didn't vaccinate herself and spent 2 months in the hospital with severe corona (she was in 2 of the groups mentioned above).
Side effects can happen after any vaccine you take. My mother got swelling in her lung after a tetanus shot. You know what, if necessary I'd still take a tetanus shot over developing tetanus. The government had no business mandating corona vaccines (or any other vaccine) though and I'm glad my country never went so far, because we have workers' rights. Trade unions came in force against it and we had a strike which closed some of the havens of Rotterdam for just half a day, and it was enough to make the government change its mind. Collective action wins over rugged individualism every time.
The next one. Raw milk. It will cure any disease and give you eternal youth and pasteurised milk will send you to an early grave (yes, I know I overdrive). Raw milk was prohibited because raw milk spread tbc and diphtheria, among other things. Raw milk when it was sold widely was usually boiled for a certain amount of time at home. Here you can purchase it on farms. You are advised to boil it. It has a higher fat content.
If you are lactose intolerant, raw milk won't cure it. I never ever had problems with store-bought milk, in fact, I love milk, but started developing stomach issues with the raw one. It's literally not worth the hassle and health risk, despite what "nutrition bloggers" tell you.
Sugar. Sugar has a conspiracy theory of its own, seriously. Apparently, the USGov wants you to eat sugar, for nefarious reasons. Except a very simple Google search will take you to semi-official nutrition advice such as this, which literally tells you
- Men should consume no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams or 150 calories) of added sugar per day.
- For women, the number is lower: 6 teaspoons (25 grams or 100 calories) per day. Consider that one 12-ounce can of soda contains 8 teaspoons (32 grams) of added sugar! There goes your whole day’s allotment in one slurp.
I could go on and on, but will keep it short for the purposes of this blog post so I'll add the last one. Vegan conspiracy. Vegans want you to eat bugs. Or the government wants you to become vegan and eat bugs. I'm not a big friend of vegans, but let's be fair. Vegans don't eat bugs. They even refuse to eat honey because it's "the product of exploitation" or something. So while various government may promote bug-eating, it has nothing to do with vegans whatsoever. Also, the French eat snails. I tried them once, wasn't impressed. But one could say that eating insects is a long-standing European tradition:)
Also what did John the Baptist feed on in the desert? Locusts and wild honey? Vegans deny it, btw, and say that he was a vegan, too, and the word "locust" was just mistranslated.
Western governments can certainly be criticised on many things, but personally I don't think they're in the business of genociding us all with covid vaxx, sugar and insect protein:) Take nutrition and health advice from the internet with a grain of salt and do your own research.
Ok, apologies in advance, but I've got to push back a bit here.
ReplyDelete1) If you are a bible believing Christian, then you have to acknowledge a few facts. The bible says that satan will be given 7 years of free reign to rule the earth as he wishes. The bible makes clear, that satan has those who work for him whether knowingly or unknowingly. He is a fallen angel, and a spiritual being, that is he as far as I am aware does not have a physical body as of yet, and wont until the half-way point of the Great Tribulation. So why am I mentioning this. If you read, Matthew, Revelation, and some of the prophets of the Old Testament, it paints two pictures, the first of a world going mad, then shortly after one of a one world government working in lockstep under the antichrist. The devil is not God, he cannot simply snap his fingers and rearrange the world, he can whisper, he can lie, he can deceive, and the key here, he can have his puppets lay the groundwork for him. Governments run very slowly at the best and most optimistic of times, at the moment it is definitely not and we are seeing massive levels of corruption and lawlessness just about everywhere. The devil and the antichrist are only given seven years to rule outright, how can they do that if it would take most of that time to reign in all the prideful, corrupt, lawless politicians? However what if there was a core of them in every country laying the groundwork for his one world system? Do you not think it odd, that every single nation, including Israel, the US, Russia, Iran, and China are all pushing globalism, and a one-world government. Certainly not all the leaders mind you, but there has been a steady constant movement to a single world government for decades now. When we are raptured, it will be pure chaos, in the midst of this, you will have so called multicultural societies who have no roots to stabilize them, fall apart, you will have emboldened criminals, weakened police forces, corrupt leaders trying to amass as much power as possible. It will be the worst time, and in the midst of this will be the antichrist, who will already have key supporters in every country, ready to pull what stable parts of their countries into his one-world government seemingly overnight reforming the world in his image.
So yes, I do believe there is a "conspiracy" between leaders of every country, including those at war." It is not a stretch to understand no country has a single party inside it, generally a country has 2 or more opposing political factions, wanting and disliking different things.
Now what the point of covid was, I have no idea. The most likely idea I heard was that it was a mix of a test, and a power-grab. On the one hand it was a great way to test world-wide to see who was willing to comply to insane orders, and what regions were more likely to tell the bureaucrats to go do some rather impossible things to themselves. At the same time, it set precedent and lowered the requirements to shut everything down a second time. Because it was done once, now the governments can say, we have precedent to do this if we need to, because we did so before and there was no push-back. Once again no idea what the original reason for this was, but I can say with absolute certainty that it was not an accidental leak, it was absolutely 100% deliberate.
- W
Next, the Not-Vax, I don't know how many people died, however I can state that prior to the not-vax, we didn't have young in perfect shape athletes dying of heart attacks and I quote sudden adult death syndrome in their 20s and 30s. That simply didn't happen for six thousand years, and then all the sudden it has been happening since the not-vax. I can tell you that prior to the not-vax, people didn't have massive stringy blood-clots appearing inside their veins. I watched a video where a coroner removed a foot long rubber looking blood-clot out the leg of a body of someone recently passed. I saw a hour plus of testimony from coroners all stating they had never seen this before, and that now it was everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Covid itself was that dangerous, or rather no more that the flue generally is. What seemed to kill people is when they either had pre-existing conditions, or were given Rendesivir which was pushed by Fauchi and his merry gang of psycopaths.
I do agree however that every vaccine can have side effects. In this not-vax's case however I take issue with the fact that it was pushed out without it being tested first. That is a major no-no at the best of times, the fact that it was done because "we had to be seen as doing something" That is a major problem. I would also like to point out that the government has been busy passing laws to preemptively block any attempt to hold Fauci and his ilk responsible.
- W
Raw milk. I'll be honest I don't really know much about this one. I do think it was a bit suspicious, but as I said I don't know enough about this one to have formed much of an opinion.
ReplyDeleteSugar is a problem however. Though I do believe a point of note must be made here. There is Sugar (which is natural) and refined sugar (which is not natural, and is quite bad for you.) I don't think its so much the USGov want's you to eat sugar, as that their guidelines don't make a distention. Likewise they don't mention anything about corn-syrup, or other processed foods. None of which are good for you in the slightest.
I would like to point out though that John the Baptist ate honey directly from its source. That stuff is healthy-ish. Its good for your sinuses, and generally is tolerable for your gut, or at least honey from the area around where you were born and raised anyway. What is in stores is called honey, and called sugar, but it is in fact refined sugar, and honey made with refined sugar.
If the average American stopped eating foods with processed or refined sugar and carbs, even without going to the gym, he will automatically begin loosing weight, and start feeling better.
Again let me point out Sugar is somewhat good is moderation, but the USGov doesn't make a distinction between sugar and Refined sugar and that is what is causing the confusion.
- W
Last one. The vegans. They are free to do as they wish, but there is a reason vegans look like a stiff breeze would shatter their bones. They don't eat meat so their bodies don't get the protein needed to really build/maintain muscle mass. Yes they are skinny compared to most Americans, but frankly I'd rather be fat than a vegan.
ReplyDeleteThat being said I do agree that the bug eating push is coming from the governments rather than the vegans. I suspect what is happening is the powers that be find one or two members of a group, in this case the vegans and get them to push for something no one really wants. I mean using maggots to make fake meat? Hell no.
I may not think much of the vegan movement, but yea, the push for eating bugs isn't coming from them. This is coming from the globalists.
- W
I am increasingly of the mind that what many think of as cabals and conspiracies are actually the natural wages of sin that manifest themselves in greater and greater ways as people, families, and nations progress more and more in their rebellion against God. No conspiracy is required really.
ReplyDeleteAs for the vax: I have to disagree because up until 2021, young healthy people (and even young not so healthy people) did not die of cardiac arrest. It just wasn't a thing. Having had a relatively young (40) healthy family member be perfectly fine, then take the vax to keep her job, then drop dead of sudden cardiac arrest with no history of heart disease? That convinced me to start doing some actual digging into numbers and excess deaths.
You could say I found what I went looking for, but there are plenty of people (Steve Kirsch, RFK, etc) who have done some pretty good research on the subject and there is no question that vax was (is?) far more dangerous to most people than Covid ever could have been.
Elspeth, young sporty people have died on cardiac arrest forever. Usually they start exercising too soon and get inflammated heart muscle, or exercise with NSAID, which can make you drop dead.
DeleteYou just have what is called observational bias.
I personally think that most people just want to feel important. That is why some christian have believed 2000 years that End Is Near (even though Bible says, that when it IS near, people miss it until it is too late). Or others want to believe on conspiracies, they just want to feel they are soooo much smarter than others. Time proves them wrong over and over again, and yet they start believing new conspiracies.
Oh, yeah. If I might add: There was definitely a "conspiracy" in the US between Big Pharma, Fauci, and the NIH/CDC cabal. It's not even hard to see the connections between drug mandates and the people in out health bureaucracies getting profits from every dose administered. Yes, of the Covid vax, but not just the Covid vax.
ReplyDeleteAnon W: I'm not an Evangelical Dispensationalist and don't believe in Rapture. I'm more of a Reformed Post-millenial Partial Preterism/historicism point of view:
Well while I'm not really looking to start a religions debate at the moment, I would like to ask, (mainly because it certainly helped me understand the word a lot more clearly) if any of the pastors you had ever explained how to divide the word of God. Though divide really isn't the right word, its just the closest word I could find.
Deleteforgot to put - W at the end.
DeleteAnon W, yes, sure we have our own faith documents, the Catechism, stuff like that which we have been following since forever. Religious debates have their place, but may be not here. There are also Catholics reading this blog, their theology is also different, so we could be debating forever and not persuade anyone to change his mind.
DeleteI agree about processed foods though:)
ReplyDeleteAnon W and Elspeth, about healthy dying suddenly. They did. I remember in my youth in the 1990s, a daughter of someone I knew died suddenly. She was 18 years old. We all suspected drugs but her family emphatically denied it. A preacher from a church nearby went into cardiac arrest suddenly. He was in his early 30s. It was before this whole corona stuff and he def wasn't doing drugs. These things happen. Young people are getting unhealthier and drug abuse which IS often the reason behind it is on the rise.
ReplyDeleteshould be "healthy young people" obviously:)
DeleteOk, that is fair, but I would like to remind you that those were probably outliers. You didn't say, but I suspect it was years between the two. That is very different than the numerous number of athletes dropping dead over the last few years. To the point where it has become a concern in the news, and a new term has been created. That being sudden adult death syndrome. Which just by its very name tells a rather disturbing story.
Delete- W
What you are saying is true, but on the other hand it could be that we are all more alert nowadays. Social media allows us to follow news in different countries and the media in general likes to create the hype. Those deaths should be researched though.
DeleteAlso, if someone gets a negative reaction to a vaccine it happens quickly. I do believe that people can die due to side effects, and corona vaxx wasn't tested properly. However, it's not what conspiracy theorists claim. They claim that people got vaccinated 2 years ago and are dying now because of it. It doesn't make sense.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the years later thing. In the case of my relative, it was pretty immediate. Less than 2 days.
Immediate is probably due to the vaccine, I'm awfully sorry about your relative. It did cause blood clotting in some people. But the corona, did, too. No vaccine should ever be mandated, imo...
DeleteNow about vegans. Men appear to function quite well on this diet, if they get enough protein. Women, on the other hand, not so much, they often start getting fertility issues. I wouldn't recommend it to any woman of a child-bearing age though some manage to pull it off somehow. I think it's because they don't eat dairy. Milk is literally a fertility food (fish, too, btw). Vegans do often (not always) have this drawn look about them.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing about corona vaccine conspiracy. I do fully believe that people in various governments are often incompetent and corrupt and think more about profits than common good. I just don't believe they all conspired to kill us all with these vaccines. In any case, they hadn't succeeded (cause incompetent, lol)
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you on this. While I firmly believe there is a core group that are as wicked as sin somewhere in the mess we currently have, I also believe most of our so called elite are. Well the old story about the turtle on a fence-post comes to mind.
DeleteLet me reiterate, I do not believe they all conspired to kill us with the not-vax. I fully believe most of the political leaders couldn't find their way out of a paper bag, much less plot to wipe out huge chunks of mankind.
But, and this is a really big but too. There is precedence. There is a whole laundry list of projects the CIA, FBI, and the downright evil State Dept. swore up and down before congress again and again for decades either did not exist, or where shut down. They created and yes they the CIA created the term conspiracy theory to discredit people whistleblowers, and people who found evidence that they lied. Go back and look, most of what the conspiracy theorists were called crazy for saying was being done, was in fact being done.
My favorite is project Mockingbird. Its a fun little song, where the CIA inserts agents into the news outlets. This was in the 60s I believe when it started. Their stated objective was to gain functional control of what news was distributed. Sounds funny right. In fact I think though I could be mistaken this was one of the projects they swore they stopped. Funny thing is there are videos people have made of dozens of news anchors of dozens of channels all saying the exact same words, almost as if it was a script in front of them. Funny really.
The point I'm making, is there precedence of groups using government authority, and taxpayer money to poison and kill off thousands. Heck, ask some of the older vets about the defense dept., they would probably be glad to regal you with tales about the experiments run on US soldiers.
Getting back on track however. I have absolutely no idea what was in the not-vax, nor do I know what the point of it was. From what I have heard a lot of the so called elites who got the jab were injected with whatever that mixture of water and salt the hospitals use. Soline or something like that. But in the end it doesn't really matter anyway, with train coated in fire that seems to be barreling towards us, the not-vax is something of a secondary concern. I would like to note a thought however.
If we are in the season of Jesus's return, the rapture, and the Great Tribulation. Then there is something interesting in the book of Revelation about the Kingdom age. There is a tree called the tree of life, who's fruits and leaves were for the healing of nations. Now some or rather most of that is clearly to heal people from what happens in the Great Tribulation, however I wonder if it is not also to heal whatever the not-vax has done to those who took it. Food for thought.
- W
I always thought the leaves and fruit were meant to heal everything, ie. physical, mental, spiritual, emotional diseases. Our whole existing being will be restored to pre-garden of Eden episode state. Our access to the Tree of Life will be granted just as it was denied from us in Genesis.
DeleteConspiracy theories is an outlet of fear. You speak of what you are, what you have in your heart. Focusing on the negative is so easy and it sells, too, but there is no benefit to it. Being aware, or cautious, is not the same. So what if there are programs of destroying humanity or demonic influence all over? Aren't we supposed to live for and with God and trust in His goodness and mercy? He will take care of us and we can leave to the world what is world's.
ReplyDeleteAnon W, yes, I heard about it! Didn't they also experiment with LSD? Here in Europe we had operation Gladio. I fully realise why so many dissident Americans distrust the fedgov:) It's just that I think many of the conspiracy theories promoted just serve as the distraction for the people from the really nefarious stuff the gov-ts are doing. I won't go into details on this blog though, by various reasons.
ReplyDeleteWow! where do I start? The problem is that almost every 'conspiracy theory' in the last 60 years has shown to be true on some level. It's pretty clear by now if not years ago that JFK was offed by some internal nefarious forces of the US government probably for not wanting Israel to have a nuclear program among other reasons. I was disappointed that Trump did not sign off on the release of more JFK documents from the federal government when he had the chance. If there is nothing to see, why would the CIA and others oppose the release? But nothing to see, right?
ReplyDeleteI myself will always believe that 911 was facilitated and allowed to happen. It's impossible for burning jet fuel to burn hot enough to weaken steel beams and it's odd a 3rd building was so readily prepared to be imploded. Couple that with the fact that no piece of steel was properly cataloged and investigated but quickly sent to an overseas Chinese recycler. Funny that this also led to a loss of freedoms with the security theatre of the TSA here in the US and those who made millions selling the x ray machines for luggage. Even the misnamed PATRIOT act was ready to go a week after 911, so how does a bill with thousands of pages appear so quickly for a Congress to vote on it?
As for Covid, it's clear by now that statistically those who took the vax were worse off or died than those who did not. I did not take it and even lost job opportunities while unemployed for refusing the phony and illegal clot shot mandate passed by this pedophile president. I did get sick a couple of years ago, but never tested for Covid. The masking was total stupidity to anyone like me who has taken a HAZWOPER40 training on PPE. That does not mean you should no exercise common sense cautions like washing your hands and staying home if you did not feel well. Many of my fellow 'Muricans' failed the compliance test.
If you dig a bit, you will find that the powers in charge wanted WWI and WWII and probably want a WWIII.
Trump probably didn't release these documents and neither did he "drain the swamp" for exactly the same reason you name. Because he actually learned the truth about JFK death:)
ReplyDeleteI don't really have an opinion on 9-11 so I won't argue with you. It's a bit like Pearl Harbor, they say that the American gov-t was informed about the attack but didn't react to drag the USA into WWII. I could believe it. The difference with the sort of conspiracy theorists I refer to is that they would argue PH didn't happen at all. Like all these school shootings in their opinion are just "crisis actors". I can believe that some (many?) of them could be groomed into doing this stuff online to promote anti-gun laws but to say that nothing ever happened at all - sorry I don't buy it. I think for some people, it's the way to cope with bad things happening around them. To pretend that nothing bad ever really happens. I read people online saying that Ashli Babbit was a crisis actor and is actually alive and that Derek Chauvin never went to prison and neither did the pro-Trump protesters. Imo it's just a coping mechanism or they are legitimately crazy.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about the ones in the bottom, but I do recall seeing research done where photos of "survivors" of various shootings, were placed next to each other, and there were in fact several individuals who were at multiple shootings. (I am not bringing up the current war in Israel, just a specific person for the next bit.) Back in November I believe, there was a video of a man who survived an explosion. The thing was though, the same man had stared in at least 3 other similar pieces, I believe though I could be mistaken, one of them was from before the war as well.
DeleteCrisis actors are definitely a thing. Now I am not saying every disaster, shooting, etc is nothing but an illusion. However I am saying crisis actors are real, and several gaslighting and false flag events have taken place over the last few decades.
I can say with absolute certainty though, that the US Government engages heavily in acts of gaslighting, false flag attacks, and propaganda warfare. This has been going on for a long time. The main difference is that now its a lot more open due to a mix of documents being revealed to the public, and the various branches and agencies no longer caring about hiding their actions.
Going back to the "conspiracy theories," I would like to point out one called MKUltra, which the CIA admitted to before congress in the 50s/60s I believe. They also said they shut it down, but I highly suspect they did not. The MKUltra program was kind of interesting reading. In it the CIA attempted to use drugs and other methods to effectively brainwash already weak willed individuals. The goal was to create sleeper agents. People who would go about living their lives, and them given the right triggers would turn them into living weapons. The point is, there are and were experiments being run which were sanctioned by the US gov, and I would be willing to be other countries had/have similar programs.
To be fair it does sound like something out of a bad movie, but congressional hearings prove that at least at one point within living memory such programs and experiments did in fact exist, and were being sanctioned by a government. Food for thought.
- W
I guess the real argument is what constitutes a false flag/psyop. Look, there are known cases when government agencies were grooming mentally ill individuals online to commit crimes and later arrested them on terrorism charges. That's a sort of a psyop. Likewise, it's quite possible that they knew beforehand about school shootings/baited people to enter the Capitol etc. I'm not saying it happened and I'm not saying it didn't, but only that it could. Yet to say that nothing bad ever really happens at all is to take it too far, imo.
DeleteThese debunking photos are presented on the internet, how do we know they are genuine? The same people have been using Michelle Obama's photos to prove she is a man etc.
The last one. I really hate shilling for Covid establishment stories but I do try to be fair. The point of the masks was to stop people spitting and sneezing into each other's faces which actually happens quite often when someone talks and has a cold. That's why the dentist wears one. So it was not to protect yourself but to protect others from the contact with you:)
ReplyDeleteI personally hated the masks and don't believe a short exposure somewhere in a supermarket really makes a big difference, but to me the vaccine mandates and the Corona app segregation were much worse. Also because in many places they really didn't seem to care whether you wore yours somewhere under your nose, lol!
I know many people who took the vaxx, some multiple times. they all appear to be doing fine though, that's my point:) Those who died were nursing home inhabitants with dementia, they would have died anyway, their average life expectancy is like 3 years max. But all the healthy old people swore by it and didn't dare to leave the house until they got their shot.
Personally I think the mask mandates were probably more of a we need to be seen doing something, and this is the cheapest and easiest thing we can order that we can reasonably expect people to follow. Rather than actually having a point behind it. What would have made more sense with the masks, which is also the reason I think this was more of a new jerk reaction, is asking people to use them like people in Asia do, (prior to covid I mean.) In Asia those who were sick wore/wear masks. During the covid period in the West, it was the healthy who were ordered to wear them.
DeleteWhat is truly bizarre though, is the number of people who were wearing them in their cars when they were by themselves. I still see people doing that today.
- W
But the mask are never an issue during the number of flue seasons we have had over the years. The mask was simply a humiliation/compliance stupidity and many people went along with it.
DeleteAnd how many of those masks ended up in the trash or worse in the ditch or local waterways? What level of protection was really provided? Those who studied the mask issue concluded that it was useless.
Actually everybody was ordered wearing a mask:) I know lots of people personally who while sick (not necessarily with corona, mind you!) are just nicely running around, bringing sick kids to school (mommy needs to work), visiting friends etc. It's our culture a bit, to show we are tough and to keep on going.
DeletePeople were much more riled up by masks (and still are, as this discussion shows) which are just a personal nuisance, while much worse things were happening, such as vaccine mandates. What is worse, to wear a mask when you go out or to lose your job and the ability to provide?
Those who wore them in their cars are hypochondriacs, lol!
I live in South Texas where other than short times here and there during winter, we are at 85% plus humidity most of the year. Wearing fabric over my face that makes me sweat and soaking the mask fabric and breathing through that can't possibly be protecting me from much of anything.
DeleteYeah, I didn't understand the masktards riding around in their car as the only person wearing a mask. It really angers me how much people swallowed the BS and wanted to impose it on others. Most people are inferior to me and too stupid for freedom.
I understand your point about staying home and such with an illness. However, keep in mind of past flus like the Hong Kong one of 1968 and then in the US people who were armed by the flu vaccine in the 1970s because of a government mandate. The difference was that the feds stop giving the vaccine. I read of no history of the masks nonsense.
Here most people wore masks because they didn't want to be kicked out of an establishment and/or fined. I personally saw a store clerk calling police on a guy who refused to don one. It was just not worth it to fight about it. Now the stores didn't do it out of malice, either, but because the alternative for them was that they would be fined and/or closed. And, of course, you had these hypochondriacs and Befehl ist Befehl types, many, I regret to say, were women.
DeleteI remember reading stories about people snitching on their neighbours for listening to a wrong radio program during WWII and getting them shot and I couldn't understand. Now I do.
That is to say, i couldn't understand how could you do such a thing, but now I realise that this sort of people is still around. Just recently I read a story about a certain UTube personality (a woman) whom other women were so jealous of that they snitched on her to her country's authorities accusing her of made-up crimes and made her leave that country. I'm not sure if it's only female thing though, but in 1984 the most enthusiast rule enforcers were also female
DeleteTime will tell....