Thursday, July 25, 2024

Died Suddenly Part 2

Here are a couple of articles for you to ponder:

Steroid use a public health crisis:

The risks associated with taking anabolic steroids are extensive and well-documented, ranging from infertility and erectile dysfunction to addiction and baldness, according to the NHS website.

But despite these stark warnings, there are still more than one million, predominantly male, steroid users in the UK, according to the UK Anti-Doping agency (UKAD).

 Well-known side effects of steroids:

  • Gynaecomastia (man-boobs)
  • Genitourinary (shrinking of testicles)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Blood-borne virus risk (e.g. HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C) as a result of injecting
  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Aggression and violence (commonly called 'roid rage')

Well, well, well, what do we see here? Who would have thunk it???

From mayo clinic:

 Andro can damage the heart and blood vessels in anyone who takes it. This raises the risk of a serious problem that can happen when the heart doesn't get enough blood, called a heart attack. It also raises the risk of a condition that keeps the brain from getting enough oxygen, called a stroke. Heart attack and stroke can be deadly...

Side effects linked to human growth hormone may include:

  • A heart that grows bigger than usual, called cardiomegaly.
  • High blood pressure.

Doping with erythropoietin may raise the risk of serious health problems. These include stroke, heart attack and blocked arteries in the lung...

 Diuretics can lead to death if an athlete uses them for doping.

Energy drinks are popular among many athletes. They often have high doses of caffeine and other stimulants. The street drugs cocaine and methamphetamine also are stimulants...

Other side effects include:

  • Stroke.
  • Heart attack or other problems with blood flow.

Other things that many of these men use are a female fertility drug called Clomid and anti-breast cancer drug Tamoxifen. 

Side effects of Clomid: 

 In males, similar to other substances with anabolic properties that lead to increased muscle mass, clomiphene is associated with a number of potential and serious side effects, including: increased risk of negative cardiovascular events, liver damage, and gastrointestinal discomfort. It’s important to note again, however, that the health risks and potential side effects in men have yet to be determined through long-term studies. In addition, testicular tumors and gynecomastia have been reported in males using clomiphene.


 Tamoxifen can increase your risk of stroke or blood clots.

 Tamoxifen is a chemo drug, for Pete's sake. Why would any healthy man want to subject himself to all this??? Well, as I read in one of the chats, they hope it will help them "score with women". Apparently, the quality of sl8ts females they can pick up will somehow potentially improve and that is worth the risk of stroke, heart attack, blindness and permanent infertility. And they say, women are vain creatures...

To sum it up, if you want to reduce your chance of "dying suddenly" it appears like a good idea not to take (illegal) drugs, to quit smoking and stop binging on alcohol. 

P.S. We are talking young healthy people over here. Obviously, the older you are, the higher the risk of dying by any reason...


  1. Simple enough, people can be dumb at times. Oh and peer pressure isn't just for teen and preteen girls.

    I have known a few guys at the local gym who were on steroids. Most of them were sleeping with any girl that so much as showed interest in their direction, or trying to at least, no idea how successful they were. I have known a couple of those guys to offer not steroids, but similar things, which were supposedly fine, but I have my doubts.

    What I can say, is that all of them taking that were ripped. Their muscles had muscles, and I have known several guys who might have been inclined to take the cheat option.

    Personally I have always thought that to be foolish at best. Yes as a guy you can get absolutely ripped taking them, but you have to continue to take it to maintain the physique, not to mention your body tends to build immunities to things the longer you use them which means you would need increasing doses.

    It is foolishness, plain foolishness.

    - W

  2. Thanks to all these celebrities on social media. And I don't trust all these protein powders, either. I know someone who took them and got testicular cancer. I read they can contain toxic substances.

  3. Also I personally know several men who were into bodybuilding. One admitted he took steroids, others not sure, but they were heavy users of the protein powders. All of them had trouble making their wives pregnant.
