Friday, July 26, 2024

Did Women Really Want "Equality"?



  1. Good Find Sanne!

  2. Mark Moncrieff not Anonymous, I forgot to sign before I commented.

  3. Hi Mark, nice to hear from you!

  4. I think most women didn't THINK what they want or do not want. It seems to me that most women are not very independent thinkers, but very easily led. For some reason, women stopped listening their fathers and husbands and started listening fembots and following them like cattle.

    They did not think for a second what they truly want and need. They jumped from being "suppressed" (that is, lovingly guided) by their fathers and husbands on being truly suppressed by feminism and society.

    I am sorry to say that, but it seems to me there was a very good reason men wanted to control women all our history. They knew, you just cannot let women run loose, because they get the most terrible ideas and follow them without thinking at all.

    I sometimes wonder, why God saw fit to make women the way they/we are. Then I think, that when societies work how He planned, woman follows her husbands lead, and in that case, of course, it is a good thing she is easily led. Problems arise when we forget biblical principles and women start following ANYONE but their husbands (or fathers or priests.)

    1. This isn't just a problem with women. It's not that simple. Both women and men who lack good formation in critical thinking skills, building strength of virtue and a solid moral foundation are easily led by their whims and passions.

      I don't believe men wanted to control women all our history. That sounds like something the feminists would say. Through both actual laws on the books of governments and societal norms/manners, civilizations have always sought to control the behavior of people for the benefit of society. Sometimes those laws were based on what was best for either sex and could at times just seem to be or actually was unfair but I don't think their sole focus was to control women. It was to control bad behavior from either sex for the good of all. You cannot let women and men with bad morals who are soft of virtue to run loose because that would lead to chaos, hedonism and all kinds of depravity.

      When societies base their laws on following God's law and follow through with actually upholding the laws, it's good for everyone. When women or men act independently of God, is when problems arise and societies crumble. The problem with today's world is that more and more, men and women are turning away from God.

  5. I'm in agreement with the women in the video. It was refreshing to see and hear compared to what would be said if the same interview were to be done today.

  6. Women were absolutely controlled, not so much by men but other, ''chaste" women would call out sluttiness and attention wh8ring, the way unchaste women nowadays call out modesty and cleanliness.
