Monday, May 3, 2021

Some Churches Are Still Based

Like this one.  


 Seriously though, why atheists???


  1. That's like moving into a house under the flight path of an airport and complaining about the resulting noise. It was there long before you--shouldn't have bought a house there. Talk about stupid!!

  2. They probably do it on purpose, to harass the church. Atheists really hate religion, any religion.

  3. "Well, sir, what did you expect?!" :shrugs:

    It's his fault and his choice for moving next to a church. He should have known better that churches (especially older ones) have bells. The whole city would laugh at him for this, not just the priest. Church bells ringing aren't annoying--They're traditional and beautiful. He should know that the world doesn't revolve around him--He is the selfish one.

  4. He could invest in some earplugs:)
