Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Of All The Freaky Things...

 we've seen lately, this one takes the cake:)


Seriously, as one guinea pig owner to another, how do you make them grow so big??? Any ideas? A different breed may be?


  1. Angle of camera, type of lens, photoshop? The ones in the cages don't look that big.

  2. Rozy, I thought about camera angle, too! But it must still be quite big, just look at the manner the lady is holding it. May be the reason they are showing it is exactly the fact that it's so much bigger than the others. Now my own theory also is that piggies adjust their size according to how much space they have, because those I've seen in the zoos outside are usually much bigger than anything I used to have (and I've had lots), but still...Probably some mutant, may be they tried the vaxx on it:)))

  3. How short is the women holding it?

  4. Well, I don't know, but surely she isn't a midget?

    1. A bigger than normal object held by a smaller than average person plays tricks on the eye!

  5. Yes, I get it, but this thing is still yuuuge:)

  6. Replies
    1. In size, that is...

      Head and body shape are guinea pig; have to wonder if really as big as seems...

  7. Aha, I thought so, too! A freaky animal:)
