Sunday, December 1, 2024

Did The Pill Cause Your Divorce?

 A long but interesting article:

Commonly used contraceptive pills may change natural mate preferences however. These pills introduce hormones that suppress ovulation and lead to temporary fertility loss, similarly to what happens during pregnancy. Consequently, heterosexual women's perception of men may serve a different function than that occurring around ovulation: They may pursue a cooperative partner who assists with child care rather than a genetically compatible partner.3 Women may therefore revert to having opposite mate preferences, becoming fixed on seeking less genetically compatible men whose body odor resembles that of their apparently supportive genetic relatives.4

To the extent that contraceptive pill use alters mate preferences (read more here), women who had taken hormonal contraceptives while meeting their partner and later discontinued their usage (as many do when they wish to conceive) may feel disenchanted with their initial partner choice. Indeed, the use of hormonal contraceptives may not only affect initial partner choice but also have unintended consequences for women’s relationship satisfaction if contraceptive pill use subsequently changes.

 In plain language. A healthy heteros8xual woman is attracted to assertive masculine men. The pill, on the other hand, can make her choose a feminine soyboy a modern sensitive male. When she tries to conceive and stops taking it she predictably gets disgusted disappointed and may  even divorce him. And if she doesn't, the result will be dysgenic especially if she gets sons. It's almost like it's a conspiracy. Now who could be behind it???

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