Monday, October 14, 2024

Is There Nothing Sacred In Britain Anymore???

 Or at least in Wales:

The Welsh ruler, who is best known for attempting to find the Holy Grail, has featured in the council's 88BTQ+ timeline as a result of his attire...

The earliest references to King Arthur date back to a time where he was depicted as a successful "dux bellorum" - or warlord.

Mentioned throughout the Welsh mythological book The Mabinogion, King Arthur's sexuality has never knowingly been mentioned in scripture.

It's since been claimed the ruler was included in the timeline because he "wore women's clothing".

 What does it make all the women wearing pants then??? Also, how do they know this King Arthur even existed let alone what he wore?


  1. I have understood that in early medieval times men of power used to wear robes?

    And most monastic habits ere invented back then, and what do monks wear? Robes.

    So maybe they thougt "hahahaa, men in skirts, hahahaa, oh, wait, they must be Alphapetique!"

    I am surprised that they didn't suggest that while sir Lancelot was courting his Queen, he must have entertained himself with sir Galahad. Perhaps they even had orgies round that table.

  2. That is dumb. Seriously though. Who thinks this crap up? LOL

  3. Have you seen the quality of an average "public servant" these days? One wouldn't really trust them with running a daycare, let alone some form of government.

  4. It makes perfectly sense, when you think about their agenda: to smudge, ruin, destroy all virtues from the world. I mean those old, nasty virtues that require self-control and discipline.

    Only modern virtue is tolerance, and that, as archbishop Charles Chaput points out, is not a christian virtue.

    Satan must be really bored by now, he has nothing left to do, we are doing it all ourselves. Cheerfully.

  5. And by the same reason, we collectively deserve everything that is coming our way...
