Friday, September 13, 2024

Making Money Is Not Holy

The way people talk about earning money nowadays, one could think it's akin to a religious ritual. I'll give you one example: immigration. Immigrants who profit from welfare system = double plus ungood. Immigrants who "contribute to economy" are supposedly a net positive. Yet, the end result is the same: local population gets marginalised and substituted by foreigners, mostly without any loyalty to their new country. 

Another example is working mothers. Yes, I know some really have to work, but most don't. They keep working for their wants, not their needs. You can live in an apartment instead of a semi-detached. You can live with 1 car, at least, here in Europe (we have great public transportation). The car doesn't have to be brand new. You don't need to stay in a 5 star all inclusive hotel during your vacation. There are still many families around who go camping with a tent.

You don't need a new I phone for 5000 euro. You can buy a simple smartphone for something like 200 euros. A woman definitely doesn't need the whole house full of expensive makeup, shoes and bags. The kitchen doesn't need remodeling every year. Etc etc.

So keeping it all in mind. Most people, if you asked them a question, would agree that a mother should not neglect her children or that a clean house and home cooked meals are a positive thing. They would agree that keeping in touch with your family or helping aged parents/grandparents is something praiseworthy. They would agree that social contacts and helping your neighbour are important. Most of these things have being traditionally the wife's responsibility because the husbands had to earn the income.

However, all of this goes out of the window the moment it interferes with the most important activity of a modern female: money making. It's OK to stuff your baby in a daycare with strangers, to eat processed food every day, clean your house once a month and never see your parents, and be too tired every evening for your husband in the bedroom. It's not because you are lazy or a bad mother/daughter/neighbour or whatever, it's because you devote yourself to the sacred process of earning money.

I mean how much do you really need? A shelter, food, clothes, a car, a couple of weeks vacation. This all can be bought on a budget, by being frugal and saving, the way average middle class folks used to do it before. It's still doable. I know some welfare single moms. They live in houses, their children go to school, they are normally dressed and eat quite decent food, and even go on vacation sometimes. The only thing they can't afford is driving a car, but as I said, there is such thing as public transportation.

And yet, a doctor's/dentist's wife apparently can't afford any of this and has to work. Does it even make sense to you? In fact, the statistics show that in the USA there are more working class women staying home than upper middle class ones. A truck driver can afford a SAHM, a surgeon or a lawyer can't. The love of money is the root of al evil, think of it.

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