Sunday, August 4, 2024

Wicked Witches

Witches exist. And here I'm not talking about those misguided souls who participate in Wicca or even worse, some black magic rituals. We all know it happens, but not as often. I mean how many of these types have you encountered in your life, unless you frequent New Age events?

Here I'm talking about "witches" in the 2nd meaning of this word. Nasty hateful females which will ruin your day. In real life they more often tend to be passive aggressive than openly aggressive since irl you can get real life consequences. But there are absolutely swarms of them online, e.g. in UTube comments section or other internet forums and they are usually attracted to certain topics. 

Witches absolutely hate certain things, like, young attractive women successfully married and choosing to be a homemaker. They will come in droves and tell her how real happiness is to be divorced and live with a pet, because "all men are bastards". Another topic they hate is chastity. If a girl will say she is trying to be chaste and modest, they will rip her to shreds telling her how it's oppression if you don't prance around near naked and how she is a slave to abusive men. 

Witches absolutely hate mothers with many children and anyone who suggests restricting abortion in any way can reckon on absolutely unbelievable amounts of hatred from them, like wishing that person (and sometimes their family) painful death. This is simply mind-blowing for anyone normal to behold, because this hatred honestly borders on pathological. Like psychopathic.

And, strange enough, witches hate a clean house. Really, cleaning videos attract a sizeable amount of female trolls who will tell you how their house is never clean and how happy they are, and what a loser you are to spend your time cleaning. A funny thing is, that apparently (some) Moslems believe if your house is dirty, your prayers won't be accepted; and, of course, Christians used to say "cleanliness is next to godliness", but that was before emancipation I guess.

You will ask why I'm writing all this. Simple, while trying to beat off something which I now suspect was a corona virus, I spent most of my time reading UTube/other discussions and the level of toxicity was astonishing. I wonder if some of it could be caused by demonic activity, especially those who wish death on innocent children?

Also, be a real woman, clean your house. Witches and presumably, evil spirits are scared off by it;)


  1. Interestingly, Tess Whitehurst has a book called "Magical Housekeeping."

  2. You see, that's exactly how feminists took over. Because misguided men like you feel pity for them. Where is pity for the female victims of the hate and abuse they are dishing out constantly. Women have agency and are responsible for their behaviour, just like men.

    The 1st group, I agree, they are often just brainwashed because New Age is promoted by elites.

    Also, thank you, I'm feeling much better now.

  3. I feel pity for them, too, and pray for their poor souls.

    It is so saddening to see, how human's deep need to believe and have connections with God gets so disformed. Those women have been told that christianity is oppresive and patriarchal and concervative and not modern at all (well, that is all true, exept oppression). So that is no-no to them. But they are not THAT ruined, they would become atheists. So they start to believe in something. Anything. Poor souls.

    I wonder which God sees as bigger sin, being an atheist or believer of new age mambo-jambo? And which people have more hope to become christians?

  4. It seems to me that people often think that christianity is just suffering and waiting reward in heaven. And they need something that helps them NOW. Why they fail to understand, that christianity also does that "help NOW" -thing so much better than any other "method" available, because we have the allmighty God to help as, and all His blessed Saints?

    Of course we suffer. Everybody suffers. I just read a quote from some saint, who said, that you get to choose wether you just suffer, or suffer with Jesus. And suffering with Jesus becomes joy, because it has meaning, it is not just numb, meaningless torment.

    Bit like comparing toothache and giving birth to a baby. Latter hurts, quite a bit indeed, but all that pain has the sweetest purpose on the earth, so it doesn't really matter. Because every wave of pain brings your beloved baby closer. And when you suffer with Jesus other torments of life, every wave of suffering brings beloved Jesus closer to you. Amen.

  5. "I wonder which God sees as bigger sin, being an atheist or believer of new age mambo-jambo? And which people have more hope to become christians? "

    I guess it depends on what sort of atheist and what sort of New Ager they are. Some people are just dabbling in crystals, astrology, stuff like that. Others go all the way and start engaging in black magic which brings them in contact with evil spirits. There is hope for them, too, but if they don't stop well then it's different. I also firmly believe that they will pay for it, and probably their family, too. And often in blood. If anyone who is reading it now engages in this stuff, stop it, immediately, before it's too late.

  6. As for atheists, many just have daddy issues. Also, Western people, of whatever nationality are very rebellious and materialistic right now. The idea that they need to subject their ego to some sort of rules is unbearable to many.

  7. The best answer I've ever heard actually address both of those questions.

    God is good. This seems like a simple statement on the outside, but it is also truth. Our God is Good, and because he is good, nothing evil or wicked can enter heaven. Our sin quite literally separates us from God. One of the descriptions of hell is darkness with wailing and gnashing of teeth. If you aren't forgiven when you die, you can't enter heaven, you will be quite literally cut off from God. And since all things good comes from the Lord, it is something I wouldn't wish upon my worse enemy.

    God does not wish any to go there, but because he is a Just and True God, he cannot allow sin to enter. To the point he made an escape for us. His son died as a sacrifice for our sins. All our sins from the very first to the very last at the last breath of our life are all placed upon him at the very moment we believe and trust him. 2nd Corinthians 5:21 "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." Or in layman's terms. Jesus died for us, taking our sins for us and with his death and resurrection we who trust in him and believe in what he did are imparted with his righteousness so that when we go before the Lord, Jesus's blood covers us and our sins are forgiven.

    So as an answer, with some exceptions, sin is sin whether it is refusing to believe in God or devil worship. Both are bad. I believe there is one or two things that are considered worse, well kind of, less worse than instant punishment without possibility to salvation, and even that is a maybe going by certain passages meant for that time period. That would be a full post in and of itself though.

    The last point, which I only now realized wasn't actually a question raised earlier. Is a rebuttle to how the feminists view Christanity.

    Yes we too suffer in this life. We have setbacks, and failures, and on and on and on. Yet as my pastor put it. Those who are saved are living the worst years of their eternity. Those who are not saved are living the best years of their eternity. I praise the Lord as I know that I am saved and at some point the suffering will end and shortly after be forgotten about for all time.

    It is a blessing to be saved, whether here on this Earth in this finite life, or in heaven throughout eternity.

    - W

  8. Edit: (well kind of, less worse and more instant punishment)

  9. There are lots of people who have a type of faith in God who still engage in things like astrology. I would hesitate to say that they all automatically go to Hell. It's simply not for me to decide. That's quite different from those who engage in hardcore stuff like the one I mentioned. I'm also not the type who thinks if you go to yoga classes or read Harry Potter you are automatically unsaved. But, it's not a wise decision to purposefully seek New Age stuff for anyone, imo.

    What many people don't understand about the whole concept of "magic" (due partly to books like Harry Potter) is that you don't get something for nothing. These rituals aren't innocent, and if you achieve something through them, you will have to pay back, always. It's scary stuff, which frankly, you should not even approach.

    1. I never said they couldn't be. Even after we are saved we still sin. The bible even speaks to those who turn their backs to God after obtaining their salvation, stating that while they wouldn't earn any rewards their soul would still be saved.

      There are those who are saved and turned to witchcraft later. Their sins are still forgiven and they are still saved. They just aren't living the way they should be. 1st Corinthians 3:13-15

      Also for the record I don't think yoga or reading Harry Potter automatically makes you a witch. That is ridiculous. Now if you read harry potter then went out looking to gain magical powers and so forth. That is a bit more of an issue. The Yoga stuff is fine as far as I'm concerned. Where the issue lies is part of the meditation taught. Specifically the part to clear your mind. Again not really an issue by itself. What makes it an issue is if you then start searching out for things like astral-projection and the like.

      You will think its a bit funny, but apparently the US Military had a black opts program at one point I'm not entirely sure when this took place. I believe the program was called Clairvoyant or something like that. They got a devout satanist to teach them to astral-project in order to spy on other nations. Supposedly the clearing of the mind was the first step in that and one of the first steps in Witchcraft.

      So again Yoga is fine, meditation is also fine, what is not is deliberately searching out spirits and demons to learn witchcraft and the like. That is where people get into trouble. Its best to stay away from that. So again feel free to do yoga and read the books, but don't go out looking to acquire power, it will end badly.

      - W

  10. Edit: the 1st Corinthians 3:13-15 should have been attached to
    the end of the 1st paragraph, not the 2nd.

    - W

  11. W, your post at 10:51 was splendid!

    I am coming to the conclusion that ateists are more likely to be saved. Because there are no atheists in foxholes. Meaning, they will start believing the instant their life is in danger. So they are more likely to become christians than those new age -people, who already believe in "universe" or something, and when they are in hard place, they just keep "praying" for their false idol.

    I actually do yoga. I have prayed over it, and come to the conclusion that God Almighty actually sees my heart and knows, wether my intention is to worship something else, or just simple get some exercise. Also to be on the safe side I ALWAYS before my practice (I do it at home with youtube)), I say a little prayer to point out that dear God, this is just exercise for me.

    It is true that some breathing exercises can make you feel funny, and new age-hippies want to think it is their "kundalini rising" or something. But you can actually get the same effect with breathing exercises done by free divers (done that, too.) It is just gases in your blood acting funny. (If you overbreathe, you get rid of carbon dioxide in your blood, and if you dont have enough it, you get lack of oxygen in cellular lever, because of complicated reason. And first symptom of lack of oxygen is euphoria. Our bodies dont really react to lack of oxygen, but build-up of carbon dioxide. )

    Anyway there is nothing magical on those feelings people get doing breathing exercising. Just biology.

    Same thing singing mantras: it just activates your vagus nerve. But with mantras, I am a bit cautious. Just in case.

  12. Now when I stopped to think about it, after I started praying before yoga, I have been less and less interested attending those classes in youtube. It feels like doing those exercises by myself is fine, but not with new age -instructor.

    Also I am sick and tired with ladies in legginses that look like body paint. One of the reasons I rather exercise without youtube. And watching Olympic Games, if those outfits bother me, how it must feel for men?

  13. "There are those who are saved and turned to witchcraft later. Their sins are still forgiven and they are still saved."

    A Reformed Christian would tell you such a person is not truly saved, and many Baptists would do the same. I'm more with Lutherans on this one. If you as a saved person will fall into grievous sin, such as adultery or witchcraft, and don't repent, you will be pulled away from God, sometimes to the point of no return, after which you lose your faith. And then, you are lost forever.


  15. I believe RC and Orthodox Church teach, that you are not saved until you actually enter heaven. Since we all sin all the time, and all sin draws us away from the God, it does make sense that you cannot be saved once and for all during your lifetime. We just have to do our best and repent all the time.

    I must say I am VERY worried of a christian who is certains of his salvation, because he has got this or that babtism or whatever. That sounds a lot like Pride to me, which is a mortal sin. Because we human beings can never, ever be sure. Our salvation is in the end in the hands of God.

    You just cannot be saved until you truly are. If you are living and breathing, you are not saved. Just sinning like everybody else.

  16. Yes, I'm aware of the differences in doctrine between Protestants and RC/Eastern Orthodox. That's what the Reformation was all about;)
