Monday, August 12, 2024

Sweden, Yes?


According to preliminary official figures, immigration fell by 15% year-on-year during the early part of 2024.

Emigration rose by 60% over the same period, from January to May, while asylum applications continued to fall and reached their lowest level since 1997.

In 2023, emigration increased among people born in Iraq, Somalia and Syria. In 2023, net immigration figures for people born in these countries were negative. According to preliminary statistics from Statistics Sweden, Sweden has negative net immigration up to May this year.

 Meanwhile, in Germany:

Germany’s Christian institutions play a pivotal role in mass immigration, through the message they preach in parishes all the way to their efforts in funding the transfer of migrants to Germany.

Now, the Catholic Diocese of Trier is calling for monthly donations to fund another ship to bring illegal immigrants to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea. Catholic faithful are being called upon to fund the operation of the Sea-Eye 5 “rescue ship.”

“Sea rescue is a Christian and humanitarian duty,” said Trier’s Vicar General Ulrich Graf von Plettenberg.

European aristocrats, screwing peasants since year 801...