Saturday, April 6, 2024

Western Values We Are Fighting For

 Prague hospital performs abortion on a wrong woman:

 Medics mistakenly terminated the fetus of an expectant mother who was four months pregnant on March 25.

Words fail me. They are offering her a compensation. As if you can compensate the mother for killing her child. You know I have many thoughts on this issue but can't really say anything because of LAWS. So you will just have to fill in the blanks yourself...

As long as it all happens in Minecraft, of course!



  1. They should be sued for homicide.

    I am praying so hard this dreadful incident will make those doctors THINK, and see their erroneous ways. Something good just might come out of this. People just might start thinking, that hey, in this woman womb it was beloved baby, so how come it was just a clumb of cells in another womans womb? I mean, if it is only clumb of cells, this is no tragedy, because that woman can always have another one, right?

    Or is it really for the mother to decide, which it is? Her body, after all. Exept that it is the body of that beloved baby...

  2. I wish I could be as optimistic as you but I seriously doubt it. There are forces behind it which are too powerful for a single person or even a small group to withstand. Now if ALL doctors refused to do it, it could lead to a change but that will never happen, either. Most people in the Western countries, even Christians won't sacrifice even a favourite TV show for the sake of their principles, let alone their income and material well-being. And, of course, many agree with liberalism to begin with.

    As for your other point, the real tragedy is that no, you don't always can have another child whenever you wish to. People nowadays think children are like pets, you can just take one whenever you like. But it doesn't always work this way...

  3. Yes, I know that people wont always concieve when they want to -but "they" do not know it, apparently. Also, even if this mother would have another baby, it wouldn't be the same one! I mean, if 2 months old baby would die, everybody would understand, that Jane, who borns year later, is no substitute for dead James. But somehow it is completely different when the baby is still inside womb...

    Even if this woman has 10 more children, this one, unique baby is lost. One precious soul. But "they" do not believe on souls, do they?

    I admit it is hard to stay positive in a country, where 75 % of people are pro-euthanasia.

  4. Miriam, this opens the whole new can of worms, doesn't it?

  5. "I admit it is hard to stay positive in a country, where 75 % of people are pro-euthanasia."

    The majority of people are often just sheep who will follow anything the media tells them. So I wouldn't be too discouraged. And also, how far can you trust those polls? That said, it doesn't take away personal responsibility for one's actions...

    1. A couple of thoughts and points here. I've come to question the legitimacy of polls and surveys in the last few decades. I mean if you ask 100 people in NYC what they identify as and then claim that as a survey of Americans. Well by that survey America would sure be filled with leftists, communists, and feminists. The thing is, and this is a major stumbling block for gen-x and older. The Media Lies. Seriously you can't take what they say as truth. Even at their most honest its a grain of truth in a bowl of lies. But people can't seem to understand that.

      I do agree though that most people are sheep that follow whatever they are told by the idiot-box. Actually this one is extremely funny to me as I remember growing up every single day we were being bombarded with "be a leader" propaganda. Which is why its so ironic now that so many people are actually followers instead.

      As for the article in question. Well there is no good coming out of this. There is only one clear point to me in this whole mess. The woman who wanted to kill her kid, the doc who was going to do it, and the doc who killed the other woman's kid are all murderers. In any other case the last doc I would have some sympathy for as mistakes happen. However he was not only willing to murder a child in the womb, but he did so, so he is also a murderer.

      As for the mother of the murdered child, there really isn't anything that can be done to make things right. Can you put a price on your own child, children are priceless and precious, which is why it is such a horror when they are killed, especially by their own mothers.

      I know you are all sick of me saying this, but it is still true. The closer we get to the rapture, and Jesus's return. The more wicked, cruel, and evil the world will become. The more wickedness will seep out into the open, proclaiming loudly what is good as evil, and what is evil as good. If any of you aren't saved yet, now is the time to come to Jesus before it is too late. - W

    2. This is how we got dragged to join an organization that is heavily associated with ''North Atlantic''. There was a poll, approximately 1000 people were asked and woohoo, 82% were for it, 12% against. First it was said that we would get to vote about it but then it was decided that a poll will do. Sigh.

      I'd have a lot to say about the whole issue but I try to contain myself.

  6. Anon, it's not that I'm sick of you saying it, it's just that I don't believe in Rapture. On the contrary, I think we'll have to stay and face the mess that has been created with our (silent) agreement and forced to clean it up somehow. But I do agree with the rest of your message:)

  7. Miriam, I feel your pain. I could also say a lot about the issue but don't think it's wise in the current situation.
