Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Elites And The Coming Civil War



Someone linked to this video which is quite interesting. In short, there are too many people with credentials and workers in general competing for a limited amount of jobs which started in the 1970s and leads to increasing instability. They keep talking for nearly an hour and totally avoid mentioning the twin elephant in the room: feminism and mass immigration. Impressive:) 


  1. They keep talking for nearly an hour and totally avoid mentioning the twin elephant in the room: feminism and mass immigration. Impressive:)

    They always yap on and on without addressing those twin elephants. To do so would be tantamount to religious blasphemy. So they don't, because they can't.

    Will watch the vid later. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You are welcome! Blasphemy is a good word to describe it:)
