Monday, April 3, 2023

Are Many American Women Psychotic?

 I mean how is this behaviour even normal? I have frankly never seen anyone react this way in a clear daylight (after dark would be another story). WT* is wrong with her? How is she even able to function daily without a nervous breakdown? 

H/t to Will


  1. Yeah, I saw this. Something is definitely wrong with her if this is real. I want to believe it's a troll and not real.

  2. No. Stop getting impressions from whatever news you get your information from. I'm an American. What is not shown on whatever your seeing or reading is there are countless Americans that are sane. I don't comment here. Because most of your post titles are inflammatory, IMO.

  3. Elspeth, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a troll. Social media really did a number on young women everywhere as it encourages attention wh8ring:)

  4. Anonymous, get over yourself already. You aren't obliged to read, either.

  5. BTW, even if it is a troll, I've read the Twitter discussions and there were many (young) women agreeing with her message and behaviour, so I guess her message has its audience. One lady who disagreed was accused of wishing that women get hurt. Now, I do realise it is Twitter crowd, but still...

  6. What I meant is, even if the woman just made that Tiktok video to troll, there were plenty other women on Twitter who apparently took it very seriously and approved of this behaviour. Therein lies the problem...

    1. I'm not surprised that many women took this as a real and credible threat. The whole "toxic masculinity" thing has gone way beyond the realm of sanity.

    2. Elspeth, yes, I was actually more shocked by the comments than by the vid itself. This vitriol against men isn't at all healthy. I understand not feeling safe after dark, in lonely places etc, but in the broad daylight, prob somewhere by a big store???

  7. I would very much want men approaching me on parking lot, or anywhere, if they for example try to tell me I just forgot my wallet, or have my skirt inside my panties, or toilet paper in my shoeheel, or there is something wrong with my car.

    20 years ago it was quite normal that men approached you (as a young woman) in public places, just to say: "I really like your hair" or something. They said things like that quite respectfully, didn't ask you out or anything.

    Anyways being that afraid of ANYTHING is fobia. It is not sane.

  8. Another comment: feminists all over the west are really weird with their fear of men. They tell, even here in Europe, how they are always cautious when men are around, and can only relax with other women.

    I don't know if they are all lesbians of what? I have always felt safe, when there are (competent) men present. It seems to me that 90 % of them stil have that God-given instinct to protect women, and not only their own wifes, but all women around them. You just have to let them!

    We have all these good men, ready to fullfill their biblical role to protect and provide. Only thing they are wating for is us, women, to act accordingly. To let them know, that yes, this roaring womyn thing was horrible mistake and we do need your protection, we do need that strong manly arm to lean on.

    Concidering the immigration politics of western Europe, we need that protection more than Andalusians senoras did before Reconquista.

  9. I may be just exhibiting my personal bias because it's still pretty safe where I live, at least in the daytime. It's normal over here for strangers to say, "hello", also by men. You just answer them and move on even if they are a bit weird. There was once a guy begging by the supermarket. He looked harmless enough. Instead of screaming like a banshee I just told him I had nothing for him and informed a store employee. It's their job to deal with it, not mine.
