Saturday, January 22, 2022

Dear Seniors: Being Doped Is Not A Way To Go Through Life!

 Every medication has side effects, and many medications interact  with each other in harmful ways. That has become a major concern for our senior citizens because many of them end up on 5 or more medications, something the  medical profession refers to as polypharmacy...

If your doctor doesn’t really know for sure whether the medications you are taking help you, hurt you, or have no effect, you might be wondering whether  there is a better way. The answer is a clear YES!

Read the whole article over here


  1. I'm 64 - When I visit the doctor he/she is always surprised that I'm not on any medications. Too many people would rather take a pill than adjust their diet and add exercise to their daily routine. I keep thinking there should be a change in medical schools where doctors are taught what will keep people healthy rather than all about the pills to prescribe. My dad lived to be 92 and wasn't on any meds either. My mom controlled her diabetes by losing weight.

  2. Rozy, many people are just looking for a quick fix! The doctors tell them to exercise, to lose weight etc but they don't want to and keep complaining, I've seen it first hand.

    Personally I can't tolerate caffeine, it raises my blood pressure. So I quit drinking coffee and black tea. Yet I know folks with similar problems who will rather pop a pill than switch from regular coffee to some substitute.

    But some doctors do deal pills like candy, it's also true...

  3. I keep thinking there should be a change in medical schools where doctors are taught what will keep people healthy rather than all about the pills to prescribe.

    There is zero incentive to do this and ebery incentive to keep the pill popping and prescription regimen in place.

    Western medicine is great at trauma and disease that is immediately life threatening. It has very little to offer most people when it comes to living a healthy life on a daily basis.

  4. I should add that an individual doctor can be very good, but the system itself is a problem. A lot has also to do with reducing the individual responsibility and the possibility of a lawsuit. A doctor will just follow a standard protocol, instead of looking for solution. I have a feeling that this profession is reduced to something like a car mechanic. Option A didn't work so we switch to option B and further down the list, and if we don't know what to do next we just send you to another specialist and let him deal with it...
