Thursday, April 8, 2021

Strawberry Cheesecake Roll

 I baked it yesterday, and we ate it all already (I did share some with the neighbours :)

The recipe comes from Lidl magazine (for those who don't know, Lidl is a German supermarket comparable to Aldi), and as usual, I changed it slightly. Not all changes were for the best, but more about it later.

For the cake, you will need:

4 eggs (I used 3 eggs and vegan egg substitute powder, and it worked fine)

7tbsp sugar     

a dash of salt and a bit of honey (the recipe called for agave syrup but I don't really like it)     

 1c flour    

1 tsp lemon juice      

For the filling, the recipe says to use 400g cream cheese,but you'll be fine with 200g. I added a bit of yogurt which proved unnecessary and made the filling a bit runny; 4 tbsp honey (instead of agave syrup, see above); strawberries (about 6 big ones) and strawberry jam to taste.

Split the eggs and beat the yolks with sugar until thick, then beat the whites with a bit of salt and honey, they should be airy but not too stiff. Combine yolks and egg whites, add flour and lemon juice and mix well. Line the baking tray (25 by 30 cm) with baking paper, spread the dough evenly over it and bake at 200*C 10 to 15 min. Take out of the oven, cover with another sheet of baking paper, place on a clean towel and roll it up. Let cool. In the meanwhile, mix cream cheese with honey. Unroll the cake, remove the paper, and spread it first with jam, then with cream cheese mixture, then with sliced strawberries. Roll it all up again and place in the fridge for about 2 hours. It should look like this:

You can decorate it with extra cream cheese and strawberries. It's very sweet and fat. Enjoy!

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