Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sad News

We had to cancel our vacation. My mother-in-law suddenly became unwell yesterday evening and at 2a.m. this morning we were told that she was dying and there was nothing left to do.

Even though she had been sick for a long time, it came totally unexpected as only a couple of days before she had a health check and seemed to be OK. The doctors say it could be over in the course of this week.

Please pray for us, at the moment we really need it.


  1. I hope things will be okay. Stay strong and hopeful.

  2. So sorry to hear that, Sanne! I am keeping you in my prayers.

  3. Thanks, Miriam, I really appreciate it!

  4. Very sorry to read about your mother in law. I'll be keeping her, your husband, and you in my prayers.

    Take care.

  5. Thanks a lot, Susie, it still feels unreal...
