Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Vaccinations: For Or Against

We had a demonstration today against, among other things, vaccinations. Apparently, there is a story doing rounds on the social media that Microsoft (WHO, Bill Gates, you name it) is planning to inject everyone with a microchip under the guise of vaccination against corona. I have friends in other (European) countries which tell me something similar.

Of course, I think that the story itself is ridiculous nonsense typical for conspiracy theories spread on (chiefly) American "truth" websites, but it doesn't change the fact that there is still a big controversy surrounding vaccines, their side effects and how useful they really are in preventing dangerous diseases. Personally I don't think that vaccination should be mandatory.

Some of these vaccines (such as the one against flu) have a high failure rate, while others protect against diseases that even 20 years ago, weren't considered dangerous at all (like chicken pox). I can perfectly well remember myself having it and recently read with great surprise on an American site (here it's still not offered last time I checked) how chicken pox is a horrible horrible disease and the urgent need to vaccinate against it. With such wildly exaggerated stories spread by  health experts, it's easy to understand why so many people don't trust the official medical advise on the issue.

Another problem with vaccines appears to be that the immunity they give is restricted to several years, unlike the natural immunity against diseases like measles which lasts the whole life. Still, there is a big difference between say, measles, and tetanus, or polio. Yes, I'm aware of the story that polio wasn't really eradicated by the vaccines, and is still lurking somewhere, but the fact remains that since the vaccination programs started there has been no  polio outbreaks here in Europe. In fact, since 1994 there have been no polio cases in the Netherlands at all. And those in the 1990s who got it were Christians who had refused vaccinations because of religious reasons.

Personally I don't see any connection between faith/religion and the decision to well or not vaccinate. For me, it's purely the question of health. There are many dangerous diseases out there, but there are also well-documented vaccine complications (and no, I don't think the parents of the vaccine victims are just lying for some nefarious reasons).

In my opinion, it is possible that many of these diseases are less dangerous than we are told and could be controlled by the historically proven methods such as quarantines, stricter border controls and the like, but as we are now witnessing with corona, it would make the modern way of life (globalism, consumerism, open borders and generally bugman lifestyle) if not impossible than at least, more difficult, and that is the real reason the authorities are pushing them.

The funny thing is that the same people who protest against vaccines also protest against quarantines which is how infectious diseases have been traditionally dealt with, but it's a topic for another discussion...

So what do you think about vaccines? Feel free to share!!!


  1. I believe in vaccinations, with some reservations or caveats. I don't think it is wise to heavily vaccinate newborns or even babies under 12 months especially if the infant lives with a stay-at-home mother who practices good hygiene. I just think it can overwhelm their developing systems and cause problems. I don't think we need to have mandatory vaccination of children for diseases that are primarily passed through sexual contact. That should be for adults who choose a promiscuous lifestyle. Other than that I am grateful for the modern miracles of vaccinations.

    My mother grew up in a time when now preventable diseases took the lives of childhood friends. Smallpox, measles, polio and such killed or left handicapped some of her friends. She was a firm believer in the blessings of vaccinations.

    Our first three children had chicken pox; but by the time the last two were born vaccinations were so prevalent that they never got the disease and finally had to be vaccinated in high school. I don't think it's a "horrible" disease, perhaps inconvenient, especially for mothers who work outside the home, but not a tragedy of epic proportions in most cases.

  2. Thanks, Rozy, that's a very balanced perspective! Many people tend to be very emotional about the issue, for some reason. It is possible that they start so early with vaccinations exactly because so many kids go to daycare nowadays. And yes, childhood diseases inconvenience mothers, especially working mothers. I've heard that measles could last several weeks, which is a real problem if both parents work.

    BTW, I myself had an adverse reaction to the measles vaccine as a child and my mum had to take a tetanus shot after a work accident and nearly died from acute respiratory problems (they forgot to give her anti-allergy medication and she is allergic). Vaccines can cause all sorts of problems, the question is does the risk outweigh the benefits? I'd love to hear opposing views (of those against vaccines), too! If you don't vaccinate, what's your reason?

  3. Daycare and early child-hood education environments create more disease in the long run due to heavy vaccination practices. Autism rates were never that high before the 1980's. Something is happening in the vaccination world that ought to be investigated but because of big-pharma legal action, true justice is not uncovered.

    I personally am opposed to "most" vaccinations. If an adult chooses them, then go for it, but be wise because some are barely effective (flu only covers 15% of a CERTAIN strain). If a 12 year old (who can make own personal decisions) would like them, then they can decide with their parents (sexuality based diseases).

    The bible is opposed to pharmakeia. For various reasons. Probably mostly economic impact on the poor....and ethical violations in testing on the poor and minority populations.

  4. I do think there is an autism connection, it's at least something which should be more thoroughly investigated. There has also been a research several years ago (done on chicken) which proved that vaccinations can cause viruses to mutate and become more deadly, which I find very interesting as it's something I have been thinking about. Smallpox, for instance, has historically been a disease most dangerous for small children (50% of fatalities were under the age of 1) and yet as inoculations became more prevalent we started getting those horrible pandemics. Was there a connection? Who knows...

    As for pharmakeia, wouldn't it include all the medications, and not only vaccines?

    1. There is some autism research I'd sure like to see, and that is if there is any connection between ultrasounds during pregnancy and autism. Sound waves bombarding a developing fetus just seems detrimental to me, especially at the age when the most aural development is taking place. Autism has become much more prevalent since the use of ultrasounds to monitor baby development. Vaccines on the other hand have been around much longer and I understand that the link between them and autism has been debunked.

    2. Yes, I've heard about this theory but haven't researched it so won't comment. As for vaccines, there is some research which links them with autism, like this:


      Also check this site:


      Anyway, autism could be caused by a number of factors working together, not by a single one.

  5. Here is a quote from The Three Musketeers (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1257/1257-h/1257-h.htm)

    Where is he?”


    “Very ill, say you? And of what malady?”

    “It is feared that it may be the smallpox, sir,” replied Porthos, desirous of taking his turn in the conversation; “and what is serious is that it will certainly spoil his face.”

    “The smallpox! That’s a great story to tell me, Porthos! Sick of the smallpox at his age! No, no; but wounded without doubt, killed, perhaps.

  6. My take is pretty much the same as Rozy lass.

  7. Love them or hate them...vaccines make the modern world possible. That's probably why some churches/religious organisations are against them.

  8. Personally, I and my husband do better taking the flu vaccination each year, but many people do have a bad reaction to the vaccination.

    Currently doctors give babies and young children vaccinations that are for several diseases all in one or two shots. I wonder if that is what creates the problems babies and children have with the vaccinations. My daughter (36 years old now) used to have a fever and cry for hours after having vaccinations when she was a baby. The doctor said that happened to many children, but to continue the vaccinations anyway. Knowing what I know now, I would have been much more worried about those vaccinations for her. Our son had no reaction at all after the same vaccinations.

    I hope that a vaccine is developed soon for the covid 19 virus, but I will be very hesitant to get it until it is tried for a while. If everybody feels the same way I do, it will be a while before a vaccine does us much good as a nation.

    Being injected with a microchip with vaccinations sounds unlikely, but in the world we are in now, anything could happen. Here in the US they first told us not to wear masks, they said they didn't work and could possibly cause us to touch our faces more and actually expose ourselves to more virus. Before they said that I had thought it a good idea to wear a mask. But that got me to thinking that I do adjust a mask a lot because of my glasses, so maybe I would touch my face more. Then the powers that be decided everyone should wear masks or even put a bandanna on their face if no mask was available. That if everyone wore a mask it would cut down on the spread of the virus. But they said don't wear N95 masks. Save those for the medical workers. Ok, my common sense was right in the first place, and I was too easily talked out of it. If I had an N95 mask before the virus, I would wear it, but as it is we had some surgical masks from before the virus, and use them. I believe very, very little that our government tells us anymore, and that includes the CDC (Center for Disease Control).

    I first realized how bad the virus was starting to be in the US from a fellow blogger. She told about how bad it was in her state and how worried she was. I knew she wasn't exaggerating, but I had heard nothing like that about it yet on the news. Thanks to her, we were a bit more prepared with food and some medicines here at our house, but I didn't think about a toilet paper shortage. Little by little, we have remedied that.

    May all of us take care and stay well.

  9. Here it's the same about the masks, first they weren't really necessary, then they had to be saved for the medical staff only, now they will be made mandatory in public transport starting 1 June, but not the medical grade ones, because those are still needed for the hospitals. Imo, there is simply a shortage of them and so our government opted out for telling everyone to keep the distance (1.5m) instead.

    Corona is a very strange virus indeed, one thing I noticed about it that the more cases cluster in one place, the more lethal it becomes. Apparently, it has something to do with viral load, which is a bit like radiation. I'm not a doctor so I'm not really sure whether it's typical for all infectious diseases or only that one.

    Here it's getting better so more things are opening starting Monday, but you are still supposed to keep your distance and all that.

    As for vaccinations, the first ones were against really dangerous diseases like polio, but now they appear to be vaccinating just against anything they can make a vaccine for. And people (doctors) tend to forget that even over-the-counter vitamins and food supplements can give you very adverse reactions. Personally I had very bad side effects from iron in prenatals and could never take them, and my husband got horrible skin problems from low dose aspirin which is supposedly good for you. If these simple medications can cause problems, how much more a vaccine cocktail given to babies?

  10. I believe vaccines should be up to each individual, with parents having full autonomy over their children. The biggest critics of people choosing not to vaccinate come from those who are vaccinated, so they're protected. It's an argument that doesn't make sense. I also believe that no vaccine should be made from aborted fetal cells. None. That is the "big religious problem" with vaccinations, not the absurd claim that they "make the modern world possible". For information on it, simply search the web. One article can be found here: https://cogforlife.org/2020/03/25/much-hyped-moderna-mrna-1273-covid-19-vaccine-uses-aborted-fetal-cells-sanofi-pasteurs-version-does-not/, with more information being available on that same site.

  11. I do not happen to think that my claim is any more absurd than the idea that Christians somehow aren't allowed to vaccinate due to religious prohibition. Most churches have no problems with it, including the Catholic Church, which is staunchly pro-life:
    "In 2017, the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life said that lack of vaccinations represents a serious health risk and recognized that, "In the past, vaccines had been prepared using cells from aborted human fetuses, however currently used cell lines are very distant from the original abortions ..."


    Personally I don't feel very strongly about the issue either way, but many people by some reason get very emotional about it. In my country currently vaccination isn't mandatory but most people choose for it.

  12. https://deeprootsathome.com/doctors-warn-immune-reaction/

  13. https://deeprootsathome.com/doctors-warn-immune-reaction/

  14. Well, I would say it makes more sense than a microchip, lol! But I don't believe that Bill Gates is some cartoon villain. Obviously, those producing vaccines profit from them (and unlike medications which are prescribed to sick people, vaccines are given to everyone and than you need boosters, you know!) Yet, on the other hand, the vaccination campaigns don't come from one man, how famous he also is, Western government obviously are very much invested in these programs, too. It's a complex issue.

  15. Thank you for reading it!💐

  16. Rozy Lass, here is what I found:


    She is a homeopath tho. It's homeopaths who often claim autism vaccine link, too, so...I don't know.
