Sunday, January 12, 2020

Fatherlessness Map

Image comes from here. Any thoughts? I'll post mine tomorrow.


  1. Sadly true, here in the U.S.A. family life is no longer as traditional as it used to be. Years ago I heard someone say, "When women went to work the country went to h*ll."
    I agree.

    1. True comment; totally agree. It is sad that even many professing Christians think homemaking is unimportant.

  2. Poor kids. Especially when most of these "families" are mother+kid(s). How can kids ever feel safe if they do not have father around?

    A public hospital near us has a new alignment: even single women or lesbian couples are entitled to have infertility treatments -with taxpayers money! And they are in sooo desperate need for sperm donators...

    That is so very wrong in so many level. If ones reason for "infertility" is that one does not like men, and yet they want to have fatherless children -well, if that is not selfish I do not know what is.

    1. Any man 'donating' his sperm for any reason nowadays, no matter how good-hearted and selfless, is a fool.
      At any time in the future, he can expect to have the state come knocking on his door demanding that he start paying 'child support', because a woman who "doesn't need a man" has hit a tough time financially and suddenly 'needs' his money.

  3. Ladies, thanks for your reactions! I had a busy day yesterday but will try to write a follow-up today.

  4. It's be really interesting to know the percentage of the intact homes are headed by the biological parents of all the children under the roof contrasted with the percentage that are two parent blended family units (excluding remarriage due to widowhood).

    I know that's complicated to break out, but I wonder because find it hard to believe that in the U.S. even 75% of children live with their biological mom and dad.

  5. Fruits of the sexual impurity culture?
    It would be interesting if this map included facts and figures like % of fatherless in evangelical vs. catholic vs. secular vs. agnostic vs. baptist etc. Why do Americans glamorize the talents and give our kids the talents held by Hollywood, only to leave our children confused about "values" before sexual relationships? (Even Christian circles glamorize holywood wrongs...err I mean songs)

  6. I have written a follow-up post with my ideas about the issue.
