Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Virtue Of Sexism

I had a rather hectic week, and the tiredness is slow to disappear so instead of writing something long and sophisticated, I just want to highlight a surprisingly refreshing post from Doug Wilson where he argues that sexism is actually a virtue:

Boys and girls are different. Men and women are different. The differences are not superficial or accidental, but rather are profound, extending from the tops of their heads down to the soles of their boots, or flats, as the case may be. The differences between them affect everything, and are found in virtually every aspect of their lives. Men and women both have ten toes, and men and women both have two kidneys, but that is about it.

Healthy cultures budget for these differences. Healthy cultures train boys and girls in terms of them. Boys are taught that they need to learn how to “do this” because they are boys. Girls are trained to do “certain things” because they are girls. Not only is sexism a virtue, but so is stereotyping!

Read the whole article over here


  1. I really liked that "creatures have nature" -thing. He was so right about how we should read nature.

    Since I am on autism spectrum and kind of watch everything from outside, I can tell he is right. Of course exceptions always exist, women who like being a plumber better than crocheting, but most female plumbers still like to paint their faces. ;)

    Even I would have benefitted a lot if someone had told me on my teens what my nature is: That it is ok to be scared of darkness and elevators and escalators and high places and all the other things I am afraid of. Because testosterone makes men fearless, and I do not have such quantities of it.

    Nobody told me those things and as a result, I wasted almost 20 years trying to "overcome" everything that I concidered weakness - practically everything feminine.

  2. Personally I have always found it mind-boggling how people who call themselves the defenders of women and their rights spend so much time discouraging normal female behaviour and interests.

  3. people who call themselves the defenders of women and their rights spend so much time discouraging normal female behaviour and interests.

    This. x100.

    It is because they aren't really defending anyone. They have ulterior motives, among them family destruction and personal misery to the benefit of corporate coffers.

  4. Yes, it's all about globalism and woke capital. Our elites don't live like that.
