Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Feminism Is Making Men Lazy

Someone sent me the link to this great video:

I've seen it happen in real life, the wife goes back to work and the husband starts working less and less, develops pain in his back and quits. As with all negative society trends, the lower classes tend to be affected more, which is probably by design.

BTW, YouTube censoring continues. I simply couldn't find the video on YouTube but DuckDuckGo had no problem.


  1. I like this guy.

    It is very bad thing that society tries to tell men all the time "you are not needed". Women even choose to have kids on their own, using donated sperm.

    When men do not feel needed anymore, it will create lots of unstabilty in society.

    1. Those men who foolishly 'donate' their sperm are asking for trouble. Women who conceive a child from 'donated' sperm are known in the UK for demanding child support when they fall on 'hard times' financially. And the UK has seen the result: a complete lack of sperm 'donations', and appeals for sperm 'donations' that rely on shaming language.
      They "don't need men"? Fine -- they also can do without men's labor, men's finances, and men's assistance for anything. Go Galt.

    2. I don't believe dropping out of society is the answer to any of our problems. This defeatist attitude only makes them worse.

      Also, sperm can be bought online nowadays (not that I endorse it).

  2. It's probably what the elites want, the majority of the population sinking to the third world conditions while they themselves hide in their gated communities with armed guards and move around in helicopters. I've heard it's like this in Brazil in some places.

    1. Housewife OutdoorsJuly 26, 2019 at 4:14 AM

      The elite is really stupid, then. They would be slaves too. Even if your cage has golden bars it is still a prison.

    2. Short-sighted, probably, certainly not stupid. Look at Africa, while an average person is quite poor, international elites lead a life of luxury. I guess that's their ideal.

  3. I love Dave's videos. Consider subscribing to Blue Collar Logic on YouTube. There's another guy who contributes to the channel as well. They are always spot on.
