Saturday, September 29, 2018

Happy Michaelmas!

Catholics and some other Christian churches are celebrating the feast of St Michael and All Angels today. The tradition has it that Archangel Michael is the chief of all Archangels who has defeated Satan during the war in Heaven. Celebrated after autumnal equinox, when the nights get longer and the proper autumn begins, it invokes angelic protection against the forces of darkness.

This site describes UK traditions in celebrating Michaelmas (you can also read about it on Wikipedia). Of course, according to the old Celtic calendar, the equinox marks mid-autumn and not it's beginning. While I'm not a Catholic myself, I think there is no harm in remembering an old European traditional feast. I found some inspirational sayings online. 

Here is one of them:

  We are lucky to be surrounded with angels sent by God who are always there to keep us safe and happy….. Sending my best wishes on Michaelmas!!

Do you celebrate Michaelmas? 


  1. We celebrate every year! This year we had our dinner on Monday as the kids are in college/grown and it was the only night that 3 of the 4 could make it. We serve chicken as a substitute for goose and carrots, oats, ginger, and blackberries in various ways. When they were little they would dress up in medieval costumes. Other years we would watch Pride and Prejudice (Mr. Bingley took possession of Netherfield at Michaelmas!), read St. George and the Dragon, or just enjoy cooking/baking!

    I enjoy reading your blog - take care!

  2. Thanks, Liza! What a great family tradition you have, it's true about Pride and Prejudice, a good movie suggestion for the occasion:)

  3. We do, and we are Catholic! I put pictures of St. Raphael and St. Gabriel and a statue of St. Michael of the archangels on the buffet in the dining room and talk to my boys about the feast. My little one especially is fascinated by angels. It is also my birthday, so there is usually cake!

  4. I can imagine, angels are fascinating:) And Happy belated birthday to you!
