Monday, April 2, 2018

Children And Home Cooking

I watched a YouTube video once where a lady tried living one day as they did in the 1950s. One thing she claimed was that she did as much cleaning on this day as she used to do in a week.She didn't work outside home, mind you, though she evidently had some part-time jobs she did from home. An average woman working outside home will probably do the same amount of cleaning in a month, if ever.

Cleaning isn't the only thing that suffered when the traditional way of life was thrown into the trash. Cooking suffered even more. A lot of women, even those who don't work or work very part-time, hardly ever cook. As a contrast, I used to know a lady from Southern Europe who told me that while still in her own country, she had worked FULL TIME and still would come home and cook dinner. From fresh ingredients.

In countries like France and Italy, home cooking is a very important activity and they have a whole culture built around sharing food with family and friends. As a result, they have less obesity. After I'd been to Paris some years ago I got a reverse cultural shock coming back to my own country and noticing how fat overweight everyone was, including young people. After some time one gets accustomed to it, unfortunately, and simply stops noticing.

Yet, obesity is probably not the only consequence of surviving on a diet of French fries and soda as studies have been done linking fast food with poor academic performance and lower IQ in children:

Whether or not your child is putting on excess weight, it’s important to consider what a steady diet of processed food might do to his or her health—and IQ… One British study4 revealed that kids who ate a predominantly processed food diet at age three had lower IQ scores at age 8.5.

For each measured increase in processed foods, participants had a 1.67-point decrease in IQ. More recently, research published in the journal Clinical Pediatrics5,6,7 warns that frequent fast food consumption may stunt your child’s academic performance.

A total of 11,740 students were included in the study. All were tested in math, reading, and science while in fifth and eighth grade. As fifth-graders, they also completed a food survey.

“Children who reported eating fastfood four times a week or more in the fifth grade showed lower test score gains in the eighth grade in all three subject areas by up to 20 percent.
Children who reported eating fast food just one to three times a week still lagged behind their non-fast food eating peers in one subject–math.”
When there is no one to keep home fires burning, people will get stupider. As the family goes, so goes the nation. Ours is going right off the cliff.

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