Friday, May 26, 2017

From The Home Front

It's HOT over here. Like really hot. Nevertheless I did my duty and baked for the holiday, two days ago:

Everything is eaten up, of course:)

The recipe was adapted from the Nordic cookbook I'd written about, with changes.

For the dough, I used 2c flour, mostly plain flour with a couple of TBSP spelt/whole wheat/barley;
1 1/2 tsp yeast, 60g butter (less than the recipe called for), 2TBSP sugar, 2 eggs, cinnamon and a bit salt, and 100ml warm milk. I melted the butter before adding it. According to the book, you have to knead the dough with a mixer but I just used a fork and stirred it vigorously for ab. 5 min. If you have any experience with yeast dough, you'll know when you get this feeling of it being ready. After letting it rise for 1.5 hour, I had to knead it by hand (on a floured surface, of course), than I rolled it out, rolled it up, and cut it into 12 slices. After this, it had to rise for another 1.5 hour.

Now the fun thing starts. You have to press the center of the rolls and fill them with self-made custard. I was too lazy to do it and used kwark instead (the same stuff we use for a cheesecake over here). I mixed it with an egg and was fully intending to add vanilla sugar, but forgot...I baked them at 200*C for something like 20-25 min and they turned out fine, but not really sweet. Not a problem really, since the book recommends further filling them with jam, which I did. Or to be more precise, I just put jam all over and ate them this way:)

All in all, I was pretty satisfied with the result!

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