Monday, May 22, 2017

Beer Controversy

Some time ago I linked to a couple of articles claiming how beer is bad for men, because of estrogenic properties of hop. Then, the study appeared which states that beer is actually good for male fertility:

A pint of beer a day can double men's fertility

Another study claims totally opposite, namely that

three pints of beer a week will damage your sperm

Yet another study says that beer is extremely healthy, for both men and women:

Research suggests it can help protect against Alzheimer’s disease, aid weight loss and even balance hormones...

A study by Tufts University in the United States in 2009 found that moderate beer consumption can protect bone mineral density.
For years Guinness was even prescribed to pregnant women due to its high Vitamin B content. ‘It’s  now recommended that pregnant women avoid alcohol but other  people could benefit,’ says nutritionist Vicki Edgson.

Beer: full of vitamins...

It protects you from heart attacks, kidney stones, and bad effects of menopause. So the question is, what are we supposed to believe when some products are first declared to be dangerous, then beneficial?

Honestly, folks have been drinking beer (and eating cheese and butter and bread) for ages. Obviously, moderation is the key, especially when it concerns alcoholic beverages, but even when you binge on water, it can be bad for you. I once read of a lady who having learned that water is healthy drank a liter of five, disturbed her body's electrolytic balance and ended up in IC. We should always use our common sense!

As for experts, instead of digging into dangers of cheese and butter and gluten and other stuff, how about they study processed foods? But that would probably involve telling people to start cooking from scratch, and we can't have it now, can we? Because somebody somewhere could interpret it as  telling ladies to get back to the kitchen and it's a crimethink in the current year:)

Seriously, if you want to stay healthy, learn how to cook, and that goes for both men and women.


  1. I think you said it: moderation is key. I think a serving a beer a few times a week is healthy. I sometimes have a 12 ounce serving in the evening 3 or 4 times a week, but I limit it to that.

    Interesting how they tell us to do this or eat that because of the vitamins when there are plenty of sources of vitamins, especially with fortified foods these days. I keep a close eye on my nutrition since I maintain a very low bodyweight and I think people are nuts these days when it comes to health/nutrition.

    I think fat is healthy and essential and carbs add to the enjoyment of food, and a little alcohol here and there is perfectly fine unless you cannot physically or psychologically handle it.

    Everything in moderation. Even a diet of "junk food" can improve health if kept within a reasonable calorie range and results in maintaining or achieving a healthy body weight. :)

  2. What I've noticed is how the "experts" will go on and on about vitamins in fruit and veggies, but won't tell you about vitamins in meat and eggs and butter:) Vegetables and fruit are good for you, and so are animal products.

    1. Yes! And vitamins and minerals from animal products are often absorbed better too and we need the natural saturated fats and monosaturated fats in them for optimal health, beauty and absorption of said vitamins!

  3. That's true about absorption, as for junk food I'd say it's OK once in a while but there is a reason it's called "junk". It's not even the food itself, it's the way they cook it. There is great difference between boiled potatoes and French fries, for instance.

    1. The problem is that everyone has a different view of what "junk food" and healthy vs non-healthy food is!

    2. I just live by the rule that if it tastes good, then it's good for me. Lol

  4. Everything that is too much processed, with lots of sugar and salt in it and other additives. I've personally known people whose highest achievement in the kitchen is boiled white rice and whose idea of going out is the nearest snack-bar. If you add to it white bread and lots of sugary drinks, you can expect some health problems. Unfortunately in my country, cooking is often a lost art. But Southern Europeans still cook. In fact, someone told me that she spent hours in the kitchen making dinner every day. It's just a totally different view on food and everything connected with it. Now, I usually don't spend hours cooking, but I'm at least trying to cook from fresh ingredients every day.

  5. Nutritionists change their minds like Katy Perry changes clothes.
