Sunday, April 23, 2017

Does Misogyny Really Exist?

I dunno about the real life, but one can find anything on the interwebz nowadays:) Some of it is probably a reaction to misandry, but one thing important to remember is that two wrongs don't make a right.

I'll give you some examples to illustrate my point. Exhibit number one, a double standard: a wife gets bored, divorces her husband: what a horrible woman, stone the adulterous harlot immediately. A husband gets bored, divorces his wife: what a horrible woman, what did she she do to drive him to this?

Exhibit number two, generalisation: according to (radical) feminists if one woman gets abused, it means that "men" in general are abusers. According to meninists, if one woman falsely accuses a man of a crime, it means that ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT! Men-haters will tell you that "men" (in general) are pigs. Misogynists will tell you that all (Western) women are trash, period.

Exhibit number three, objectification. On the woman side, we have a gold-digger who sees a man as a walking ATM. On the other side, we have sexual market value talk, reducing a woman to a sum of breasts and legs.

This attitude is hardly helpful, since men and women shouldn't hate each other. Taken to a logical conclusion, it means that no next generation will be produced, since a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, and men should go their own way. I wonder if both statements have the same nefarious origin?


  1. need unconditional love as described in bible. Meditation there in helps overcome these issues.

  2. We live in strange times when men and women of the same nation are taught to hate and distrust each other, the attitude which in the past was reserved only for enemies.
