Monday, February 27, 2017

Feminism Doesn't Exist


If you watch this video, you'll see a male teacher losing his self-control when some teenage boys point out that the famous "pay gap" is largely due to women's choices, not discrimination. So you will probably think: "how can it be the proof that feminism doesn't exist? Of course, it does and the teacher is the example of it!"

It's all very true, but what I'm trying to say it that contrary to the popular myth, feminism isn't some grass root movement. It's a state ideology enforced from top down, as the video demonstrates. Besides government school system (at least, Americans have the right to homeschool) it's mainly enforced by the MSM, like TV shows, newspaper articles, advice columns etc etc. It's a part of liberal egalitarian dogma, not some organic movement. And we have all recently learned the concept of "fake news"...

It's not to say that feminists don't exist. Feminism plays on the insecurities of women and many get trapped, which isn't at all surprising, considering the brainwashing poor girls undergo since the earliest age. However, most women are followers, not leaders. Take away the indoctrination and they will return to the traditional pattern of falling in love, marrying, having children. There is an old saying, "there are no atheists in the foxholes". If the economy collapses and cushy office jobs + government welfare disappear overnight, how many feminists we'll still have?


  1. I could watch only 5 minutes of that video since the teacher was so annoying, interrupting all the time and loosing his temper. The student stayed so calm, must adore him. :)

    Entertaiment for girls is interesting form of brainwashing. It all starts with Disney princesses. When I was that age, we watched Little House on the Prairie and Knight Rider and McGyver. Oh, and Street Hawk. One might think that it was very feminist thing to do to watch those latter series, not at all for girls. But actually they just thought me what men are supposed to be, especially McGyver. Women in those series were always just damsels in distress, if there were any. So it was just the good old fashioned "knight in a shining armour" -think. And the values were good, too.

    But the modern Disney princesses, Monster's High and what else -well, there are hardly any values and girls are thought to fight their own battles. Yes, there is romance, but the heroes are really nothing a girl good look up to.

    I think that that's where we have gone horribly wrong: women do not look up to men any more. Obviously one cannot look up to ALL men, but I believe women should look up to the "male ideal". Then take actually expect something from the men of their lives and when women expect certain things of men, they tend to become such, because it's the only way to get laid. :)

    Does this make any sense?

  2. Oh, news from Finland that prove your point: in the new teaching program that goverment gives to all schools they say that teacher shouldn't refer to kids as "boys" and "girls" anymore.

    Some feminist politicians also want us to have only unisex toilets. Imagine how horrible it would be to teenage girls to have no privacy and no male-free zone at certain times. It is like they want to destroy all feminine demure...

  3. Housewife, i recently watched a couple of episodes of The Little House and was surprised by how feminist and liberal it is compared to books, which were written in the 1930s (I think). It shows Ma Ingalls ploughing and saving the harvest
    while Pa is away (which, of course, she never did in the books. In fact, the books stated that American women considered themselves too good to work in the fields and Laura's mom was even against her helping with hay-making). The TV was quite subversive already back in the 1970s.

    And women still do look up to men, only most men in their lives are committed liberals like the teacher. Plus, since modern governments nowadays play the role of the collective husband it makes sense that women look up to them.

    1. Tv-series might have actually been more realistic than novels, Laura Ingals Wilder romanticed the books quite a lot to make them more appropriate for kids:

      I do not know about american women but here in Finland (and other part of rural Europe, too) women of small farms just had to be part of hay making and harvest. Otherwise there wouldn't have been enough labour. I always thought that Ma Ingals was just concerned because Laura was so young and I always wondered wether she was sick in some way since she didn't help her husband at all.

  4. BTW, what happens if the teacher uses the forbidden words? Will he be shot right away or only sent to a re-education camp?:) All jokes aside, from what I recently heard in the church, these initiatives come from Brussels. Most people don't care though, as long as bread and circuses continue...

  5. I remember many many years ago we used to have a class when we got to be 13 or 14 where the girls and boys were separated. It was one class and about ''maturing". Because no boys were there and the class was given by a women we felt ok to ask questions. The boys had a man teach their class. We both got some information on the opposite sex too at the class. Then a few years later they said the class had to be changed..boys and girls together. Wow! I heard the girls say they would not ask questions as the boys laughed and acted the fool over anything said by the teacher. They are way too embarrassed to even be in a mixed class on this subject. Now more and more things are 'mixed' like bathrooms. Yes no privacy, no innocence. Everything is to be out in the open and out loud it seems! No dignity. We are to be equal to men. Not treated any different. .. yet we were not made by God the same. Of course you cannot mention that in any classes!! Grrrrr!! Sarah

  6. I think I have mentioned it once but progressives strongly remind me of the mad scientist from "Fly", the one who wanted to merge himself, his girl-friend and their future baby into one for the benefit of humanity. I believe his plan didn't end so well for him:)

  7. Housewife, they didn't show her helping with hay-making, they showed her ploughing the field. I don't think Laura Ingalls lied when she described differences between European and American women.American women, even from lower classes, were supposed to be ladies and treated as such. Alexis de Tocqueville had written about it after visiting the USA and I quoted him on this blog. I'll quote again:

    "American women never manage the outward concerns of the family or conduct a business or take a part in political life; nor are they, on the other hand, ever compelled to perform the rough labor of the fields or to make any of those laborious efforts which demand the exertion of physical strength. No families are so poor as to form an exception to this rule."
