Saturday, January 28, 2017

A Clean House Contributes To Mental Health

Here is an interesting article discussing dopamine and the ways to increase it naturally.  Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and low levels of it cause such symptoms as fatigue, sleep problems, mood swings, feeling hopeless and memory loss. Besides healthy food and exercise, dopamine is increased by such creative hobbies as knitting and sewing and also by setting and achieving short and long-term goals:

They can be as simple as trying a new recipe, getting caught up on emails, cleaning a closet, or finally learning how to use a new app for your phone. (emphasis mine).

Procrastination lowers dopamine levels, which causes more procrastination, so it's a vicious circle.
On the other hand, having a well-organised, well-run household boosts your dopamine levels and is good for your mental and physical help.


  1. Thanks for publishing this. Now I know what is wrong with me. I noticed I feel better and more mentally balanced when I am making progress in my home.

  2. You are welcome! Yes, this is a familiar feeling for me, too. When you accomplish something you just feel great for some time afterwards.

  3. Meditation was also mentioned. :) I assume (repetitive) prayer does the same trick. Maybe people are so f**ked up nowadays because people do not say their prayers anymore? And since work life is so hectic, people do not get the feeling of achievement.

  4. Prayer was probably too politically incorrect to mention:)

    Modern way of life creates a lot of stress but also encourages people to be hedonistic and ditch self-control. Strange, but true.

  5. This is very interesting, Sanne. I wonder if this is also a factor in "binge watching" of television or the popular box sets of programs? Also, I find that if I spend too long doing nothing, the less I want to do.
    Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence, as I seem to have an in-built drive for staying occupied in running our home. Perhaps this drive is the dopamine you speak of?

  6. Well, according to the article I linked, people can compensate for low dopamine by excessive internet browsing, so why not by binge watching?

    Lucky you...:)
