Thursday, December 24, 2015

Recipes for Comfort

by Gooseberry Patch. Not exactly a review, but more of a recommendation:)

Someone gave me this book and let me tell you, it's great! So far I have tried several recipes and they all turned out fine. The book is divided into following parts:

Savoury Morning Fare
Comforting Suppers and Sides
Warming Soups and Stews
Homemade Breads and Rolls
Gooey Sweet Treats

I posted one of their recipes with certain adjustments on this blog just last week. I'm not that much into Soups myself, but I appreciate that they have so many good breakfast and lunch ideas. Actually, it's more lunch for me, since I don't like heavy breakfasts. The recipes include pancakes, toast, sandwiches, scones, waffles, coffee mixes, egg dishes, cakes, muffins, you name it!

The recipes featured in that book aren't high cuisine or very sophisticated but they are budget variety, easy to make and result in hearty meals. Add to this cute drawings, and you'll get an ideal book for home cooks. Of course, I might be just a bit prejudiced since I've been a fan of Gooseberry Patch cooking books for quite some time.

I'd recommend Recipes for Comfort for everyone interested in American style cooking, and especially, in baking.

PS: Here  is the link to the recipes on their website. 

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