Sunday, June 7, 2015

Terrace Makeover

My husband was productively busy last weekend. We finally got something like summer (one day of extremely warm weather, then the temperature dropped back to +17*C) so he used an opportunity to work in our little garden.

Here are some before and after photos. Before:


 My tomato plant:

Now we can drink tea there in style!


  1. Very pretty! I envy the small gardens at times. It's much easier to make it cozy and gezellig.

  2. Thanks! You know, I wouldn't mind a big garden:) But one must be happy with what one has.

  3. Nice to have a pretty place to just go sit and watch the stars at night or clouds in the day. Congratulations on getting this done! I like all the plants.

  4. Thanks! I'm afraid our nights are too cold to spend them outside, but I do try to sit there every day, if only for 15 minutes.

  5. I think your garden came out great. You seem to have done a lot with it, and the pictures have given me some ideas for container gardening in a small space. We have weather like yours in northeast America so far this spring - cold one day, hot the next, and the nights are cold. It is a challenge for gardeners!

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