Saturday, May 23, 2015

My New Dress

It's O.K. to post personal pictures sometimes, isn't it?:) I ordered this dress online and just received it today:

I have been quite busy lately with my decluttering project, the master bedroom is nearly finished, but as we have a long weekend (since it's Pentecost), the next week will be busy as well. Plus, there are visits, birthdays, all the usual stuff. I'm going to post the next installment of my historical research project next week, but I'm not sure yet as to when.

I wish you all a nice weekend!


  1. My style of dress completely. I think it is the perfect. Style.

  2. Very pretty. It's always a relief when ordering through the mail to get such a good fit, too!

  3. Thanks, ladies, and they aren't expensive, either! I'm ordering another of their dresses next week.

  4. Housewife from FinlandMay 23, 2015 at 7:29 AM

    Lovely colour. And it fits very well indeed.

  5. Thanks! It's called olive green.

  6. Your dress looks very nice and fits you well!

  7. Thank you,ladies! Melissa, welcome to the blog.

  8. Very pretty dress and flattering fit!
