Sunday, August 3, 2014

Victorian Consumer Goods

From my vintage ads collection:

 A Victorian stove (works on gas!)

Washing machines (aren't they darling?)

Wall-to-wall carpeting

A room heater (have you noticed how sweet and soft the lady's features are? Manjaws on women weren't popular yet).

19th century instant coffee (in a brandy bottle, was it really coffee??)

And some miscellaneous stuff...(I wonder how much alcohol there was in that cordial?:)


  1. In the Anne novels, Marilla had some blackberry cordial for Anne to serve Diana. It was the non-alcoholic bottle in the cupboard, but Anne got the wrong one. After that, I searched for a recipe for Blackberry Cordial. Yep, they were nearly all alcohol. I was so disappointed. But, I finally found a non-alcoholic Raspberry Cordial. We can only hope this "Lime Juice Cordial" was like Marilla's.

  2. Yes, I remember watching that episode of the TV series (haven't read the books). I'm not against alcohol in principle, but there sure were a lot of stories of ladies indulging in these cordials under health pretext and getting drunk:)

    1. Like this one:

  3. Oh you should read the Anne books. Absolutely charming. I have been meaning to ask if you have ever read any Marion Harland books? I came across Hidden Path at a yard sale. It is 107 years old and I paid $1. Wonderful ladylike characters. She also wrote a book titled A Complete Housewife's Guide, Husbands and Homes, and The Secret of a Happy Home. I'm hoping to get to read those soon.

  4. If I ever get my hands on Anne series I will read them. I like children' books. Never have heard of Marion Harland, what did she write about? I'm a great fan of Victorian literature though I prefer the adventure variety.Right now I have been planning to read "Dracula" by Bram Stocker. I hope it's not very horrific and I'll still be able to sleep at night:)

  5. You can find most of the Anne books free on Amazon and other sources. Here is the link for Marion Harland on Wikipedia. The book I read definitely had some adventure and romance, of a clean variety. Marion was married to a minister.

  6. Thanks! I think I've read the 1st Anne book, someone gave it to me long ago. Thanks also for the link about Marion Harland, I'll check it right now!

    1. BTW, Project Gutenberg is a good resource for the books that are copyright-free and they can be downloaded for an e-reader. I've read about Mrs Harland, she was one prolific lady! I wonder how she managed to combine writing with keeping house and raising children. I wrote my first book 2 years ago, and my housekeeping suffered tremendously (and still does, to a degree), but then, I had to do nearly all of my own editing which is much more difficult than simply writing a story. She must have had professional help with editing and with running the household.

  7. Rose's Lime Cordial is still around (my mom buys it), and it's non-alcoholic.

    It is a great mixer, though, for various cocktails; good bars have it for that purpose. :)

  8. Really? That's nice to know, thanks, Will!

  9. We still have Camp coffee in the UK. It is a chicory and coffee syrup and is still sold in those bottles!

  10. You're welcome, Sanne!

    Cheers. :)
