Saturday, June 1, 2013

Meanwhile On The Home Front...

No, I have not disappeared! I just ran out of ideas (temporarily:), plus there were some other things I had to attend to. Life can be hectic sometimes, can't it? We have rather strange weather over here, one day it's warm and looks and feels like summer, and then the wind changes and we have winter again. This has been so far the coldest spring since 1962...

When it's warm and sunny I have more energy and try to do more around the house, but also spend some time sitting outside and just reading a book or knitting. I had a total lack of motivation to work on a sleeveless summery tunic when the temperatures outside were close to the freezing point (OK, it was only +9*C which is still very cold for May around here), but yesterday I picked up my knitting again and made some progress. In fact, the back of the tunic is nearly finished, I just need a couple more hours. Here it is:

It may look rather boring to you, but on the front side the tunic will have some colourful squares. In fact, it's supposed to look like this:

I bought a dress to wear with it at the market (not so short as in the picture:), though considering our weather I should have probably better started working on a thick winter sweater:) What weather are you all having?

PS. Please pray for my neighbour. He is very sick and has a dependent wife and three children.

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