Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Philosophy Of Homemaking

Homemaking is something you can't avoid: whether you are married or single, with a bunch of kids or childless, you will have to perform at least some homemaking activities for you home to function properly. The truth is that no one can have it all, contrary to the stories MSM keeps telling us, which means that the more hours you are working outside home the less time will be left for cleaning, cooking, baking and the like, so that it's not uncommon for single people who per definition have to work to hire someone to help with the basic housekeeping tasks.

When you keep this in mind, you'll see for yourself that the traditional labour division within the family makes a lot of sense. Someone has to take care of the home front and keep the fires burning. The rumour goes that the Neanderthals died out because they lacked the division of labour between the sexes, hence their women shared in such traditionally male activities as hunting and had less and less children and thus finally disappeared. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Modern world is very complex and we can't always have what we desire, and I'm aware that some couples have a lot of debt and other problems which may force the wife to work, but I think we all could agree that it is hardly an ideal situation. The loss of home comfort can't be substituted by extra cash the working wife brings.

We live in very materialistic times when pragmatism rules the day and everything is measured by material success, yet, to paraphrase the Scriptures, what does a man profit when he wins the whole world and loses his soul? The homemaker is the soul of the home and when she leaves it, the home loses something very essential.

The same is true to a certain extent even in the case of working part-time. I guess it all depends on how you view your homemaking. You can view it as a nuisance, a boring list of chores which must be done, or you could view it as your career. In the latter case, if one wants to be successful in his career, he usually dedicates all his energy to it. Think, for instance, about a promising young surgeon or a politician. Would he search another part-time employment in addition to his main one, for instance working in the factory twenty hours a week? Well, may be, if he needed money desperately, but otherwise...

Let's be honest about it, a person, man or woman, can't succeed in both worlds. It's either one or the other. Why not make a choice and stick to it? It's only logical. I still don't get it how staying home became a synonim of oppression for women while working for the boss and keeping the house in addition to it is supposed to be liberation? Liberation from what? From your evil husband? If he is such a dastard, why did you marry him? It simply makes no sense, whatever way you look at it.

The truth is, homemaking is not at all oppressive or humiliating or debasing, it's creative, uplifting and a lot of fun, that is, if you are not a perfectionist or overcrowd yourself with too many activities. And it has to be done anyway.Why not just relax and enjoy it?