Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Election Results In The USA

 What do you all think?


  1. I think the southern states did an excellent job of repelling the woke folks who are trying to gain a foot hold down here. I knew our governor would win handily, so I'm actually more pleased about the Georgia results.

    Trump is picking a fight with Governor Desantis, which is not good.

    At the end of the day, I think the west is toast (I don't think God will allow the blood of the innocents that has been shed to go unaccounted for. It's not His M.O.) On the other hand, the left ran almost solely on abortion and it doesn't seem to have been a winning strategy, so we can glean some hope from that.

  2. Elspeth, I'm glad you are so positive because some folks were complaining! There is also talk of election fraud again. Pity about Trump and De Santis, isn't it?

    1. Texas managed to hold the line on some state offices. I'm not that enthused with the RINO Abbot, but the metrosexual the Democrats had against him was a joke. Locally, some Republicans won at the county level. The Mexican American minorities like stupid Democratic policies and their voting shows that.

      Nationally, it's hopeless. There are enough brain dead people who vote left though the Republicans are no prize. I call them the Grand Ole Poltroons.

  3. I read somewhere that only 4% of Democrats and Republicans intermarry. Soon you will be 2 different nations.

    1. I consider both parties awful, but I explicitly despise leftist and would not want such a woman in my house.

  4. A house divided against itself cannot stand...
