Friday, October 21, 2022

What Should You Do?

 Should we pray for bad people? Or should we pray that they get punished? 

Under "bad people" I don't mean someone one just dislikes, but those objectively bad like pedophiles?


  1. Pray for God's will to be done in their lives . .

  2. Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I think one point we should remember is that we are commanded to love our enemies, not God's enemies. After all, there are imprecatory psalms in the Bible, though modern Christians often try to explain them away:

  3. I've been thinking about commenting here for days, as I find praying for bad people to get their punishment problematic. But since you, Sanne, provided a link I went and read it. Obviously I have a different opinion of Psalms, as I don't consider them to be divinely inspired to the point that they hold authority to command to do something, to smash the babies, for example. Also, I find it very problematic if we think that we can (wish) harm to those who we consider our, or even Gd's enemies. We the people in general are way too much eager to point fingers and letting our egos to rule our thoughts, emotions, and acts. But, I do agree with the last paragraph that it is ok if we can refrain from cursing and praying for a specific punishment for a certain individual and instead long and pray for Gd's fair and just reign on a general level.

  4. I pray they come to know the love of God.

  5. What if it is a murderer and r8pist?

  6. I mean should we not at least pray that such types get their justice?
