Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Orders Are Orders

 We used to laugh at krauts Germans sometimes saying that they are sticklers for the rules, but recently we found out it's really true for the big part of their population.

As you probably know, masks have been largely abolished here in the Netherlands, but you still have to wear them inside in Germany and Belgium. Well, when we were on vacation the borders got finally open and we visited both these countries. In Belgium, most folks were wearing masks under their noses, the way it used to be done over here when it was mandatory.

In Germany, though...There was a village close to the border with a big supermarket which we like very much. It usually sells lots of stuff of all sorts. I will admit, I've been missing German interior design and gardening magazines so I was quite enthusiast about going there even though I had to wear my mask again. Inside we noticed people were staring at us in a funny way, I was wondering why. 

And then a lady shop assistant approached us and told us we had a WRONG SORT OF MASK ON! Ours were from fabric bought in a common store while in Germany you have to wear a special government-approved one with a number on it! A medical grade one, from a pharmacy. To say I was mad is an understatement. 

They all had theirs pulled up all the way to their eyes, btw. Ultimately it was for the best though, because while we were debating whether we should may be still go there for a couple of day, they got flooded, exactly the area which we were planning to visit.

Enfin, I guess no Germany for me this year as I'm not optimistic about autumn. In Iceland they already say the whole circus will last 15 years. We'll see...


  1. Visiting from Home Living. I live in USA and recently recovered from Covid. I regret that you were treated that way.

    I live in the middle of the US, and I cannot imagine visiting other countries like that. Which country do you live in?

    May God protect you and your family.

    Laura Lane of Harvest Lane

  2. Hello and welcome to the blog, hope you are feeling better now!

    The Netherlands.

    Thanks for the nice wishes, same to you and your family.
