Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Making A Eunuch Out Of Your Daughter

I realise that some nowadays do it literally, but I'd like to talk about a more garden variety, that is putting your daughter on the pill. Around a certain age (mostly 15) many girls suddenly develop "cycle problems". Of course, I'm quite aware that it does happen, yet for thousands of years and even until quite recently, most women managed to somehow survive without the need of taking the synthetic hormones, which they aren't apparently able to do now.

Let's be honest, we all know the real reason for this. It's so much easier to medicate your child instead of raising her properly. Some girls will become very promiscuous as a result (yet the parents forget that the miracle drug doesn't protect against STDs), while others will turn into obsessed career women. Here is one testimony from a site dedicated to helping women quit hormonal contraception:

I turned into a different person. I went from planning baby names and teaching Sunday School to being extremely focussed on academics, running every club in the school, and became an atheist. I was well on the careerist path by the time I was 16-17. I went to university, all the while still on the pill, and graduated and actually landed a career doing deals between big pharma companies.
(Read the full story here)

I'm quite convinced that the pill is one of the vehicles which makes modern "liberated" society possible. It's one of the reasons so many young women seem to totally lack maternal instinct, or that they often use their younger years "to play around", the way only men used to do. Sometimes they hook up with total losers just for fun and then the pill fails them  (or they forget to take it or they were too drunk to begin with) and they still end up a single mother or find their way to an abortion clinic.

I understand not everyone is Christian. Stuff happens. Sometimes people can be married and have a perfectly legit reason to avoid having (more) kids. I have never subscribed to the "quiverfull" mentality. Yet, there are other methods besides poisoning yourself with synthetic hormones, because that's exactly what women are doing.

The site I quoted from has an overview of other anticonception methods. Here I noticed an interesting thing. For instance, they state that FAM (fertility awareness method) could be 99% effective when used correctly and yet the official website of the American Pregnancy Association says it has 25% failure rate.

The same is true about "withdrawal method". The AP association states it has 22% failure rate, while the other side cites studies showing that withdrawal could be 96% effective when used correctly. Could there be an agenda at work here? Now if you do a search on "when a woman should stop using oral contraception" they will tell you at 50!

Yes, you heard it correct. While all women are supposedly infertile after the age 40 and need expensive medical procedures if they still desire to get pregnant, they still need to use the Pill until 50. No, it's not all contradictory. Stop noticing right now. I mean it's a pretty lucrative market, if every female aged 15-50 needs to take your product (nearly) every freaking day of her life unless she's trying to get pregnant (since most couples only want 2 kids and many younger women get pregnant quite easily you'll only lose several years income at most).

Yet the Pill has many proven side effects including suicide attempts. Here is one young woman's testimony about how the Pill messed up her health (btw, I highly recommend her YouTube channel). Most medication has side effects, even something as simple as synthetic vitamins, let alone stuff which so drastically impacts your reproductive system.

Again, Catholics appear to have been right on this one, too. And for all the  "traditionalists" out there, instead of writing how everything in the world is the fault of the women, may be take a better look at the woke corporations and government officials in bed with them?

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