Friday, October 11, 2019

Primitive Living And Other Cool Stuff

My favourite YouTuber uploaded this video a couple of days ago:

Each time I'm tramautised by another account of a soyboy young man who needs his mommy to hold his hand at any given moment of his life, Rune Malte restores my faith in European manhood:)


  1. Last time you linked this guy, I tried to make my husband watch him. But my hubby thinks Rune is rather soyboy... And I must agree. He is just a kid playing "build a hut" -games.

    Our favourite is norvegian adventurer Lars Monsen.

    He has done all sorts of epic stuff: walked alone through Canada -it took him almost three years. He had to shoot a polar bear once because it wanted to enter his hut with evil in mind. Wrote books about his journeys and survival in wilderness. He hunts and fishes and has participated Iditarod three times.

    Another cool one is danish "Bonderoven". Guy lives in his farm and does all sorts of things the old-fashioned way, living very self-supporting way, growing their own food an such. Frank is really gifted carpenter.

  2. Norwegians make really good nature/adventure programs (to promote travelling and tourism) and finnish tv is fortunately smart enough to buy them, so we can watch them online with finnish subtitles. But you can watch them even if you do not understand what they say.

  3. Oh sure he isn't hunting or something, only fishing, but sleeping in that sort of a shelter in temperatures around zero isn't that bad of an accomplishment, considering that many young men I know wouldn't even sleep 1 night in a tent at a camping but require 5 star hotels when they go on vacation:)

    Thanks for the links, I'll check them!

  4. You should also consider, btw, that this Rune guy is just an amateur filming himself, you can't compare it to a TV program. On TV they use different ways to make their episodes much more exciting, so to say.

  5. Lars Monsen films himself, too. There is no filming crew following him. He filmed his Canada-tour, also.

    Here in Scandinavia sleeping in lean-to-shelter around zero temperatures is quite mainstream. Even I have done it. All finnish hiking routes have that sort of shelters (build with big logs, of cause, really sturdy) and people can sleep in them. And they do. And when guys do their military service, they have at least one week's winter camp in the woods. They do have big tents with stoves because wether can be -25 degrees Celsius. Or colder.

  6. I wish young people here had that kind of experience:)
