Friday, September 6, 2019

Just As Promised

This is the apple pie I baked on Tuesday:

The recipe was adapted from this magazine:

Of course, I adjusted it, I usually do:) The worst thing is that I often forget the details because I never really follow the recipes exactly, which makes it rather difficult to write a post about it.

Anyway, I'll try my best. I used 6 medium size apples, peeled and thinly sliced; slightly more than 1c emmer wheat flour and slightly less than 1c all purpose wheat flour; 2tsp backing powder, ab. 10 tbsp brown sugar, cinnamon and salt to taste, 2 eggs, 200g cream (20% fat) and 2 tbsp olive oil.

Combine the apples, flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and cinnamon. Add eggs, cream and olive oil, mix well. Transfer to a greased pan and bake at ab. 190*C for +/- 30min. I glazed it with honey afterwards. It shouldn't be very sweet. You can serve it with ice cream as the original recipe says or just with a cup of tea or coffee in the evening.



  1. I never really follow recipes either. That is why I never share any.

    We just moved and owen here in the new flat is horrible. It is 30 degrees (Celsius) cooler than it should be. I had to throw one bread away, it never baked well. And I miss my gas stove so much.

  2. Sorry to hear this, hope you'll find a way to adjust!
