Monday, June 12, 2017

Good Morning, America

And my readers from all other countries, naturally. Though it's not morning over here in Western Europe. More like afternoon.

It doesn't really matter though as you favourite Weekly Housewife is with you today. I can't promise you daily, but weekly? One could always try.

We are going to start our day with some music. Originally published on Lydia Sherman's blog, this song is dedicated to a homemaker. Probably overtly sentimental, it's still nice to know there are men out there who honour housewives.

At night she puts the kids to bed
She's making sure their prayers are said...
...she's not seeking glory on this Earth
Cause she believes in honesty and
the joy of giving birth.

Amen to that.

Now on to other things. The weather is windy and cloudy (sunny right now tho), the temps lie around 20*C.  The book of the week is The Virgin In The Ice by Ellis Peters:

Can't say that I'm a great fan, but it's generally decent reading. I like some of her books better than the others. This one should really be read during winter months:) Well, never mind!

The outfit of the day which I chose to remind myself that despite piercing wind, it still summer. Or nearly summer:

All ready to go outside:

Down to the sensible shoes:

You will have to excuse me but I only wear heels on official occasions. Such as going to an opera. Not like I've been much to the opera lately. In fact, last time I can remember was several years ago in Budapest. Def something to think about. Probably making a mental note that we should go again in the near future. Or, at least, watch one on YouTube.

We all know the importance of mothers staying home with their (young) children. In fact, as documented on this blog recently, even liberal newspapers like HuffPo run articles criticising daycare. However, being a housewife encompasses more than that. I'd like to recommend to your attention a post by a fellow blogger where she describes coming home out of he workforce.

Some highlights:

Me being at home isn’t so much about my relationship with my child as it is about my relationship with my husband. It’s not about being a “stay-at-home mom.” I’m not a stay-at-home mom, I’m just a traditional wife. And this will hold true even when our daughter is fully grown.

I couldn’t reconcile the beliefs and desires of my heart with having paid employment- even part-time employment. Part-time employment is still employment.

The same people who talk about two incomes being “necessary” are the same ones who talk about how they could never give up their independence, and the women who say they wish they could be at home are the same ones who turn around and start talking about how they could never just “sit at home” depending on a man and how they love to cash in those paychecks. You do the math. I believe modern women work because of ideology, not necessity.

The last sentence is especially true. Women in much poorer countries that those of the modern West chiefly manage to stay home somehow. In the end, it all comes down to the Enlightenment values, but it's the talk for another time. Right now we are going to move to a lighter stuff. We are going to talk vegetables.

The veg of the week is cucumber:

Why, will you ask? Well, why not! Cucumber is a versatile vegetable which is mostly eaten raw nowadays, but could be stewed and has some amazing health benefits, according to this article. It will protect you from cancer, ease your heartburn, stabilise blood pressure and even, I heard increase your fertility. It's very cheap too, so go at it!

The last thing I'm going to discuss today is apple juice. No, seriously, have you ever thought about apple juice? I don't do it all the time, but today I did. When in the supermarket, I was wondering whether to save money and buy apple juice or pay more for orange juice which, at least, is supposed to have some vit C in addition to sugar. Stinginess won but coming home I was relieved to find that  it has polyphenols (supposed to be awfully good for you) and vit C, too!

Three cheers to myself for saving 30 cent:)

Well, it was all for today. The next installment of your favourite internet edition will be next Monday.
Have a great day, everyone! 


  1. This is such a good thing you are doing. It doesn't require any special subject, so it is a lot easier than other kinds of posts, and it is light hearted enough it does not weigh down a person's mood.

  2. Yeah, kinda like a transcript of a radio program:)

  3. I love this!

    I also have a thing with " seasonal" reading...matching season to my current reads. Does everyone do this?

    Your skirt is beautiful!!

    Speaking of shoes. I got out a library book on Beatrix Potter which showed her actual clogs. Which started me thinking about one of the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever had was a pair of sturdy clogs. After looking online I started noticing a brand called "Sandgrens". I believe they are swiss made? Could you share any info on that brand? I hope it's not silly to ask you that!

    God bless

  4. Oh, I should add, the clogs are out of my budget, haha. It could be a "save up for" item.

    Thank you for the info on apple juice. The children love it and much less exspensive than other juices.


  5. Mrs. O., you are welcome! I don't know anything about Sandgrens. The shoes featured in this post are HushPuppies and they are quite expensive, because it's genuine leather. However, the thing I discovered is that leather shoes are cheaper in the long run because they wear longer. The skirt comes from a second hand store, the cardi too.

    As for the books...Well, for me, it depends. For instance the very first book in Cadfael series, it's nice to re-read it in May and June, because it's such a summery book, if you know what I mean:)

  6. Now that I think of it, the t-shirt comes from a second-hand store, too, btw:) So the whole outfit outside of shoes is really a budget one!

  7. I loved this Sanne! So encouraging and inspiring. Thank you from America:)

  8. Oh how neat!

    And thanks for the link-up!
