Wednesday, December 28, 2016

From The Home Front

Hi everyone, I hope you all have had a nice Christmas with your family and friends! We've had quite a busy time and now there is still another celebration coming. Of course, here we celebrate Christmas two days instead of one:) Plus my husband had a couple of extra vacation days but is now back to work.

The weather is O.K., one day grey and cloudy, then sunny and warm, so we can't complain. No snow so far. On the minus side, a guinea pig is sick. I suspect her hour has come, but honestly, she could have chosen another time for her departure as we are in the middle of Christmastime or Yuletide, whatever you choose to call it (not politically correct Winter or Season festivities, please. We don't have them over here.)

As everybody knows, traditionally Christmastime was twelve days (or nights) between Christmas and Epiphany and before Christianity our Germanic ancestors observed Yuletide. It's a part of our unique heritage and the latest attempts to rename and reinvent it and to make it "more inclusive" are a direct attack on European identity. Luckily, in our town we still had a nativity scene and a Christmas market, as always. 

I have a couple of posts in the planning but must find time to sit down and write them, so we'll see! Till next time, yours very faithful blog hostess:)


  1. IN usa......"political correct" terms can depend on the degree one wants to use them. Depends on ethnicity and culture choices so to speak. "spirit moon" Ojibwe tongue etc.

  2. This year our state TV put out a Christmas commercial where they were celebrating "winter" instead of Christmas with Mid-Eastern food. It's a bloody disgrace.

  3. Sanne, are you familiar with Lucia tradition? Did you know that even Lucia has been politically corrected?

    I read on FB that nowadays she is a princess living in a forest so that anyone can relate to that :-) (she leaves her forest kingdom once a year)

  4. Miriam, yes, I have vaguely heard something about it:)

    The thing is that nobody over here celebrates "winter" or "the season". Most people of European descent, whether religious or not, celebrate Christmas. Some, like my housekeeper, don't, because they don't like it.

    Some ethnic groups obviously don't celebrate Christmas, though I've seen them visiting the Christmas market and taking their kids to the Nativity scene. I've never heard them complain about it being "non-inclusive", either. It's pretty much the progressive idea behind it all.

    One world liberal progs remind me the mad scientist from a 1980s movie The Fly, who wanted to blend himself, his girl-friend and their unborn child into "one happy whole."
