Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Found at Project Gutenberg: the complaint of a divorced man from the year 1709. Called The Pleasures of A Single Life, Or The Miseries of Matrimony.

Wedlock, oh! Curs'd uncomfortable State,
Cause of my Woes, and Object of my hate.
How bless'd was I? Ah, once how happy me?
When I from those uneasie Bonds were free;

The author then proceeds to describe in great detail how happy and peaceful his life used to be, until the Cursed Fiend from Hell brought a woman upon his path, who was extremely beautiful (probably a 10!)

Beauty she had, a seeming Modest Mein, }
All Charms without, but Devil all within, }

And thus he married her:

Thus thro' mistake I rashly plung'd my Life
Into that Gulph of Miseries a Wife.
With joyful Arms I thus embrac'd my Fare,
Believ'd too soon, was undeceiv'd too late;

It didn't work out too well though, as his wife was a habitual adulteress. He tried to appease her at first, but it only made matters worse:

I strugled hard, and all my Passions chekt,
And chang'd Revenge into a mild Respect,
That Good for Ill return'd might touch hear near,
And Gratitude might bind her more tan fear;
My former Love I every day renew'd;
And all the Signals of Oblivion shew'd;
Wink'd at small Faults, wou'd no such Trifles mind,
As accidental Failings not designed.
I all things to her Temper easie made,
Scorn'd to reflect, and hated to upbraid...

Thus the new Covenant I strictly kept,
And oft in private for her Failings wept,
Yet bore with seeming Cheerfulness those Cares,
That bring a Man too soon to grisled Hairs...

 For after all the Endearments I should show,
At last she turn'd both Libertine and Shrow,
From my Submission grew perverse and proud,
Crabbed as Varges, and as Thunder loud;
Did what she pleas'd, would no Obedience own,
And redicul'd the Patience I had shown.
Fear'd no sharp threatnings, valued no disgrace,
But flung the wrongs she'd done me in my Face;

He finally got enough when she switched to his servants because men of her own class wouldn´t have her any more, and filed for divorce

 On these just Grounds for a Divorce I su'd, }
At last that head-strong Tyrant wife subdu'd, }
Cancel'd the marriage-bonds, and basterdiz'd her brood. }

then swore to become MGTOW for the rest of his life

Farewel Church-juggle that enslav'd my Life,
But bless that Pow'r that rid me of my Wife.
And now the Laws once more have set me free,
If Woman can again prevail with me,
My Flesh and Bones shall make my Wedding-Feast, }
And none shall be Invited as my Guest, }

It´s probably good to remember when searching for a wife that appearance is not as important as virtue

Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. 
(give this clumsy girl with glasses a chance,she may have a heart of gold!)

Read the whole poem over here

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